world war two 2: ching chong street poo
World war two 2: ching chong street poo
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Happened already in 1962
I wouldn't be so sure that Russia and NIK would fight alongside China, and I doubt Germany and the Scandanavian countries would fight on our side
Would Russia really side with the chinks?
They are bro-tier.
No way South Sudan would be on the same side as Sudan.
I'm more confident that the Russians would side with us than krautistan
>Germany and the Scandanavian countries would fight on our side
Why? What makes you think we are going to side with the fuckign disgusting chinksectoids.
Whoops. Please explain.
Start the invasion already, mutt
I want implicit punishment on the bug people for unleashing this virus
Russians would never side with chinks
Because Angela Merkel hates Trump with every ounce of her being. I think Merkel hates America and Trump more than she dislikes China. In fact, I don't think she has any negative feelings toward China. At most I think Germany would provide minimal material support to America, but wouldn't contribute troops or get their hands dirty. Although I'm less familiar with the leaders of Scandinavian countries, they seem like pretty big virtue signalers and Trump haters as well. As for Russia, I don't think they would get involved in the war because they have too much to lose. What are they going to do, deploy their small and decrepit army as cannon fodder? Or use nukes and get nuked in return? And what would they gain?
North Korea would have no choice. They are China's puppet.
Russia is a purely opportunistic country that would see a chance to gain land in Europe and gain China as a partner to sell resources and arms to.
When Russia (even non-belligerently) takes China's side in the war, it'll trigger war with Northern Europe.
Norway and Russia hate each other.
Germany hates Russia and views it as a serious threat to its hegemony over the EU. There's a reason Merkel calls for an EU army.
Swedes are fags, but there's been heavy diplomatic fallout between the nations the past few years.
I'm going to side with whichever side wants to btfo the chinks.
Both of them are basically China's colonies right now. They don't have to fight for each other, just on the same side.
Like Britain and the USSR in Round 2
The Russians have no desire to "gain land" in Europe beyond eastern Ukraine and Belarus, which they effectively own already. Any territory that they take over which isn't majority Russian has to be occupied by force, which costs manpower and money that they don't have. At this point, I think Putin's main goal is to increase Russia's political influence to give itself "breathing room", but not territorial gain. They can do all of that without getting into a catastrophic world war. And if Germany hates Russia so much, why do they keep buying all their oil and gas from the Ruskies when America would happily sell to them?
You might, but your government won't. Is there any serious opposition to Merkel and whichever party she leads in Germany?
>what are the baltics
And Germany doesn't buy oil from America bc Russian oil is less expensive with the infrastructure already in place.
Merkel and Germany have also long warned about the dangers of being dependent on Russia for oil. It's not like they're happy about it.
You know, we will sell copper to US and China, and see how you kill each other with our copper. And gas.
>what are the Baltics
countries that the Russians would love to have influence over, but would not want to occupy by force. Russia's demographics and economic situation make any occupation of foreign countries (that aren't majority Russian) suicidal. So that's why Russia has spent so much time poking and probing NATO without actually going to war. They want to have a sphere of influence without having to fight a real war for it.
>Germany keeps buying oil and gas from Russia because it's easy
That kind of defeats your point that Germans hate Russia and would go to war with them if given the chance. If Germany truly hated Russia and was itching for a war, they would have ended their dependence on Russian oil a long time ago. They would also have a functioning military. They clearly don't intend to fight Russia
I feel like Russia doesn't want to be part of it. They'd probably sit hands off and if China gets weak, they gain some extra land.
The middle east seems out of commission, and SEA wouldn't matter or get involved.
South Africa's having food riots
Overall I think most of the world right now isn't fit for any kind of war.We should annex Canada just in case, though.
>muh Trump haters
not everything is about the orange man you retarded /ptg/ newfag cancer
I fucking love Russian people. I have a few in my online friend group, they're crazy but I fucking love them.
I always hate how America-Russian politics seems sketchy. I don't like Putin that much, seems shady, and I think the general American feeling towards Russia is not great.
More than anything I want a war to start that will bring us together. I want Russians and Americans to be bros :(
It's one of many reasons that Germany would refuse to fight alongside America against China. Germany would gain literally nothing from it, which would make it politically suicidal for Merkel to jump into WW3. On top of that, the German people would be even less supportive of going to war because they would perceive it as doing Trump's bidding, and Trump has extremely low approval in every poll done in Germany. If someone like Obama was president, Germans would be a little more enthusiastic because their media kissed Obama's ass nonstop. But more and more, Germans don't even see America as an ally anymore
>The Russians will just sit it out and then gain some land once everyone's been weakened
This isn't a game of Civ buddy
I have yet to been shown that it isn't.
It really depends, if Russian govenment gonna have pee in the head, or not.
If they have pee in the brain, they will be on Chinese side 100%.
If they have some brain left, they would be with everyone else.
Russia is friendly with China, but they've been friendly with India for longer. They would sit this out.
>b-b-but Trump
>b-but Obama
You're a very simple person
Argentina will be on the evil team, they're always on the evil team.
Well it turns out "gaining land" is very expensive, both in money and in lives. There are very small chunks of land that Russia would like to make its own, such as Crimea (which it already has). But Russia's military is too decrepit and its economy is too weak for them to be fighting major wars of occupation. Their main goal is to have a sphere of influence, not an enlarged land empire
Do you actually think Germany would lift a finger to fight in WW3 against China? How could Merkel sell that to the German people? What would Germany gain from fighting in WW3 against China? You're the simple one my leaf friend
Aren't Russians cool with India?
I think Russia should take the stans back.
I seem to recall a big shitshow in the 90s when Russian administration of the stans failed and led to stan on stan violence
>Indonesians in an alliance with China.
Yeah never gonna happen. They murdered a million commies in their own homeland before they could even think about overthrowing the gov.
The United Kindgom has lost it's will too.
Some of us would fight for hong kong if it weren't for the fact that it would just become an extension again of our own shitty society.
The 'stans have a combined population of 75 million and Russia has a population of 147 million. So to take over the stans would be like America conquering Mexico. Subjugating and policing so many people would take a huge effort from Russia, and they would gain nothing from it. The governments of the stans are fairly friendly with Russia- for example, Russia's space program still launches from a site in Kazakhstan, and they have several military bases in those countries. So Russia has absolutely no reason to invade unless Putin just has a crippling autistic spasm and wants to make Russia look bigger on the map
Do you actually think that has anything to do with Obongo or the Orange Yid?
You are just a pleb that is still getting directions from a dead era
Normal plebs are getting directions from today
They will do as they're told just like you do as your told by dead men
I still think your government might drag you into a war with China though. Australia and New Zealand would be on the frontlines, and I don't think a Tory-led government would abandon them. Also, while britbongs might be less in love with America than they were in the past, I don't think they nearly as skeptical as Germans
>We should annex Canada just in case, though.
Please do!
I can't wait to be liberated from the communist we have as Prime Minister.
>Implying we are not Chinese puppets.
You gringos lost so much influence over the years. You are in for a ride now, and you are in it alone.
Germany is going non-aligned this time
Serbia is Red as fuck.
Have you ever talked to a German person? It has everything to do with kissing Obama's ass and then hating le ebul orange man. My aunt lives in Germany (she married a German guy) and she's lived there since the 1980s. Now that she's had decades to soak in Germany's media, she absolutely hates Trump and thinks that he personally asked a German pharmaceitucal company to reserve its first coronavirus vaccine for him should they succeed in making one. That kind of hatred would make it impossible for Merkel to go to war with China on America's behalf, even if she wanted to