Why did the jews suddenly decide that smoking is no longer cool?

Why did the jews suddenly decide that smoking is no longer cool?

Is it because it actives critical thinking as previously confirmed

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It’s a nootropic and prevents Alzheimer’s

Based Steve McQueen

All the tobacco companies are owned by WASPs. If they were owned by Jews you'd have daily messages about how good smoking is for you.

>Why did the jews suddenly decide that smoking is no longer cool?
Other jews realized they could make fortunes suing the cancer stick jews

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So does dying from lung cancer.


replaced smoking cigarettes with smoking marijuana.

bigger $ and neutralizes the goyim from taking anything serious.

Don't use it as much then. I've smoked less than a pack a day for a decade. My grandfather died at 87 and only got throat cancer at 80, smoked since he was 15.

Even accounting for smokers' shorter lifespans.

>it actives critical thinking
>niggers are still dumb

Fuck cigarettes, fuck jannies, fuck jews, fuck niggers

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2 or 5 a day is ok tho, just don’t overuse it, if you let anything take control of yourself you’re no different from a jew

every fucking day digits are wasted

For Jews community consumes all. Freedom to smoke lost out to community health.

If you live in a legal state you're still paying the tax jew

>smoking is no longer cool?
For how long have you been locked up hans?
Smoking is considered cool but drugs are replacing it with the younger generation

k satan
This desu. Juenger smoked one a day and lived to 102. It's about willpower and not overindulging.

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>Actively promotes critical thinking

Nicotine is harmful to the brain

>just smoke the cigarettes goy
>don't worry, it's actually good for you!
>here's a cool analogy about why cigarettes actually help you and don't kill you or fuck your lungs
>ignore all of the formal research showing that cigarettes as they are today with 599 additives, 100 of which are harmful, including arsenic, butane, acetone, ammonia, and more are the single most addictive substance you can partake in, even compared to meth and heroin
>just smoke the cigarettes goyim
Fuck you Jews. I smoked half a pack a day for a year and I could no longer take full breaths ever and would get extremely irritated and bipolar-like after just 6 hours of going without one. Stopped and after just 4 months I feel smarter, wittier, can take full breaths again almost always, and rarely crave cigarettes.

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Jews weren't able to take over the tobacco industry like they did everything else. So they decided to kill the smoking fad another way using the 'bad for health' angle
Have you noticed jews don't demonize they obesity epidemic like they do smoking?

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I don't know but I'm really hoping someone is able to convince me that smoking is good for you because I really want to take up smoking again. The thing is, as soon as I move away from my boomer parents it's just inevitable that I'm gonna start smoking that shit again. I don't know how people manage to quit for good. Maybe it's just because I'm such a schizo.

>Brainlet detected

Probably shit tier genetics then desu. Sorry fren you aren't allowed in the Ahnenerbe.

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Hitler himself hated smoking and would give gold watches to his close friends and commandants if they were able to quit. Germany also ran the first anti-smoking campaign ever. My genetics are very good in comparison with the average. Any NatSoc who believes smoking is good for you is actually a Jew.

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>I don't know how people manage to quit for good
buy some 4mg nicotine lozenges from tesco, thank me later

They want a healthy herd.

Besides making you look fucking cool it serves as a short period of meditation which can lead to enlightenment. Coupled with a rush of nicotine it's heavenly.

>When a man thinks, there is a spot of fire alive in his mind--and it is proper that he should have the burning point of a cigarette as his one expression.”

People smoke those things for completely different reasons