Maybe this pandemic isn't so bad after all.
LGBTBBQXYZ parade cancelled
coronachan is the gift that keeps on giving
i hate gays
That's unusual. It's in the very core of a homosexual to act completely on their own whims thinking of no one else. They make no sacrifice to society in having/raising children and they have sex promiscuously spreading diseases.
Why does it even matter? They are all riddled with aids and stds already and its hard to practice good good hygiene when when your constantly messing with peoples poopholes.. Why would one more virus even matter to them at this point?
>be faggot
>afraid of corona-chan but not aids
Weird, seeing as you would probably be more likely to catch GRIDS at one of these than Corona.
Imagine caring this much about what consenting adults do in the privacy of their bedrooms lmao
In these trying times, we need the gay pride to happen above all. It is of the utmost importance that as much lgbt people attend.
>privacy of their bedrooms
so theyre homeless and the street is their bedroom?
How is a parade doing something in the privacy of their bedrooms?
Go back.
I can't stand to see virtual signaling FAGGOTS out with gloves and masks on.
>Gays perform the most subhuman acts with their ass to mouth behavior.
The secret Yas Forums discord link is discord gg UhsU8xk
Get in here before we close the invites
We have a interview set up with magnate Boris Johnson scheduled fo this week.
Rent free ;)
retarded fag, nobody gives a shit what you butt boys do in your bedrooms it's the fact that you fags have to take it to the streets and rub it into everyone's faces
I'm sure even a level headed fag wouldn't want a child to see the degeneracy that is rife in these LGBTXYZQLMNOP marches and protests
theyll be back, and even gayer than before
>fag parade canceled
nothing of value was lost
So there is an upside to this pandemic.
nigga have you seen my flag? ima have to charge you
a well adjusted hobo will take to an alleyway or secluded bush, you faggot jew
I'm gay but these parades are the worst. Thank you coronachan for btfoing these obnoxious faggots
perfectly normal and healthy
ive seen plenty of hobos and they all sleep on park benches
If Christian Churches are shut down its only fair the Sodomites have their satanic pedo celebrations shut down.
thank you for not being an obnoxious fag, the world needs more like you
Imagine wanting others to care about what you do in the privacy of your own bedroom
I'm talking about hobos that fuck, sleeping on a bench isn't an indecent act
hobos can get girls and i cant??
>posting fag shit
>feels the need to tell everyone how he's one of the normal fags
>not being an obnoxious fag
Please Yas Forums call police! My job gives no fucks about this social distance shit. Fuck 420 and fuck stoners!
or they should all be allowed to meet and contract corona-chan in a mass culling
>last weekend in june
parade will be un-canceled.
go ahead a cap it if you want
some hobos have to sell themselves to survive, believe it or not some people will actually exchange money/goods to fuck a homeless person... plus since alcohol and drug abuse is rife in these coimmunities, sex comes along too
also it's mostly hobo girls selling themselves or being raped
They should’ve parade and get all sick
LGBTQ faggots have been spreading HIV/AIDS for decades
would you let a little kid watch the dictator? A bunch of dudes wearing man thongs doesn't celebrate love, it's a shameless display of faggotry
let them pozz the neg hole in front of children, bigot!
What? No fags and trannies prancing down the street, acting like the sickos they are?
But muh freedom.
They see the same things on television and the internet. This isn’t 1640 Puritan New England, Cletus.
It’s 20 fucking 20
they're totally normal bro
>It’s 20 fucking 20
>its [current year]
This this this ......... this.
Antifa are trembling in their cucksheds. Afraid to come outside.
This is the day of the conservatives. Leftists are the last "human like life forms" who watch TV or believe Jew media.