According to CDC deaths from all causes are below average for all weeks since February except one. Pandemic confirmed!
Usa deaths from all causes below average
But Trump!
People don't go out to be murdered by niggers.
People are healthier for not going to taco bell. Sure they don't walk either but mutts already don't do that usually.
So going full retard on civil liberties is good because it’s effective weather or not there is a killer flu?
I'm all for ancap lolbergautism, but the short answer to that question is yes. Most people lead unhealthy lives to the point that being locked up at home is a net positive in terms of bodily health.
Trump should start running on a platform that he lowered heart attacks and deaths by pneumonia. At least that will get the left to start screeching and admit the count is fucked.
Are you implying this is being done for peoples well being? Do you only see positive things coming from disrupting the world supply chain during a biblical plague of locusts? Keep in mind these are the same talking heads that march us to war over B.S.
this is so low IQ you must be trolling MIGApedes
These people don’t understand numbers somehow, they still say with a straight face it’s 4-5% deadly.
Explain how this reflects numbers from a pandemic.
The virus wasn't widespread in February until the last week, that you decided to cut out because why exactly? That means all 15,000 deaths occurred in a course of 7 days, the same way 40,000 have occurred in the course of the last 30 days with severe movement restrictions in place. You are so motherfucking retarded, but for the record, I support opening everything up to kill all of the mentally deficient old MIGApede civ nats like yourself.
>>Are you implying this is being done for peoples well being?
No. I'm not ironic in my previous post. I'd be ok with ordering amphetamines and child brides on amazon to enjoy on my nuclear powered frigate-yacht. So don't civil liberties me.
It's simply a fact that people live unhealthy lives. I'm not saying we should stop them being retards.
They're just guessing at this point arent they? You will reach 60k before the end of april
>decreased heart attacks
>decreased pneumonia
Literally no one on Yas Forums was basing what they believed off of models that didn't even exist when we were sounding the alarm about this. It's a nothing burger strawman to point to because they're too fucking retarded to look at data and virus characteristics themselves and make a judgement call. Like all dumb fucks, they defer everything to authority, all while pretending like their IQ is above room temperature.
Did you even bother clicking the link?
OP's picture is cropped, it counts everything up to last Sunday included.
It only counts confirmed deaths by death certificate, but even using the meme number you see in the ebin meter often posted, it would barely reach the expected number of deaths in the time period.
Influenza deaths have plummeted this year. What a cohencidence
The whole reason we sounded the alarm in the first place is because China was killing Wuhan citizens who had it, that was literally why we blew it up
>Did you even bother clicking the link?
>two more weeks bro, just you wait!
Low iq confirmed. I’ll give you another chance to try and make a point, how would death rates be below average and a pandemic coexist?
>deaths in the US increased by 4 times in the past two weeks
You sure you want to play that game
>death rates below average
Is that an atypical amount of people dying? Seeing as how presumptive deaths are included in covid numbers...
Yeah, no media anywhere has addressed the videos of shitty apartment highrises being welded shut back in january and early february. how many starved to death in those buildings?
Yes, average mortality is way up in the most affected states
Share link to chart source?
I’m basing this on C.D.C. data, wheres your source?
oh look at that convenient 1 year gap with unavailable data. is it unavailable because its been added into that last spike?
>source:NYT analysis of CDC data
CDC data by state rather than CDC data for the entire USA.
So specific places where people are old and sick in general?
its 28,000 people dead in two weeks.
Tharrrr she blows my dude.