What is with the rise of beta looking guys with asian women.
Why do i never see a chad with asian women.
What is with the rise of beta looking guys with asian women.
Why do i never see a chad with asian women.
This fetish is linked to closet homosexuality, chinks have no genetic variation, the men and the women look the same. Both men and women have the EXACT same phenotype, I've witnessed it my whole life here in Hongcouver, the women have to put in countless hours each day with makeup and fashion to even look close to feminine, otherwise they would just look like their male counterparts. They are literally asian boys with wigs. Which is why a lot of the pictures we see of men that go for them are very beta and feminine looking men, men who would have no chance mating with a proper looking women.
This is a hard to swallow pill that gooklovers won't admit, but it's true. Your fetish stems down to homosexuality and also lacking masculinity. Stop falling for this tranny meme and settle down with a white women, you're not fooling anyone. Your parents and cousins will all stare at her at the dinner table during the holiday seasons and know why you got an Asian women, it's not a secret anymore, you're not being cool or different, its blatantly obvious that you couldn't get an aryan. Don't let betas on here who can't breed the superior aryan women sway you into thinking gooks are the only option.
Pic related, he is literally dating an Asian boy with a wig.
Bro if you actually take this shitime espoused on Yas Forums srsly you have real issues. 95% of posters on here have jew friends irl. Bro I just hung out with a jew whose a manual laborer blue collar salt of the earth guy. They aren't all in finance or trying to scheme bro. Real nazis are stormfags. I've got a few black friends one was extra based veitnam vet. Ive got two friends that are gay as they come and theyre the funniest guys i know bro. I know some cool Mexicans (fuck central americans though for real) and I love the nips. Don't like chinks though except HKers. Russians are awesome, euros can be cool irl once they get passed the fear of small talk and talking to irl total strangers bro ... etc etc
Bro If your the kind of person I can sit down and have a beer with you're alright with me. If your in my country illegally or if your here but not even making an effort to speak my language you need to bounce bro.
You gotta realize shit on here is banter bro and if you've been here since the beginning you should know that. I've seen posters here say "I'm married to a kike so I can usually tell them apart or I'm engaged to a gook that's why I speak the language"
Separate the two everything here is taken to the extreme it's not real life for most of us.
Really says something that the most beta of white men easily out compete as*an "men"
Seething chang. Your women will fuck anything but you shrimp dicked yellow bois.
I don't know for sure, but for some reason beta white men and asian women were made for each other.
Maybe because asian women are more silent, or less bitchy, or more caring? Less westernized?
It's a fact though, and it has to be discouraged.
>lowering your offspring's IQ by fucking niggers
Jesus what a faggot
What's wrong? Doesn't everyone deserve love?
It's the opposite. You cannot be a heterosexual white man and not like Asian women.
Every normie platitude you repeat reveals you're a golem.
logged and clogged
Their SMV is about the same.
Yellow fever blinds u mate
Jesus, what makes dudes grow up to want to do that shit?
cant wait to fuck asian girls after the ccp virus stuff ends
Asian women pursue white men like a predator hunts for prey. Rarely does a white man pursue a yellow women. These men are weak and easy to manipulate because of autism/low sociability. Yellow fever is a psyop. Asian women hunt white men for status, sperm, and money.
The Jews have a history of promoting that shit.
This is 1957 Sayonara, starring Marlon Brando.
It's Asian women's taste in men. They love tall, skinny, clean shaven, conservatively dressed men. They don't fall for the roided up, tattoo's up, fake tan, dressing like a nigger shit that so many men do to impress white women and negresses. Also because white women have already rejected these men Asian women sweep them all up.
I started to suspect this. Essentially the reason you never see a chad with an asian women is because the asian women cant attract a chad. Their smv isnt high enough. So they get lower smv white men aka betas instead.
The’d love to have a chad white guy but chad white guys dont want asian women
These chinsects are looking for a host to parasite but there are literally billions of these gross gooks. Its a proverbial plague of these surplus sluts and Chad can do better.
They look happy
>They love tall, skinny, clean shaven, conservatively dressed men. They don't fall for the roided up, tattoo's up, fake tan, dressing like a nigger shit that so many men do to impress white women and negresses.
lmao at this manlet/lanklet/dyel cope.
Based, high fertility and yellow-pilled.
This is such fucking hyperbole and you know it.
You never see asian women with attractive looking white men. Masculine facial features etc. Its simple.
Chads can get white women
the clean shaven part is optional. many of them love beard, since chink men don't have any. being skinny is somewhat optional, so long as you're white
filipinos aren't asian
People of other races CAN love each other you know.
