Microsoft's Mark of the Beast

Here it is, brought to you by the most evil man on earth, Bill Gates.
A digital currency based on you performing whatever work the government wants you to do, it tracks you and combing this with UBI, quantum dot tattoos, there ya go, John bog wasnt crazy.

"Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system. A server may provide a task to a device of a user which is communicatively coupled to the server. A sensor communicatively coupled to or comprised in the device of the user may sense body activity of the user. Body activity data may be generated based on the sensed body activity of the user. The cryptocurrency system communicatively coupled to the device of the user may verify if the body activity data satisfies one or more conditions set by the cryptocurrency system, and award cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified."

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Other urls found in this thread:

Give me a 'facebook' example of how this will be sold to normies?

i.e. Facebook is a perfect backdoor for the NSA to have a file on anybody.

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Pure coincidence it's 060606. Really, you guys need to stop nit picking everything. Everything is not a conspiracy. Many things are as they seem. It's your boredom that drives you to over analyze stuff.

You ARE a shill

>Pure coincidence it's 060606

I would tend to agree, but it just so happens they fucking LOVE numbers.

Get a hobby twat. Seriously this is a new low for Yas Forums.

>I would be logical but it just so happens I'm irrational

So much for us Europeans being rational. You two are a shame to our continent. The American mutts are supposed to be the conspiratorial retards, not us.

How the fuck is this even political? This should be on the technographical board.

What if I told you that this is one big slide op designed to keep your eyes away from the real happening?
You figure it out.

Show flag

the beast 6 6 6

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Stop trolling the mutts

they might not even realize you’re trolling

Tell me WHY you think it's not the mark
I'll listen to your point, friend

Nah, he’s just a garden variety troll, probably not even from Europe. A real shill would be a lot more subtle and harder to instantly refute.

You can tell shills because they try to distract, take you on a tangent away f rom their pet political projects or whatever. They don’t give you such an obvious setup like did. They’re more likely to invoke some other vocal group (like pro/anti vax, militant a/theism etc) to drown out your voice entirely, or they just stuff the boards with “how can x even compete?” to slide the thread into oblivion.

I'm scared

Coincidence doesn't exist, into quantum mechanics memeflag.

Let’s establish a couple of things. First, what exactly is that serial number? Is it the name of the chip they’re using? Or is it some sequential number in a sea of millions of other numbers, with this one just happening to line up with biblical prophesy? For example, do we find “chip-2020060607” immediately after this in a list?

I'm European. My flag is where I belong.

FUCKING LOL the onus is on you to prove the Bible first.

Every fucking time.

>He's a shill!
>He's a troll!
Nope. I'm just somebody who has a brain and doesn't believe this Christcuck bullshit.

>He's not from Europe!
LOL stay mad amerimutt. Do Ameritards make retarded conspiracy theories to cope with not being European?

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Its not a serial number, it's the patent number. If you'd take enough time away from beating off to pics of hitler, you'd see that

I'm not religious. I belive in a maker, and that he's good, but not neccesarily the Christian way
It might be coincidence, might not.. i'm too dumb for this shit man, i don't wanna live in a NWO world, i'm only fucking 18

What does it mean then?
Why are you so agressive?

>I'm not like the other theists.

Also I’m not saying the number being sequential disqualifies this from being some kind of cultish thing (or just a chance to scare the devout Christians). For example, if a company n’umbers its chip designs sequentially, it’s be suspicious if they just happened to decide to assign their 666th chip to the rfid payment thing.

Not super up to my bible knowledge. Does the mark come before the beast/antichrist? And to all the retards, the statistical likelihood that the last six numbers spell out 060606 as a pure coinkidink is statistically impossible

Nah we do it to watch your tryhard troll antics.

Because I'm fucking suck of this shit. Conspiracies aren't everywhere. It's just bored people trying to find shit that isn't real and then people start to believe it and it's problematic. Retards will become convinced there is something bad with this patent even though it will help enrich people.

He doesn't have to prove the Bible, the stories are set and transcribed through hundreds of generations. The burden of proof is on you to correlate how it's not relevant, since that was your claim to begin with. Ad homs, strawman, and non sequitur replies don't apply. Also, show flag.

>he disagrees so he's a troll
Retard. People have different views than you.

ENRICH people?! It's unnatural and immoral to implement something like this

>Bill Gates
>wants to decrease world population
>The cryptocurrency system communicatively coupled to the device of the user may verify if the body activity data satisfies one or more conditions

Getting paid to masturbate?

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Antichrist proposes the mark of the beast after he attains global prominence.

Did you not read the patent? All it does is pay you for your labour. Think of all the work/labour people put in outside their jobs that goes unpaid. This is a great idea because all labour is compensated.

You are interfering with nature, playing god on your owm species.

The number of the beast in Christian dogma is 616, not 666.
You've read a bad translation

vaccines good. if you get your vaccine, it shows up as a credit on your "account." If you don't have whatever we deem as "good," then you are seen as a less productive member of society.

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>falling for obvious bait

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Thanks user. So it could be Bill. I saw some image of his father with the rotchilds, Soros etc. This and the tattoo and him having the patent for covid 19 is sinister as fuck. Not to mention the whole event 201. Is there more mentioned about the antichrist? That would collaborate or disprove theories about who it could be?

Hitler’s not my type.

It being a patent number makes a coincidence more likely. Patent numbers have dates right? Can someone check if this particular patent number was assigned out of sequence?

Another possibility— someone at the patent office didn’t like what he was reading and decided to give it this number to call attention to it and get the public rallied against it.

I mean, stirring up public fear like this would have to be the last thing the planners of these policies want.

nature is that which exists. All technology is natural. And we are our own God's in that we are in control of our own morality/reality given that there is a void of constructs without our labour to fill that void.

616 is mentioned in one old scroll or some other place. I can't remember exactly. While 666 is mentioned loads of places. Do you have any receipts that it's really 616?

Sometimes people like this end up unintentionally (or maybe intentionally) moving the conversation forward. By giving people a setup to explain why this shit is nuts.

If you want some media to consume, try the left behind books/tv/movie series. It's entertaining enough. For a better, well rounded sense of what's going to happen, read a Bible, and understand that the rapture has to happen first and foremost, though the specific events the Bible predicts is open to interpretation.

Chip goes in arm
Chip gives you things to do
Things to do give you cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrency is used to buy goods
If they don't like you they turn your chip off
You can now no longer transfer currency, thus you cannot buy or sell

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>And we are our own God's in that we are in control of our own morality/reality
Literally what Satan preaches.