Tfw when you realize this whole situation is part of the Anglo-Saxon plan and the Chinese have been sacraficial puppets this whole time meant to be the catalyst for WW3 and arbiter of there own destruction. No matter what happens its good knowing the Chinese will finally meet their fate.
The Anglo-Saxon Plan silver lining
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it's fucking based. they have been planning this shit for a century
Check this out. Lays out the whole plan.
More straight to the point version
based. I watched that like 2 months ago and got me excited. the America/Britain split (also Israel) is just a smoke and mirrors tactic to confuse other nations when at its core it is one empire. UK has been involved in everything the US has been but they let America and Israel take all the heat. pretty fucking genius. the best part of having a monarchy is that it allows them to think centuries at a time instead of 4 years at a time.
anyone with a brain should have seen that the anglo empire has maintained its primacy on the world stage. five eyes are better than one
yeah exactly, Carroll Quigley lays it all out in the 'Anglo-American Establishment' and 'Tragedy and Hope'. They simply pivoted towards international banking, resource extraction from third world countries, and covert ops.
I'll check that out, dont know who that is, just an observer of the world stage. just watched the short version posted above very believable especially with the rona outbreak a
hilarious that people dont realize israel is an appendage of the anglo empire, crying about muh jews while the eternal anglo laughs to the bank
it's an amazing read and I highly recommend it. bill clinton was his student and worships him.
The Eternal Anglo is the real Jew out here playing 1000D chess
Exposing documentary being suppressed:
>not trending
>off the searches
>9m views in 10 days
Carroll Quigley is supremely based. I would also recommend reading The Great Game, it explains why Britain forced us into Russiagate so they can keep competing with the Slavs for global dominance.
they are so ruthless and so cold that one can only respect just how machiavellian they are.
interesting, that makes sense though. I remember a russian general on youtube talking about how London basically wants total control of Russia's resources. and that the elites largely ditched zionism for scientology.
thanks for the links
americans are anglo. (supposed to be)
Is this Just a bunch of shills talking to each other?
Everybody knows the uk are slaves, Kikes control the banks and media, the governments, and America is saving the day with trump and q.
Fuck shills
Fuck jannnie trannies
Fuck kikes
Fuck niggers
Fuck faggots
Don’t forget to sage.
do you mean scientism? more accurately they're existentialists
lmao get your life together bud
sort of.
basically these are the people that Eisenhower spoke out against in his farewell speech
They have been competing with Russia for resources in Asia for ages, arguably NATO hedging Russia in is partially the UK wanting to make sure an old enemy never threatens them again. Trump actually endorsed this theory once and it caused massive asshurt in the UK.
It is, almost no one takes them seriously most of the time which is the best cover.
research the intelligence sharing alliances, five eyes is just the first layer, israel, south africa, south korea, who else is deep in
this is some plebbit tier shit lol
brainlet post
Some pretty good documentaries on the Round Table and how they took over the US in WWI.
Also places where they left shadow government factions to pull strings like India.
Fuck off commonwealth virgin.
if you ever listen/watch Alex Jones, these are the scientist cults he talks about.
true. the russia connection is one that remains a mystery to me, it seems a sort of agreement has been reached to try not to step on each others toes at least, although competition is still free and open between the 2 sides. the iss for example makes me think back channels of cooperation between anglo and russ is the MO for now
This is gaslighting. UK-Russia relationship dates way back and we've always had a symbiotic existence. The current drama is is just a smokescreen.
I would dare say the real special relationship is between London and Moscow which is also why both our establishments love Jews so much: they have been present in Royal and Tsarist courts for centuries.
agreed. never connected it to scientology specifically, always saw that as a goofy hollywood cult, although that's likely the first layer. the science cult is real and has led to so much expansion in capabilities its understandable why it was indoctrinated so deeply
The Anglos have only ever worked with the Russians when they want to fuck someone else in Europe over like the French or Germans. They don't really care and in fact when the Romanovs were overthrown the Bolsheviks were getting support from Wall Street.
>anglos are united
It's a power struggle with the anglo jews vs the actual anglos
Queen Elizabeth has never been to israel and is blood type 0- along with Charles and William.
She has killed royal traitors, muslims and stopped mutts from coming into royal power.
How did she get power you ask? when Hitler destroyed Britain it destroyed the jewish hold a bit and they latched on.
Parliament is responsible for the immigration which the queen can't stop.
Epstein was ordered to be killed by the queen.
Trump listens to the queen though Trump may have gone fully to the jewis side.
Boris is still alive and trump is appeasing him.
Modi has major ties with israel and is part of the corona hydroxychlroide scheme so india leadership has also been partially lost.