Not like you are or were gonna meet these people
Asian women have low standards. They are attracted to STATUS and money like moths to flame. Anyone who copes by saying that Asian women have higher standards than other women is just lying to themselves and is probably being bled dry by a chink or flip whore.
There's literally nothing wrong with this. These ugly males would have either literally never had children (just look at human history, where only about 15-25% of males reproduced) if they limited their options to white women alone. These Asians are far and above anything they otherwise could have hoped to get.
And we're not talking about the bottom 10% of men. This is the bottom 50% of white men, maybe even more. Frankly only the top 5% of white men are getting quality, virginal white women. There simply isn't enough supply for the rest of white males. Even as a top tier white male it is far more wise to pick up even an ugly Asian wife compared to a good-looking white women who's had several sexual partners. The west doesn't value virginity anymore and if you don't either you're a literal cuck who will almost certainly get divoriced/ live an unfulfilled life.
Boomer/SEA gold digger relationships aren't what I'm talking about. I'm talking about wealthy Asian women dating down in SES to date a white man because his personality matches what she wants, because he's attractive to her and he has the BWC. That's how it is most of the time. In the average WMAF relationship the woman is dating DOWNWARDS in SES, in fact whites always date up in SES when we intermix.
why do you have a man eating poop video saved on your computer?
the woman in top picture is an absolute cutie and you are talking of your ass
how about making western woman less idiotic?
Rich Jews love Asian women. Rupert Murdoch, George Soros, Zuckerberg, Sergey Brin, Les Moonves.
All of them are/were married to chinks.
this is thailand or the philippines right?
What's the point of these posts? You're showing the absolute bottom of the barrel men. A 400 lbers and an 85 year old pedo hollywood jew, yet they STILL can pull Asian women far above their league. Not a single white women would even consider getting anywhere near these freaks. What's your point?
it's south park tier
They have different standards. There are white guys who are 9/10 to white girls and 4/10 to Asian girls while the reverse is also true. Asian girls lean towards nerdy, computer, "indoor cat" kinds of men, white girls love tattoo'd up, alcoholic linebackers.
White women have been subverted and no self respecting white man would actually want one at this point
LMAO you are still coping hard.
These relationship are always built on kikery.
Asians have low standards for looks but high standards for money/ status as you said. They won't go near you if you don't heave wealth.
On the opposite end the average white women has full preference towards physical looks and doesn't give a shit about anything else, ie. why they will take a broke ripped black guy over a well-adjusted rich 7/10 guy anyday.
Virginal women are overrated. You put too much stock into it.
You are right though. A slut is not desirable. But in this day and age a virgin is potentially worse and a liability to pair with than a woman who had 1-3 sexual partners. This isnt the 50s anymore and that society is gone mate.
This is a time where sleeping around is normal and encouraged and divorce is too. A dont miss out culture.
A virgin will almost certainly wonder what if and want to try shit she missed out on or thinks she missed out on and be curious in this society and be encouraged.
A slut is just bad.
A few partners is best case now days. She wont be so curious and isnt a complete slut.
Asian worship kikes and revel in kike behavior. that is the point. They are kikes with yellow skin.
White women who are homeschooled and never went to university are usually amazing. It's the school system that fucks them up, it's just to get one you have to get serious in following Jesus.
Only chinese woman i ever found attractive was because she was THICC af.
Being high test fucking sucks
>tfw getting qt 3.14 nip gf
Feels good man
I have a folder for everything and everyone.
Newfag, a time will come when you do to.
Cool, see you in another 100 years...oh wait
Lmao. Women never date down. Its called hypergammy.
If they get trapped in what they realise is a man below their smv they cheat or bail these days.
But in OP i was not talking about SEA passport grabbers. Im talking about educated east asian women or from wealthy asian countries
This is completely true. My literal fag cousin married some gook had a few kids and left her ass in whatever village he found her in to go screw tranny prostitutes again. And every, every single man I know who has an asian wife is a classic beta male or soiboy. Thats four guys. And this cant be total anecdotal looking at her and how hard these beta males act macho and defensive about their yellow fever I bet its an across the board reality.
Wrong, Asian women date DOWNWARDS in social-economic status to date whites. They turn down wealthier Asian men to date lower status whites, and despite that wmaf is the highest income mixed race or monorace racial pairing because it's usually high status Asians dating medium-high status men. Having spoken to Asian women about this they primarily do it for more attractive children and because they see white men as being kinder, more romantic and more honest than Asian men. All things white women completely take for granted.