Trudeau would wipe the fucking floor with trump...

Trudeau would wipe the fucking floor with trump. If international politics were decided by physical combat then canadians would dominate americans and our pathetic fat leader. Canadians would have a metaphorical high heel stomping on our small american penis because of how weak and inferior donald trump is to justin. Justin would only need to throw a single punch to donald trump and he would probably fill his pants with shit from his awful mcdonalds diet and obesity. Ive already taken steps towards paying and submitting to canadians so that when they attack us i am spared. I suggest all americans do the same

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Other urls found in this thread:

Trudeau is better at being in dhape than running a country, thats for sure.

If physical fights determined politics, then this old dude would be the pm. Then I would kick his ass and become pm

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Now post those Canadian cock concubine pics


This one?

Attached: 1AC8AD13-1A3C-4712-9DC6-D881E49E2C3B.jpg (781x731, 50.81K)

No, the ones with the shitty photoshopped Mounties and shit

Idk what ur talking about

From the country that just got another lesson in why disarming is a bad idea. Yeah right. Americans would just shoot your fag asses. GLHF.

Maybe someone will be nice enough to show you

Trudeau is boss, fuck you mutts, webm shows it all you fucking niggers.

Attached: 1571126986536.webm (1024x576, 2.95M)

Trump is basically a norman wardrobe. As tall as large. He has just to sit on this little twink.

*bombs ur rural shithole shack*
Amazing gun you got there

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Bombs from Canada? Nah. Doesn't exist.

>str fags coping that dex fags wouls destroy them

Willpower from america? Nah, doesnt exist

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this is gay as fuck

Willpower in the face of nothing? Sure

lmao this shit.
>If we change some of the parameters of a match we would totally win

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>literal treason commited by your government constantly selling your country out to china and ripping your constitution in half
>americans still wont use their 2nd amendment
If canada invaded you would just roll over and take it like the good pathetic mutt you are while they torture ur balls.

are you actually putting up a thread about your black faced transexual PM
physically beating up a 73 year old man as your premise?
is this the state of leftists?

>If Canada invaded

>If canada invaded roo wrood just rorr over and take it rike the good patetic mutt roo arr rile they torture ur barrs.

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Fucking newfag

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I was crying laughing at this post bro

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He's magnificent

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>If internal politics were determined by a cock sucking contest, then Trudeau would win!
>t. canuck faggot

Easily the dumbest shit I have EVER seen.


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>t.obese mutt

Yeah, treaduex would also win a cocksuckers competition with his arms and legs chopped the fuck off. You get Faggot of the Day award you ignorant leaf fuck.

Trump at Turdeus age would smash him.
He knocked out his 2nd grade teacher, thats pretty beast for a 7 year old to KO a adult.

>if Canada invaded
Well, for sure IF

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Have you been asleep or sucking trudeaus cock for the last 5 years?

This is a good one