White House Chinese Virus Press Briefing #2

Live now.
Deepstate is sliding the board with oil crash threads, probably to hide some big news. Maybe Tom Hanks is confirmed executed.
Putting 75 million barrels of oil into strategic reserves. "We'll get it for the right price."
Army General that is building the wall talked about and showed all the hospitals they have/are building.
Talked about making medical supplies and testing kits.

The White House

Global News



U.S. Department of State



Fox Business

Fox News

Fox 10 Phoenix

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>You just described everybody in politics
fify, and thanks leaf


Just tuned in, are we back lads?

i like listneing to trump talking about getting good prices on things :)


>Governor Hogan

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just tuning in, what did I miss?

What did I miss so far?

Is this a good episode should I tune in?

testing for all, dissidents are infected, quarantined in those lovely fema hospitals, where they can die off until only mind sludge children who are easily malleable will remain, and then they will be taught to worship the beast. smooth move .gov, smooth move.

Are there any reporters other than the cute girl from OANN that are actually supportive of the president and the administration?

"no stone unturned"

God Mike Pence sure loves stoning

Based Army Corps of Engineers general, Trump called the oil prices 'interesting' and said they would be stocking up on oil reserves 'at the right price'.

Had a loud 3-star general which was fun

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Press haven't asked questions yet so yes.

Trump topping off the oil reserves. Army engineer guy was cool, building a ton of shit in convention centers.
Trump also asked if he wanted to stick around to watch him shit on the journalists and their dumb questions.

>This press conference

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post more infographs pl0x

but its undeniable that he loves jewcocks
the positive things about him are
>hates the media
>isn't a retard like biden
>is not Hillary
>shitposts for our lulzs

Hearty laugh from me, thankyou.

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Next slide please

>Trump called the oil prices 'interesting' and said they would be stocking up on oil reserves 'at the right price'
Is he going to drain the Saudi Armada at negative prices?

Who controls the groups listed in picrelated?

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God dammit I want Dr.Birx to shrink me down and swallow me whole.
I mean jesus christ imagine how hot it would be to be popped into her mouth and squeezed down her throat into her dark, warm, and acrid stomach.

>Next slide
>Next slide

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