HOW THE HELL did he get infected?

>lives ISOLATED with his family
>REJECTED by his hole community
>doesn't even BUY groceries
>barely uses ANY technology
>still gets INFECTED

Attached: DRmUfDXU8AALDwH.jpg (680x383, 47.95K)

>lives ISOLATED in his mom's basement
>REJECTED by his hole community
>doesn't even BUY groceries
>barely uses ANY technology nfor productive reasons
>still is a FAGGOT

Attached: IMG_20200420_211156.jpg (729x372, 92.81K)

and he already looks like he got AIDS too

Maybe he's always been acting out a character for jewtube views

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His dumb occult dabbling to live an easy life caught up to him. Sad!

Styx is godly

>Minutemen flag
Serves him right desu

Fuck off styx

is he? I can't bring myself to watch any of his videos, he's so gross looking.

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He is not! I watch Styx 24/7 I'm always pressing f5 on youtube and Bitchute for new videos and particularly for my daily corona news. I can assure you he is not infected.

at first he was easy to correct himself when he went way of the reserveration
that was a tad different
then he became an underground star and started to be "100% right all the time"

Nice copypasta user. I see you've switched the Varg picture with Styx.

Attached: Styx_boomer.gif (400x318, 2.43M)

kys fonefag
literally who
>inb4 newfag
anyone that watches youtube is a fucking nigger faggot like this tranny nigger

Just the flu, bro. I hear he's sexually active, social distance ignored.

Cats are servants of our lord satan, bringing fresh ice cool corona to retards like a waitress bussing tables

lurk more

fuck off efag watching nigger. i know who it is but its still a literal who.
go fuck yourself asshole

Pagan cvck that's how
Probably involved in orgies

Thanks for turning me onto Lucifarianism Styx. It was educational

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He's been living in a smelly dirty country like the Netherlands for the last few months.
That place is probably covered in infected migrant coom and shit. Just stepping outside he probably got it from looking a migrant

Because there is not viral infection. Viruses are are part of our body and activated to clean out cells. They don't even migrate around other parts of the body; they're specific to certain areas, nevermind jumping to people. It is just the flu - he's been eating toxic foods and this is the purge/ detox.

When people get sick and go to the hospital the doctors are told to lie and say it's the virus when it's actually just the flu. It's his they keep the sheep afraid

Ok this picture is fucking funny
What a mess

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>hole community
I'd guess this one


OP's ass

based gretchenposter

why is he always bare chested? he looks so sickly I feel I'm gonna catch AIDS just by watching the vid

I didn't recognize him without that sleazy leather jacket.

amazon deliveries

are you guys retarded?

Probably from his weed dealer

his wife fucks tyrone on the side, she brought the virus home.

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When did he get infected?

It's on his Twitter

BBC gangbang

>doesn't even BUY groceries
he's talked everyday for months about his little walks to the store. styx btfo

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I'm not seeing it