Is Russia going to back to 1990's tier suffering or 1920's tier suffering?
Is Russia going to back to 1990's tier suffering or 1920's tier suffering?
US goes back to great depression and maybe 1861
I have a feeling this is somehow gonna be bad for us
Good, let the commies and jihadis burn.
Lol. We have more than one export, Ivan
If Putin wasn't there it'd be 1916, but this will be more like 1990s
>We have more than one export
What? Nigger music?
only worthless entertainment and services
Toilet plungers
it's only useless WTI that us negative.
And all those wars and dead for this.
No wonder everyone hates you lol
We will kill your economy.
more like 1776
When has anything not been bad for Poland?
ever read "Red Tide rising" by Tom Clancy ?
I'm not rebuilding America so the Jews can come back a century later (if not try to buy their way in before) and begin trying to sell me niggers
>We will kill your economy.
Time to get some cheap lambos and luxury hotels! Oh yeah! Those towel heads will be sucking dick for hash this time next year.
Apparently, Poland’s largest export is retardation.
The US doesnt make that much, if any from oil you idiot. If anything this makes the US economy explode. China's too unfortunately.
Not like the other countries in the world are way better
The Russians have a $500 billion reserve specifically for this purpose so, no, they will not suffer at all.
Damn I didn’t wanna see that
>a $500 billion reserve
Sure, why not
Don't worry Russia, we will suffer with you.
Lol, military is setting the logistics for total war. Have fun faggots
>1861? What happened in 1861?
Oh, right. lmao.
Also, Gas is up, which is actually Russias main export.
t. Nordstream
>we have more than one export
Trannies and rainbow flags?
>Lol. We have more than one export, Ivan
Liberalism infesting universities?
Don’t worry leaf, we’ll be raking you out of misery soon.
Your entire dollar system is tied to the price of oil it’s why your cuntry spends trillions bombing every opec country into democracy you fat retarded cunt
>Is Russia going to back to 1990's tier suffering or 1920's tier suffering?
+- everything will be the same
I'd offer you a peace-treaty in advance, but knowing Poland you'll take it and use it as a bargaining chip to sign a better peace treaty, starting a global war.
The Saudi oil war may not last long. Russia needs $40 a barrel to balance its budget, but Saudi Arabia needs $80. They have extensive social programs, war etc.
>What? Nigger music?
Can I put Moscow down for 2000?
Only oil that went negative was west Texas intermediate (wti) which is connected to Cushing. Cushing team out of space so traders are putting off physical delivery as this is the end of the month for the contract.
>it only affects us oil anons, although leaf oil also went negative today
heh, nice
stfu chabady
bullshit, as you show here with this self inflicted gunshot wound, the dollar is backed by threat of force, that we thusfar rent that service out to opec means nothing...especially if opec has suddenly lost their purchasing power. but alas oil is needed, and will go right back up before you can finish ordering storage for what you've got. this IS a war time move though, against oil profiteers, by who i can't say.
aww, thanks Canada
>ran not team
hope you withdrew your 350 ruble life savings like the rest of the vodkaniggers did. cant have a great depression in russia when its literally that every day
the rotting corpse of american society will be 100x better than russia at its peek.
Sucks to be neighbour of Russia. Only Israel is worse neighbour.
Ok how about 500,000, about the number you sent flying into Berlin in 30 minutes during 1945
>I'd offer you a peace-treaty in advance
Not only that, but you would also offer him blowjob along with your gf - if you had one.
It's fucking over.
You definitely will be.
(((Simon Robinson)))
OP is expat from Russia and most likely a jew
The Petro dollar is a meme, it's fiat currency literally backed by nothing. However the largest cost in production in the US is via Petro chemicals and transportation. A dollar is worth a dollar because the world agrees it's worth a dollar, it's the price of goods that determines it's worth, and if Petro chemicals and transportation costs drop because the cost of oil drops, then the price of goods will also drop. Meaning we will be able to produce and buy more with less money. Meaning more luxury items will be purchased and thus our economy will boom...a new American golden age is on the horizon. Too bad lynching niggers will still be frowned upon...but the price of rope will drop...cruel irony.
wanna know how I know you're a retard
>let the commies
so you're talking about the USA, kike?
>not understanding oil futures and that tomorrow contracts expire to renew for next month, hence mass sell off because no one can deliver
Americans PLEASE, you are supposed to be all over oils dick, how do you not know this???
What happened?
It’s always bad for Poland.
I like the way you think.
Use marvel heroes
Russia isn't nearly as dependent on Oil as they used to be, and they have vast reserves and no debt. They'll be fine. The US is going to suffer much worse.
Even america at its peak is worse than Russia at its lowest. What a shitty masonic jew empire.
>wanna know how I know you're a retard
Because it takes one to know one?
What kind of fucked asshole are you?
That Madrid train bombing back in 2004 was even funnier.
...what? No, it fucking sucks here, are you mad leaf?
memeflags lick my anus
>threatening Russia with war
Mutually Assured Destruction mean anything to you, micropenis moron?
>mfw nothing will happen to brazil because nothing ever happens here
I'm just sad Russia may get fucked, I love Russia.
You are wrong on every point, leaf.
With what? Sticks and rocks?
Seriously, you fucks are going to have a famine if keep this fuckery up.
>he thinks the US can attack Russia
Grandstanding boomers are the worst.
>US is dependent on oil!
Lmao no. It's only 2% even when we were biggest exporter. If anything this will just "force" us to us our own oil because it is cheaper than importing it. It will hurt South Americans though, Venezuela is FUCKED
>Even america at its peak is worse than Russia at its lowest.
>t. russophile cuck
You think we don't have resources? We pay you with fiat currency so you extra your mineral wealth for us while we save our own for a rainy day.
you kiss your momma with that mouth, bitchboy?
look at this kid, it was 1960's Soviet technology
>seething, irrelevant countries
>hate us cause they anus
No they hate what they want to be and attempt to emulate. You are just mad because you live in a shit sandwich.
Appreciate what you have you cunt. At least your people are educated, have normal iq and your country can be fixed if only you stopped being defeatists. I wish my country had the situation yours have. We didn’t go thorough what you did and yet we will remain a shithole forever because subhuman mutts run this place.