Who here is an ACTUAL Nazi, and not just a retarded white midwest American right wing larper...

Who here is an ACTUAL Nazi, and not just a retarded white midwest American right wing larper? I'm talking about actual totaltarian State authoritarianism that subjagates both left and right wing dissenters with extreme force and crushes both communist and capitalist elements in society?

Attached: Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-J16133,_Lettland,_Appell_der_SS-Legion.jpg (797x523, 154.62K)

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Uh yeah authoritarianism is based if that's what's necessary to secure the interests of the Volk, sure

Already coming in glowing but I'll bite.....I'm definitely authoritative right
>right wing Midwest white
Damn dat hurt

you smell like Tel Aviv

Why glowing? Its not illegal to be pro nazi in usa.

Not a nazi, but a right-wing statist. Most people are unfortunately not in favour in such policies because they prefer abusing drugs, smoking, polygamy, abortion, religious nonsense, engaging in drinking/frequent sex and high-risk behaviour which deteriorates the country.

Getting through with these policies on a societal level is probably not possible via democracy, even though it'd highly benefit humanity, public health and the country.

>the nazis were evil crushers

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You can count me in. Most people there don't understand what labor backed currency is about, what the national socialist economic system is about (tip: it's not just fucking keynesianism, it is closer to yugoslavia-style socialism with labor backed currency) and don't know what do national socialism stands for. People here just think natsoc is about american conservatism with authoritarianism and getting black people to live in concentration camps. In the past this board was a constructive melting pot of serious third-positionist supporters which could organize or just debate and inform other anons about what really is fascism and nationalsocialism. Now is just trumptards larping and being controversial for the sake of being controversial.

Attached: unnamed.jpg (512x381, 22.03K)

Here I am.

Attached: Reichsadler.jpg (378x378, 76.66K)

I’m becoming a NAZI, unironically. The more I read and understand uncle Adolf, the more I sense that he has been horribly slandered. He wasn’t a brute or a cartoon villain. He needs to be re-evaluated with clear eyes, without Jewish hysteria.

Sounds like a lot of (((allied))) propaganda

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Libertaranism is trash.

I am, you gotta do what's necissary to ensure the prosperity and happiness of the volk.


>Be Germany
>Declare yourself the master race
>Declare everybody else subhuman
>Start the biggest war in the history of this planet

Look at the pic related. BEHOLD THE UBERMENSCH.

Attached: 1587368035657.jpg (2316x1700, 1.91M)

I thought ((((((((allied)))))))) propaganda was all about "muh holocaust" "muh far right evil natzees" and not about them positioning against the two heads of the high finance capitalist hydra, communism and liberalism

Happy Birthday, Uncle.

Attached: It's time to Kampf.jpg (417x278, 53.99K)

>Most people are unfortunately not in favour in such policies because they prefer abusing drugs, smoking, polygamy, abortion, religious nonsense, engaging in drinking/frequent sex and high-risk behaviour which deteriorates the country.
>Getting through with these policies on a societal level is probably not possible via democracy, even though it'd highly benefit humanity, public health and the country.
I agree. Democracy brings out the worst in people.
Everyone thinks about his own good first and how to offload the fulfillment of that onto society at large. Notice how it's always "the societies" fault when something goes wrong in democracies, ie. the others in totality are somehow not preventing it. But when there is a illiberal proposal emerging to solve the issue then everybody screams out of their lungs because they smell a limitation on their personal liberties.
Societies only work if there is a strong authoritarian figure at the top who calls the shots and has the best of the whole in mind.

I don't know if I am
But I would join the Nazi party if it became real again

I just want a small council of mysoginist jacked gymcels who obsess over every detail about natural testosterone production to govern every aspect of life lads, why it is so hard.

These conspiratards are quite braindead. Everything is a conspiracy, nothing's true, no one's genuine, everything is astroturfed by corporate lobbyists or NGOs. Laughable.

>Starts WWII
Learn history, Pollack.

The nazis failed, but National Socialism will succeed


>attack a country that has a deffensive agreement AGAINST AGRESSION BY YOU SPECIFICALLY with the UK
>Act butthurt when the UK declares war on you
Not to mention that the perfidious nazi was too scared to officially declare war on Poland and needed a literal false flag attack and then illegally invaded. Oh, and they invited their best friend MOTHERFUCKING JOSEPH STALIN to join in.

kys memeflag

Absolutely. I hope this current pandemic continues to expose the flaws in our current political systems. It isn't looking good right now though, people seem more supportive of the government and our authorities than ever before, quite worrying.

Greed, selfishness, destructive conduct and hostile mobs trying to stifle oppositional 'wrongthink' by emotionally screaming should be crushed. First, socially in the debate and in public whenever an opportunity arises, and eventually by the state. Can't wait for a systematic reformation.

How do you do Mr. Fed?


> Be Germany
> Nationalize large companies, nationalize banking
> issue currency to generate goods and products, matching the monetary mass in proportion to the real quantity of goods and value existing in the national economy (with fixed prices and eliminating the excess with taxes to avoid inflation)
> you do not need capital to start the economy and generate employment and wealth, you only need inputs and unemployed labor
> International trade based on barter, which causes high-quality German products to be exchanged for goods and inputs (such as Romanian oil in exchange for German automobiles for example) at a lower cost than the products of capitalist nations such as Great Britain at a price of coins backed by huge gold reserves
> Germany goes from total bankruptcy to utopia
> Liberation of the German people from the yoke of high capitalist finance
> Creation of a volksgemeineschaft, a popular community
> Self-sufficiency both nationally and at the level of ordinary Germans
> High finance begins to get nervous
> Economic blocking
> The Germans need the Danzig corridor to connect East Prussia with the rest of the country
> The Germans claim the Danzig corridor
> The Poles begin to kill the Germans in their territory with the support of the allies
> Germany sends six peace offers and twelve solutions to the situation
> all rejected
> Germany declares war on Poland
> The capitalist world takes advantage and declares war on Germany
> The Soviet Union declares war on Poland
> The capitalist world supports and allies with the Soviet Union
> At the end of the war, all of eastern europe surrenders to the Soviets including poland
> Genocide against the Prussians
> "They were racial supremacist" demonstrated fake by pic-related
> "They wanted to conquer the world" when it was pretty much the opposite, they just wanted self determination
> Globalist financiers take over the world and destroy nations with social engineering

Educate yourself

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>The Poles begin to kill the Germans in their territory with the support of the allies
Source me on this Pablo. Oh, that's right. You literally can't since it never happened.
>Germany sends six peace offers and twelve solutions to the situation
They didn't. In reality they wanted to cut my country from the sea which was unacceptable. Plus, trusting Hitler after Czechoslovakia, please.
>Germany declares war on Poland
Didn't even declare war, instead illegally invaded. First act of the war was bombing a small town that had zero military value.
>The capitalist world takes advantage and declares war on Germany
It's called an alliance brainlet.
>The Soviet Union declares war on Poland
Soviets invaded solely due to being fucking allied with Germany. Yeah, your beloved meme heroes worked hand in hand with communists to destroy a country that has singlehandedly saved the continent from bolshevik invasion 19 years prior.
>At the end of the war, all of eastern europe surrenders to the Soviets including poland
Ah, being sold by Americans and British is called "surrendering", gotcha.

Nigger mind your country, you have like 30% unemployment and consequently keep electing socialist governments who are more and more degenerate each time.

This thread gives me hope