Trump Hate Thread

Come shit on the worst president in US history

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OP is a faggot.

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name another president that made crude oil free for the world
pro-tip: you can't

POTUS is a penis.

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>worst president in US history

I thought that was George W. Bush? Now it's Trump. Then it'll be the next Republican to occupy the White House after Trump. On and on and on...

I’ll give him that

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yeah totally!
Gandalf is a wizard and a ____

Lmao fuck that orange retard

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Isn’t it ironic supporting someone who only serves his own interest. What’s the political version of a simp?

>This is the man who lives in the White House

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Trump 2020!

This fat cunt goes against everything Yas Forums believed in before we were invaded by redditors and boomers in 2015/16. Fuck him.


Are you lost plebitt?

Yeah, Obama was a shitty nigger, wasn’t he?

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>Yas Forums was a bunch of leftist fags prior to 2016

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Stop trying

>inb4 all the trumptards take a break from sucking trump penis to defend President Orangutan

you mean worst puppet in US history???

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before that it was senior, reagan, then nixon

Shut up and make me a samwich

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Trying to constantly use false consensus to establish a false narrative in a place that is always contrarian is possible the stupidest strategy ever employed. Yet you all continue to try it.

don't pull this crap motherfucker.

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No thanks. You people's insanity and constant outrage has made sure Trump is going to win another 4 years. If you have any to blame for that blame yourselves for acting like spoiled children throwing a temper tantrum these past years.

Is the concept of someone being worse than the one before hard to grasp for you?


OP jump off a bridge to protest trump

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>"d-d-d-uh democrapz r da reel rasis!!!"

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Presidents have no power. His job is to take the blame for actions that make Israel stronger. That's the beauty of democracy.

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Is that guy ok?


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wow that man is full of bologna

For those of you who can’t see Trump for the orange faggot that he is, you’re the same people who criticized Obama supporters for standing by him throughout all of his fuckups. Trump has done nothing for white america. He served as nothing but a release valve for angry whites and he took advantage of the situation and rode the tide to power. He only works to advance his own interest and that of his like son in law.

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>I thought that was George W. Bush? Now it's Trump. Then it'll be the next Republican to occupy the White House after Trump. On and on and on...

maybe Republicans should stop electing literal retards to office?

it used to elect people like Teddy Roosevelt, Eisenhower and Nixon.

He never said anything like that.

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OP is a nigger whore dying of ebola. Sad

Guess you missed who the Democrats nominated for President right here in 2020.

I'm pretty sure every republican and democrat said that.

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fuck off baked. I'll give you a hint as to have a successful race war. overthrow capitalism first

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believe it or not, he ended up completely recovering after the resuscitation and does youtube videos like cooking

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no u

Worse than the nigger? Doubt it.
Are you sure you're not a kike?

Trump supporters are uneducated cultists shitbagz who unironically vote against their own economic interests

Biden will win.

Come ride with Biden, lost and desperate trumptards.

clown puppet

Don't care. At this point I am voting for Trump so you faggots continue to writhe and suffer. I unironically hope the mental anguish of four more years of Trump causes all you to commit suicide. Before you spout your scripted line of "owning the libs" Trump's presidency hasn't affected negatively whatsoever so I doubt four four more years will hurt me at all. You faggots on the other hand are not going to survive more of Trump.

pretty much. they claim to be nazis then support on of the most greediest crapitalist dirt bags of all time.

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He didn't say that or even implied.

bernie normies are going trump train

>Loke at this funy pichur of drumpf. This was a gude reesin for a thread rite?

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gotta own those pesky libs amirite???

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>neolib demented boomer vs neocon demented boomer
That's like choosing between prostate cancer and anal cancer.

Have you niggers came from reddit?
Literally none of those, who keep supporting trump are calling themselves "nazis".

I want Biden to win over Trump, despite the fact that he's slipped into deep senility.

He's not gonna win, though.

Why are you arguing with a meme flag, in a retard tier thread, and doing it without sage. I fucking hate newfags.

Everyone is sick and tired of the media exaggerating everything for higher ratings and more money. So the media deserves to be beaten, and since that is what Trump is doing to them on a near constant basis, people want him to stick around to beat the media more. Hopefully after four more years the media will learn to be objective for a change but I doubt it.

My goal has always been to drive as much negative sentiment against the cancerous US government as possible. Never did I expect that once Trump was elected the government loving Democrats/media/left would be so useful in driving anti-government sentiment

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I voted for Trump in 2016, you faggot. I just have an iq higher than a fucking jelly bean. I can see things for what they are and orange faggot did irreversible damage to the image of nationalism and white identity. I hope the movement can recover.

I too hate Americans.
Disgusting miscreant mutts.

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That was a pretty high jump but how was it so deadly? It was only about 1.5 seconds of falling, anyone know approx. how high that jump was? Was it because he bellyflopped? Would he have been ok if he had kept straight?

it's just swaps
such a nothing burger that happens every month

no. but magapedes have.

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Obongo was the worst one

When did it all go wrong in the US and they became a triggered bipartisan shithole at each's others throat?
Where is the blame to place?
Is it in their inferior culture or more sinister forces?

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it's too late for you to turn back. :)

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Trump is just 4 more years of Obongo. Him and Trump are interchangeable neolibs

Even worse than the false flagger Bush?

ok joomer whatever you say

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Careful of the vacuum.