damn... he does have a point though...
Damn... he does have a point though
Based murderer
Jesus was a jew. Real white nationalist are atheist.
Jews also killed jesus, imagine being stabbed in the back ovet money by your "own" people.
Once a Jew accepts Christ, he is no longer a Jew.
well, ok why not. fuck priest pedos
Religion was created by Jews to control dumb fucking mutt
Jews don't create anything.
>Worship Capeshit characters over the true savior
Don’t need a schizo on twitter for people to do that
He should read acts it's not long
>long winded description
Could have just said the first book of Christianity is the fucking Torah instead lf the lefty wordsalad.
Vargtard at it again. Imagine being so uninformed you think Gnostics, Cathars, Helenites and Valentinians were all Jews. Catholics on the other hand....
Ahh yes the book written by Jews to brainwash people into worshipping them will surely have the answers we need!
He's fucking wrong, plenty of non-jews converted, less than a few decades the non-Jewish christian population was significant enough for it to be separate. Hadrian even had non-jew christians excluded from the slaughter when during the Bar Kokhba revolt. Where Jews, even converted one's were killed.
Jesus is the king of kings.
>but but but the jews of today which christianity spread anyway are false and not real jews lol the happy merchant of today is just the edomite he's not a real isrealite, christians, knowing this truth even to this day (because we're from the secret order of Yas Forums which has been in Europe since 0AD ) still spread the false jews because
Because it's just a prank bro XDDDDDD convert to jesus XDDD die for jerusalem XDDD
name your child Sarah XD she doesn't need the soul of her ancestor XD hebrews are her ancestor XDDDDD
>Washington was a british officer.
Remember, Christianity is older than Judaism. Jews were forced to re-create their religion from scratch when their Temple was destroyed.
Jesus was middle eastern sand nigger. god is not real
No he doesn't, he's talking out of his ass like usual. The majority of clergy was made up of non-Jews within a generation of the Crucifixion. By the Middle Ages converted Jews in the Church were vanishingly rare.
Reminder that he bastardizes his own "pagan" heritage with his literal autistic mong of a wife's "muh placenta" bullshit. He also doesn't have a fucking clue how genetics work and regularly demonstrates that fact.
>"muh placenta" bullshit
Keep dilating as much as you wish, the tree of life will elude you forever.
You realize there is absolutely no fucking evidence historic Norse people interpreted their myths the way Varg does right? He's literally making shit up off the cuff with his wife. Keep riding his dick though, I'm sure that will work out well for you, faggot.
>there is no evidence
Nigger, the yrminsul, another sacred tree, is literally the stylized form of a vaginal canal, womb and ovaries.
Odin hanging upside down from the tree of life by the umbilical cord for 9 'nights' is just childbirth, your own body.
>leave your religious cult and fill the gaping hole with this other religious cult
why would anyone but a retard do this?
our whole world is a jew creation you moron
Based retard kraut not reading the Bible
Wow what a tough guy.
religion is for people afraid of death
If they created it they wouldn't need us.
Europe rose back up after whites took back control? Woah makes you think huh?
Atheism is for people afraid they can’t be their own gods.
That guy was confirmed to be illiterate which is evident by that quote. Jesus preached the opposite, he said there would always be wars and that plagues, famine and natural disasters would increase dramatically when his return is near.
This is wildly incorrect. Paul's mission was to evangelize to non-Jews. Perhaps in the first few years that would be accurate but Acts is replete with stories about non-Jews accepting Christ.
Daily reminder that the author Varg has based most of his life's work on was a Christian fundamentalist.
when exactly did Yas Forums start taking varg seriously? he has always been a lolcow. zoomers are retarded cancer
zeitgeist tier retardation.
>exclusively ethnic jew into the middle ages.
the clergy was largely gentile by the second century. this is a wholly retarded statement.
>jesus was jew
>jesus be like "free cross!"
>romans be like "tomb rent!"
>jesus be all "fuck this shit i'm out!"
kikes man.
Atheism is for smart people
>Christians take credit for the scientific advances of the West
>Pagans take credit for the scientific advances of the West
>White-nationalists take credit for the scientific advances of the West
>Meanwhile, none of these people actually know anything about science, or have any respect for the actual scientific/engineering/industrial leaders that brought us here.
It's all so pathetic. What are you people even doing? You're all claiming credit for something that you weren't involved in.
I identify strongly with the scientific revolution in northwest europe through the 19th century and continuing in America.
I read science fiction books. I learn math. I got a degree in physics. I read up about these figures and what they were thinking.
I don't consider any of you people my compatriots at all. You're just snatching at our coattails while we work to make the world a better place.
So he's a retard who doesn't know anything about the history of the church
okay redditfag
Hes an absolute joke. He makes degenerate nigger music and believes in a batshit crazy racist wiccan cult he made up. He married a literal retard and lives in a tin shack in the woods like an animal
It’s called progress. Once you go to college you are still a high school graduate. Always some wizard faggot. Read a fucking grown up book sometime.