just got a youtube url from my semi normie gf to this one week old documentary blowing up because of tiktok or something called out of the shadows, its basically exposing hollywood completly showing all the ties, talking about jews, epstein, mkultra and so on. This is basically a win for us that have been saying this for years


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Other urls found in this thread:


They don’t mention Jews once. We know it’s the 1511 crew.

This is entry level shit, i've seen hardcore lefty shills (people i know irl) share the link on goybook
This shit is waking people up
..And that's a good thing!

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good documentary for normies and a nice refresher for vets

mouthy buddha's Pedogate 2020 is really good aswell

Also the original Link has 9 milion + views

official vid has over 9 million views youtube normies are waking up

I got about halfway through and it was all stuff I knew already. Does it get better at the end?

its just entry tier but its nice people are waking up, people find it through fucking tiktok

Doesn’t mention the jews. I turned it off.

you turned it off after watching it?
maybe your higher ups should start doing iq tests before hiring people

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This is the 2020's version of Bush did 9/11
Just on steroids

i want to redpill the shit out of her, send me some more good entry level things i can show her, holocaust preferred

It’s not waking people up if it redirects their focus away from ritual pedophilia and sacrifice in Judaism.

It's mostly entertainment
Featuring stunts, and cringy grown american christcucks crying

This. This. This.

Based, I spread it to everyone I work with and pretended that someone sent it to me as a normie thing.

They do when they talk about the holocaust.

Movie was a good primer though, very normie friendly

don’t, retard. Keep her stupid. Trust me, redpilled girlfriends are annoying as Hell.

You too didn't just wake up and think THESE FUCKING JEWS!
It took you a while to get here, a normies world would crumble if everything was spit out at them all at once.

You can't jump straight to the jq retard. If you even mention it in the beginning normies would turn it off immediately. Everyone has been inoculated with that response pattern on things that shatter your perception if reality

Even stormfags have to hide their powerlevels on jewtube. Don't be unreasonable.

we already talked about how the holocaust was based on a lot of lies and it wasnt 6 million but i wanna show her everything...

Start with modern day hoaxes and lies.
then ask her to find out who made money off of these things

Europa the last battle or the greatest story never told? Congrats on the gf waking up. Wish you the best

how about this one, 6 days 700.000 views


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Why is it that this post is in every one of these threads?

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I have too much free time

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This argument crumbles when you realize 90% of the viewers of that video are Qoomers who watched it after he posted it.
Why would Q want people to watch a documentary that misdirects them away from the JQ? hmmm almost like Q is a Jewish psyop.

I bet it's easier to rape and eat a child than creating this infograph

>youtube jews censor everything they dislike.
>very few vids escape this censorship and when they do they usually hide behind "humor" or have low views.
>new documentary comes out that is supposedly gonna btfo the Hollywood pedophiles (jews)
>gets 9 million views and is still up after a week
I'm gonna have to say this is a glowie OP to diver attention away from jews and focus it on satanic panic.... again.
>inb4 optics!
Anything that doesn't explicitly name the jew can be used to subvert attention away from jews.

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We all do these days I guess.

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This woman is disturbing.

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>they can't mention the tribesmen because it will turn indoctrinated normie away!
Cop out

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Most people sort of know it's the Jews given how they have been causing civil strife in NYC with their own "Gentrification" processes. The Hasidic enclaves. They clearly know but cannot say.

probably a reason for that aswell

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If it just repeats "they've been lying to us, they, they they..." and not mentioning Rothschild or Israel, it's a waste of time.

THIS. 100%. They’ll watch it, have a deep convo about ‘the elites’, then go back to smoking week. When I watched 9/11 shit in high school, it did NOT redpill me or lead me down the ‘rabbit hole’. In fact it pacified and confused me. I wrote it all off as a weird conspiracy that may or may not be true, but who cares about ‘shadowy secret elites who can never be named’. Years later an Alt Hype video about Jews ACTUALLY redpilled. This ISN’T an entry. There is NO mention of race, anti-white agenda, or jq. This documentary will do more harm than good.

Do I even want to know what all that shit is? The Office dude is making pizzagate jokes, and is with the Hellboy lady?

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>main source is a stunt double
Seems legit. I'm sure the elites would keep someone like him in their inner circle lmao.

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