Happening Predicted Last Night

Last night some anons notice that the gcp dot turned dark blue and flat line for a few hours. This has never happened before and we thought it was a glitch. If it wasn't a glitch it would be a happening today.

That happening was confirmed with the global oil prices going negative for the first time in history.

Last night thread

Oil Price biz thread

Attached: 1587358305911.jpg (389x236, 30.96K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Weird that's exactly when I took my nap



Digits for Free Energy

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twelve hours apart. both off the chart.

Attached: imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-BuSlQ4UInfq.jpg (1816x1968, 533.3K)

There were some nice digits in those threads this morning

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Schumann resonance was also off the charts

Attached: 7602FBAE-191D-47EE-A3CC-4E5D7169067C.jpg (1540x460, 281.02K)

fucker went blue again

Attached: bluedot.png (607x653, 105.6K)

back down again.....

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why are you taking naps at times like this?

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What is this?

Gong blue doesn't mean much. Going dark blue and flat lining for a few hours is what threw it off. It meant that global synchronicity was at 100% convergence.

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>It meant that global synchronicity was at 100% convergence.
Yeah because it was 420

Attached: Screenshot_92.png (728x139, 4.56K)

>posting in schizo thread
t-t-thank you reddit ??

Good call, I jumped the gun. Not quite the 100% absolutely happening purple level from this morning.

Strange things happening in our world, huh?

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drump corona briefing is starting.....

Attached: stoners.jpg (225x225, 8.45K)

which website did you go for this?

I reckon it is aliens

The flatline blue dark 100% synchronicity convergence is what matters.

Attached: GCP1.png (606x653, 304.69K)

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everything but the kitchen sync

Attached: CO-VID-19_Synchronicity.jpg (4559x2034, 1.66M)

We’re all on the same page. If you close your eyes, and allow yourself to feel it you will.

Attached: 595DAD1F-D1C3-492F-86A3-C91EA4047278.png (828x1792, 1.16M)

hmm... thought these guys are astrologers but maybe they are onto something after all

I feel almost magical

No digits needed fren

Astrologers are some of the only people who actually are onto something.

>Hitler's birthday
>Anomalous GCP dot behaviour
>Oil industry plummets
>Petrodolar in danger
What did they mean by this?

> re-opening guidelines
> recent deaths are down
> paycheck protection program going through senate - hopes for a vote
> record low price of oil - filling up strategic reserves - top it off
(prepping for war or readying for the end of gasoline/diesel for the goyim?)
> unified effort to defeat virus blah governors blah testing blah ventilators blah great labs in NY blah hospital beds blah
> DoD Army General is giving a briefing...incoming powerpoint presentation

If you read predictions for this year, it reads like a memory.