
Straight people are cancer. The bottom feeders of Earth here to serve Gay/mostly gay master race.

Homosexuals have higher IQs.

(lesbians are basically retarded though. No surprise as 99.9% of lesbians are faking it for male attention.)

In a sense, it is always a rape-relationship to be married to a woman unless you are of very low IQ (under 95). Not that it matters much. PURE straight men are all retards.

95% of 'Heterosexual' men admit to sexual attraction to some men:
Sorry can't find source, but anyone with actual life experience knows this to be true. God damn all the college jocks (not you, incel) I've drained.

-Vaginas are objectively looser and smellier than a clean butthole (And it's easier to clean a butthole than a vagoo which AGAIN, only non-incels can confirm. Ignore any other opinions as they are LARPING incels.)

-Men have penises (you can have your butt pleasured which almost every man on the planet desires to some degree with the current knowledge of prostate pleasure. No source on this but I've fucked MANY "straight" men. Even some with wives ho have simply been born with enough intelligence to experiment with anal pleasure).

And LAST but not LEAST..

>Women have every legal and societal advantage to drain your career, wealth, and social life and LEGAL life dry because of their gender.

Don't forget that women almost always get custody, and are always sentenced to HALF the prison time as men for the same crimes. This applies to America of course (The only country that matters).
Do your part, just drink a little or do some pot.. whatever you have to do to admit your gay tendancies in private.

Everyone's doing it, even the aggressively "Die of AIDS FAGGOT" posters are doing it. Believe me.

Anyone who says they won't fuck a pretty gay man like pic related in the ass is a lying incel. Period.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Enjoy dying of AIDS.

Do you know homos get a free pill that makes them virtuall immune to HIV? it's called PreP.

You can't be older than 16

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>you wouldn't creampie this

yeah fucking right incel

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so this is what rape and molestation do to people huh?

>Sticks dick in hole shit comes out of
>Homosexuals have higher IQs
Ok faggot.

I fuck traps cause thats the most alpha thing you can do and its striaght as hell so no thanks

? the most common STD is genital warts which affect straight couples mostly. (most people get rid of the virus on their own without medicine and STD panels don't bother testing for it.)

Second most common is herpes which affects straight couples mostly (and mostly black people even then).

HIV affects... ___*** SHOCKER * **___ straight people mostly, again. Although gay pepople spread it easier, gay people only make up less than 2% of the population so it's less overall.

What now....?

Never molested or raped once in my life cespite some serious shit happening with death and all.
Do you want to talk about what happened to you. since you're so focused on the topic..?

>sticks dick that blood and other men's cum develops fungus out of

>sticks dick in mouth that eats other man's ass/cum

Ever wonder why pussy smells fishy? (I bet not since you're an incel)..

Yeah, it's other guys' cum bacteria over days.

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>Straightfags love the smell and taste of pussy

>it's really just the smell/taste of my cum 3 days after they fuck me out of competitive drive to 'convert' a gay man

Hi Maria from Target if you browse here

Hi Sonya from Macy's if you browse here

Hi Maria from LA fitness if you browse here

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You are spectacularly delusional. How young were you when you were first raped?

based and gaypilled

faggots will get the rope first

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Dating qt boys is the ultimate redpill. You can do cool shit like hunting and videogames with them more often than you can with women, and when shtf you have two bros watching eachother's backs instead of you protecting some defenseless thot.
Even if they are a weak twink, you can still train them to use a gun or train them physically into a twunk. Also, breeding boipucci is better than breeding a disgusting roast beef twat

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>scientific fact vs. me calling you a rape victim
keep simping a gender desinged by literally God AND science as inferior.

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>admits you have no source for multiple key points
>still make claims about scientific fact

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>I don't have life experience to fill in the gaps
yeah we knew that already, striaghtlet.

Go pay for some sex for once

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Fags reproduce by molesting children. All fags have been molested and will go on to molest children.

the fuck does playing video games and hunting have to do with red pills cockscuker?

resisting degeneracy =/= simping

based nigger or forgot to change memeflag?
Either way, have a (you)

>be a faggot in 2020
>get estrogenised throughout childhood with shitty tap water, onions products, fluoride, vaccines etc
>reared mainly by watching cartoons that revolve around anthropomorphised animals/inanimate objects that are amoral or juvenile in nature
>get subconsciously programmed to act like a child into adulthood and therefore rendered unattractive to women
>think it's my choice to stick my penis where excrement comes out of or get it inside my butt
I'd pity your situation more, but I really hate faggots projecting their own desires on to me.

hunting is redpilled

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oh come on you just said in your OP all faggots are geniuses what the FUCK does desinged mean? designed? designated?

If you actually think 95% of straight men are secretly gay you are radically stupid. Your supposed life experience must have limited you to obviously closeted faggots. Seek help for your mental illness, and I'm not even referring to your homosexuality.

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you don't now what a redpill is nancy it's a gender neutral concept

GayCHADS and BiBVLLS rise up

>Sorry can't find source, but anyone with actual life experience knows this to be true.

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Post butthole pics

That makes you a race traitor then. ;)
What's worse?

He is saying that hetero man have the same experiences in the brain as homosexuals. The difference between them is that homosexuals go a step further and understake action, while hetero's canceled the action.

taking a pill to fuck in the ass men, wow.

maybe because there are more straight couple then homo ? Lmao what a retard