will you get the chip if it is a legal requirement?
Will you get the chip if it is a legal requirement?
I'll kill anyone who tries to chip me.
too bad it still looks awful. better margins. more inset.
and stay there
literally better to die, it will remove your ability to preform actions which are disallowed by the state, like breeding while white.
Are we in the MGS4 timeline?
>ID tagged civilians can only use ID tagged guns authorized to them
>ID tag system controlled by a massive AI
>Can control gun permissions at will
>Can literally drive people insane through emotional suppression
The article doesn't exist, but people like OP should be tagged "FAGGOT" so everyone can see that he comes on here, eats hot chip, and lies
Joining the Nazi party right now
don't give a fuck any more
come and try and chip me, I'll smash you cunt
i do that shit all day
imagine being a mover and then hanging out on moving forums.
kill yourself you pathetic nigger
If someone tries to chip me, then I'll cut it out and it will be go time.
We need a chip otherwise we will all die ok.
Anyways you can just start with a chip in your phone if your scared of implants.
Copy that.
>a legal requirement
It'll never be legally required. You'll just be socially shunned and prevented from using certain services or get a job without it. Like a social security number.
fuck no
sounds reasonable
Hey guys
You have guns
Use them
Cull the microchip weed before it grows out of proportion
Paul Braus is your new Target
I'd rather die or kill. Probably both.
Absolutely people fear mongering are retarded. It's literally a good idea.
Imagine the bugmen reacting to this
I aint gonna be chipped. We should lock up Bill Gates should be hanged for trying to chip us
i will go down with the rest of my """"""luddites""""""
No, I'll start setting fire to things
Based. I was born free and I’ll die free
Nope. I'll check out first.
I'm socially shunned already so it's fine.
Anyone tries to stick me with anything is getting shot.
They will never explicitly force you, just slowly phase out regular cash until you have no other option.
TTID= Track, Tag, ID
whats stopping me with cracking my chip, or using multiple chips to make 2020 version of identity fraud?
>I'm socially shunned already
Wash your dick
Fuck you cocksucker