What's wrong with the Georgia Guidestones?

What's wrong with the Georgia Guidestones?
Seems pretty reasonably to me.

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Aliens built it.

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>kill 7 billion human.
>Thinks he's one of the chose survivors thus reasonable.

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you realize you and your family/any loved ones you have aren't included in that 500,000 right?

Keynes does not accept limited growth and colleges only accept Keynes.

Doesn't say anything about killing people. The best and humane way to reduce world population is to just reduce reproduction.

*In africa

>theyre going to peacefully force billions of people not to breed

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Maybe the sterilizing agent's in Bill's vaccine shots. Or porn.

>just reduce reproduction.

And your plan to enforce that is .... ??

Porn and tranny acceptance are undoubtibly some kind of population control but it can still only do so much. Especially if you consider how these same elites want to mongrolize europe into Kalergi's dream but you cant do both. So who fucking knows what their endgame is and their means to it.

Fuck off Bill. Nice VPN faggot.

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What an embarrassment of riches, absolute cringe. Deserves to be vandalized the same way it vandalizes it’s surroundings.

Everything is wrong about it. I'd love to stick a bunch of (non)religious symbols around it, complete with their own verses and scriptures. Have people pick and choose instead of the dystopic fantasy of this being an object necessarily recovered for future use by later humanoid tribes.

The people who champion these ideas do so falsely unless they lead by example, as is the case with all ideas.

There are some stories how the shots are used to sterilize in Africa. The feminizing thing is useful for middle-class slaves.

The low-intelligence invasion is a series of punches in the stomach, to raise demand for a police state, and maybe lower salaries, but that's not too important is it.

This economic shutdown by viral hysteria is good for concentration of capital. Expect some New-Deal style smart city building.

Elite whites and Jews go happily together. Soros would blend in perfectly in Finland.

Ted Turner is an alien?

road trip once this 'Rona blows over? Sandblast the fuckin things.

I cannot wait until the day comes that i drive up there with a backhoe and chains and we pull these fucking turdstones down and smash em to pieces. Then we will burn numerous effigies of Bill Gates and his buddy Jeffrey Epstein.

Offer everyone punch and pie if they don't have babies. Seriously though, financial compensation for sterilization would work great with those least desirable to advanced society to reproduce.

What if the guide stone was actually made with the purpose to give survival rules to the survivors of the nuclear holocaust since it's been made during the Cold War and things seemed that the war would turn hot?

Israel did that to Jews from Ethiopia. Didn't even tell the women they were being sterilized, just told them it was to make them healthy. Israel didn't want blacks but they couldn't refuse to let Jews in so sterilizing them was the way of getting around the impact of the Right of Return for black Jews.

Look at how fucked up the world is over the paltry padded number of Boogyman Flu deaths, and imagine dropping the population to 500 million. Nukes are going off, it won't be pretty, and it's not living in harmony with nature. Not something you would want to do on purpose.

Wouldn't it make more sense to install them in a country that's not targeted in a nuclear war?
They're owned by the county government which likes the tourist money they bring in. The bubba sheriff will fill you full of holes if you mess with the reason his brother's cafe nearby gets any business.

I've been thinking the same thing for years. Reducing the global population down to 500 million to be in harmony with nature sounds great compared to the current NWO which is to just flood every country with brown shit and overpopulate everything into a pile of consumer sludge

Why did Shia LaBeouf do this?

Too much effort and not enough of a scene. These things only gain their value in destruction. I’m schizo enough to belief this was by design, and it is built to be dismantled. These fuckers are 5 steps ahead remember so you have to acknowledge the intelligence disparity and think outside the box when dealing with illuminati cunts.

I would join a ragtag team of tradies that work for a coring company and order elemental magnesium from aliexpress to ignite packages of rust and alluminium deposited into the cores

>thinking there aren't competing shadow govs
user, you do know lizards and jews aren't' the same, right?

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It's getting interesting. I'm wondering what should I do, if they start checking my vaccine status at the airport from now on. I've got the standard stuff, none of the swine-flu shots with the sleep apnea symptoms.

From my point of view, Jews and Nazis are the same, so maybe I'm good to join them and they'll give me the benign shot. Reading "The Macchiavellians" by James Burnham ATM. On some level, it fits in with Buddhism. There's not much to be done about the world. Utopia can be in Heaven, not on Earth.

>suddenly 1/14 the number of humans fouling up the planet
>this does not bring a more harmonious co-existence with nature than before
MIGAtard detected

No, I'm saying that an attempt to drop the population to that level will result in war, which is not in harmony with nature, dumbshit.