Threads getting nuked, trannies spamming, board getting slid hard. The MEME war has gone hot

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is Yas Forums being taken over?

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What just happened???

I just saw a tranny fly over my house

something happened

not sure but everyone tells me oil is something something

Every thot you see online is transgender. It's part of the porn agenda.

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Hope you had your N95 on

it got taken over when /cvg/ shills came. Yas Forums is a dead board. there's too many dumb fucking zoomers that are falling into the traps that old Yas Forums were immune to

I believe it. You can spot them on tinder too

the sliding would be less bad if they didn't move political discussions to /bant/ and Yas Forums while leaving those up, even at times where the first three catalog rows show half of shit slide threads
but it's only at a time when shitlards are online, so it's most likely one of them or quite a few
>10 nigger threads
>is coffee good for you
topic about religion and culture gets moved because "religion is not politics"
dumb replies about
>but partition of power!11

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It's not worth a shit at the moment for sure

I wonder why all these lone wolf threads stay up for so long? Really jogs the noggin

Understanding that 90% of sluts, coal burners, feminists and fake rape victims are really trannies is the real redpill.

Then understanding that pro sports is dominated by girls injected with steroids.

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fat fucking amerimutt detected

Source on the prosports claim or is that too far on the lowdown?

Then let us mount a response to it. Yas Forums is relevant enough for us not to abandon it to the newfags, but rather pass them our values. If jannies are against us in the matter of slide threads, let us improve our anti-slide campaign.

Wouldn't that include bumping this thread?

Says the american flag poster

this pretty much sums it up
we have a duty to redpill the zoomers though

pfft these kikes are losing and they know it lol
all these faggots will bow to christ

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Digits confirm

based Timonus F poster

yup, filled with shill threads. disgusting.

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>The MEME war has gone hot
You might be onto something. They started spamming the utter shit out of this place last night before that shooting happened and haven't stopped one goddamned second.

bumping for a discussion thread.

Seems like it. The lone wolf threads stay up as long as you dont mention it it those threads

I'm hiding thrice the threads I'm participating in and I'm expanding my filter by 3-5 entries every fucking day.
What a shithole. But it's my shithole.

Oil is clearly the distraction. Other boards are being raided as well. Coronavirus and the whole landlord debacle were shills but this is ridiculous.