Georgia reopens on April 30th!

Enjoy your coronavirus, Georgia

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Based Georgia

i will faggot

Same here in Tennessee. We will be fine

>10 more days

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If my boss makes me go to work I’m fucked. I ride the Marta.

Yankee libtit detected. Hot humid weather and UV radiation kill the corona. Sorry you live in some cold depressing state like Rhode Island or Wisconsin.

Based Georgia

Good. I was on the fence about this being a nothingburger but I’m in AK and out of the 321 total cases we had 161 have already recovered. That’s half and we only had our first case in like early March. It’s literally a fucking cold. Our officials even counted one of our 9 deaths as Alaskan even though they’ve lived in Washington for a while to try to justify the lockdown.

yes, coronavirus killed a lot of people in famously non-humid places like Italy and Spain...

Meds are hyper social monkey people. An Anglo Saxon can withstand interacting with large crowds therefore limit spread. Notice all the people getting sick are Africans or Meds. Quit coping

But it hasn't hit you yet. It's just getting started in fuck ass places like Tennessee. Your rural hospitals aren't ready for shit.

>Hot humid weather and UV radiation kill the corona.
Inside people's lungs?

glow in dark nignogs like OP still pushing the doomsday bullshit. You're a faggot and go watch some more CNN or Mr Redditkur

2 more weeks

It's not going to hit. In KS it's just killed 100 people in nursing homes across the state. Same people that die from the common flu.

It's not hot and humid there in Feb-Mar

More like 3 weeks, if the lockdowns end April 30th

Okay bootlicker

Wtf Hawaii just had its 10th who was some Washington faggot. Why is Washington exporting dead just to pump hoax virus numbers


Moving Africans Rapidly Through Atlanta

All lefties are now experts in the fields of epidemiology and economics, because MSNBC


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and trumpfz is gonnaz save da world to!

will you "X more weeks faggots" ever give up?
Now it's "muh second wave" propaganda ramping up

Yep. I ride from Midtown to Dunwoody it’s usually not too bad though. And I’m 24 no fucking way I’m going to live in boring ass dunwoody.

unless something happens on 26th

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>Live in ATL
>wasn’t even aware a shelter in place order had ever been given

nj and frens is an heroing
they're saying june 1st now
businesses are already closed up
nothing will be left by then, except shit that didn't shut, and even they are done because no money
fuck this gay coast
i tried to move last year, but couldn't get out fast enough

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Wait there are still people that think this virus is remotely dangerous? Holy shit lmao

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And nothing of value was lost.

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i cant believe they got away with this. i saw that story on tv on the 25th and then saw this pic later on! LIARS!

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