Why did America do this?

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liberalism is a suicide cult on a national scale. sorry

the most noble and proud animals do not breed in captivity.

also jews.

You guys are a tiny island, you don't need all that population, there is nothing wrong live the way the nordic countries live

Isn't it crowded living in between mountains on such tiny islands?

Women rights are a mistake and will always kill a country and waste its resources. Islam is right about women.

Because we are controlled by jews and have been since the beginning

Because we didn’t want to be called antisemites for not doing it. We are scared of that word and the word “nigger.” They are no no words.


>women get to work the same hours as men and hate their lives
>women all dream of the disney prince and refuse to date any average Joe, leaving 80% of the men unsatisfied

Only one who profited from this were companies, they can get double the work force for the same amount of money.


Japan should stick to a 50 million population that can self sustain without relying on foreign countries for food or construction material.
The rate of decline is too fast though, the ratio of young to old is unbalanced. They should achieve the population decline by raising the fertility rate to above 2 children per woman for about 15 or 20 years and then to about 1.8 to avoid excessive aging.

Possessed by the jewdevil.

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oops delete this please actually

if you maintain your culture fertility is irrelevant

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What do you even think Islam believes about women?

it was jews
lurk more in the future

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Let's be real here, if your men didn't spend most of their adult life having children in the mainland maybe they could've had the energy to start families back home.


When you give women rights they stop making babies.

It's happened in both Japan and USA because of ((()))

Corresponds to atom bombs dropped

You did it yourself by creating weeaboo faggotry.

why does there need to be endless growth? theres over 100 million of you you arent going anywhere and you still have the option to have lots of kids if you really want. this isnt such a bad thing.

what happened in 65?

A) Birth Rate != fertility
B) Intelligent people, unlike niggers, instinctively decrease reproduction when they don't need a million kids running around to run the farm.
C)Low population density is a good thing: Niggers and Spics breed like rabbits and there should be a hunting season on them to keep their numbers in check.

Older population means they can't defend themselves.

woah... powerful

Might have been a bad stock market crash.

Men didn't make enough so women married the state.

>lemme spin some taqiyya
You get no authority from being a filthy shitskin. All we need to know is written in the Quran.

i dont think anyone expects Japan to defend themselves by themselves and if thr United States cant defend its occupied territory then no one can.

>that long bulltrap from 1960 to 1975

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