Pastor Steven Anderson

Pastor Steven Anderson is preaching the hard truths that other Christian leaders avoid like the plague. Are most Independent Baptist churches like this? I have never been to one

On Pornography:

On Homosexuality:

On Jews:

On the King James Version:

Marching to Zion:

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Other urls found in this thread:

Is he hiding from the flu or is he still marrying white women to negros?

shut up.

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Seething Jews who place their race above their religion. Find one bible verse where God condemns "race mixing" like he does homosexuality.

Most aren't, but they do exist
In a hierarchical body like Catholi-dox, Lutheranism, and the like, people like him would be smacked down.

Haha cuck

Imagine reading the old Testament, the entire thing being the story of the Jews, their God and their struggles to claim their land, and somehow thinking that your religion isn't based on Judaism

>On Niggers:
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Because Judaism is the religion of the Talmud??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Race is covered in the video titled "No Such Thing as "ANTI-SEMITIC"

>Find one bible verse where God condemns "race mixing" like he does homosexuality.

'My child, avoid all loose conduct. Choose a wife of your father's stock. Do not take a foreign wife outside your father's tribe, because we are the children of the prophets. Remember Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, our ancestors from the beginning. All of them took wives from their own kindred, and they were blessed in their children, and their race will inherit the earth.
(Tobit 4:12)

The whole tower of babel thing wasn't enough to convince you that being one race was against God's will? How about Daniel remaining separate and true to God during the captivity instead of adopting Baylonian universalism? Daniel was the intolerant hatemonger of his day because he refused to endorse the whore religion all around him with its race mixing customs unlike Anderson who worships at the altar of the whore like the rest of them. Now that's better than a verse, that's entire books and chapters. Might be a bit much for you folks to take in though.

based. Pastor Anderson got me saved and redpilled me on (((them)))

Second post, worst post

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>Hard truths that other preachers avoid.

You mean niggers and misegination?

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All done away with, nice try.

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

this, only kikes care about 'muh skin'

>meme book

>you that being one race was against God's will?
Racemixing doesn't crete one race you retard
I don't remember God telling Daniel to not like the Babylonian women. And either way it would be because they're heathens, not a different ethnicity

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>There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
Such a pleb view of the Bible

Galatians 3:28
The correct translation of this verse is:“There is neither Judean or Hellene [meaning there is no difference between the Judahites of Judea and the Israelites of the dispersion, since all Israel (of both houses, as per Jer. 31:31 and Hebrews 8:8) are cleansed by their Kinsman Redeemer, Jesus Christ], there is neither slave nor free [meaning all Israelites, whether freemen or bondservants, were redeemed by the sacrifice of the Lamb] , there is neither male nor female [meaning both male and female Israelites were redeemed by Yahshua] for you are all one in Jesus Christ [meaning we are one people, Israel, under our Kinsman Redeemer, Yahshua Messiah].

Only Israel was promised a Redeemer and only Israel got one. All Israel was redeemed, whether Judahite or Israelite, male or female, bond or free, butcher, baker or candlestick maker.

'Look, the days are coming, Yahweh declares, when I shall make a new covenant with the House of Israel (and the House of Judah),
(Jeremiah 31:31)

And in fact God does find fault with them; he says:
Look, the days are coming, the Lord declares, when I will make a new covenant with the House of Israel and the House of Judah,
(Hebrews 8:8)

And He answering, said, “I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."
Only the Lost tribes of Isreal. Jesus words out of his own mouth. Not Paul's, not Peter's. God's mouth.
(Mat 15:24)

>>meme book

“No mongrel shall enter the congregation of Yahweh, not even in the tenth generation."
(Deut. 23:2)

Which type of Atheist larper are you? The Pagan or the Neckbeard?

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>not KJV
It says bastard and means people born out of wedlock you retard

This is the person these Jews call a "race traitor"

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Racemixing isn’t a sin. Those verses are regarding marrying people of other religions

Based. Keep on keeping on.

You are the problem with Christianity. You and people like that Jew Anderson

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance defines it thusly:
מַמְזֵר mamzêr, mam-zare'; from an unused root meaning to alienate; a mongrel, i.e. born of a Jewish father and a heathen mother:—bastard.

Mongrel. Mixed-Raced. God doesn't want you to mix races.

The Bible says that if you race mix, your children are not part of Isreal for 10 generations.
That's ONE drop. Do the math, Divide 100 in half 10 times.

Make sure you get a proper translation.
The word translated there as "bastard" in the KJV (mamzer) has a Hebrew root meaning of "mongrel," which means a race-mixed person.

Listen to a real preacher
Peter Peters - White Boy, There's Something You Need to Know...

lmao, so Moses' children weren't apart of Israel?

>i.e. born of a Jewish father and a heathen mother:—bastard.
Literally your definition makes it a religion, not race issue you retard

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>All done away with
Not in the slightest.
Matthew 5:
>17Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
>18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

Galatians 1:
>8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
>Racemixing doesn't crete one race you retard
Everyone race mixing will destroy all the old races to create one mixed Babylonian whole. This is how stupid you are. Thanks for putting it on display.
>it would be because they're heathens, not a different ethnicity
Wanting to create mamzers was one of the things that made them heathens. But like I said, it might be a bit too much for the simple minded to take in.

Please stop shilling this race-mixing christcuck here 24/7

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wrong vid

Every white woman that this crypto jew married to a nigger is like the murder of a family that size. Fuck off

You are the idiot type of Christian that thinks Moses sons were different races.

The Egyptians and Cushites were White, because they were descendants of Ham, the brother of Shem and Japheth. The idea that Japheth fathered the Orientals, Shem fathered the Caucasians and Ham fathered the Negroes is a Jewish fable. It is laughable, both scientifically and scripturally.

"This witness is true. Therefore rebuke them sharply, in order for them to be sound in the belief, not paying attention to Yehudi fables, and commands of men who turn from the truth.
"(Titus 1:13-14 TS2009)

How many white kids do you have?

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Ack noahs

>Everyone race mixing will destroy all the old races to create one mixed Babylonian whole
again you're retarded. Mixed people from WMBF, WMAF, WMHF, don't at all look the same. And it's not like some race is eventually going to go extinct because 10% of it's people race-mix

"You shall not intermarry with them, giving your daughters to their sons or taking their daughters for your sons, for they would turn away your sons from following me, to serve other gods. Then the anger of the Lord would be kindled against you, and he would destroy you quickly."

"for they would turn away your sons from following me, to serve other gods."

Now lets go to the NT

"There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."


You worship race instead of Jesus.

Notice how this thread was about Anderson calling out the kikes and sodomites, so the kikes have to immediately make this a race issue. OY VEY

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You are truely fucking lost mate. Moses wife was not a fucking nigger you idiot.

Inspection of the early Scriptures tells us that the Hebrew name Cush first appears in Genesis relating to the four rivers which sprang from the original location of the Garden of Eden, where in Genesis 2:13 the Gihon river is said to “compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia”. Now while all four of those rivers may not be identifiable today, two others are identifiable: the Hiddekel which is believed to be the Tigris since it “goeth toward the east of Assyria”, and the Euphrates which the Hebrews called the Perath throughout Scripture. Therefore it is fully evident that the Hebrews had a land which they called Cush in the east, as the Greeks referred to an Ethiopia in the east, and it only makes sense that such a Cush must be that empire of Nimrod in Mesopotamia, since he was the son of Cush (Genesis 10:8). The empire of Nimrod was the first Babylonian empire, or the last Sumerian and its borders stretched to the land of Canaan. Therefore, the land of Midian at the time of Moses would be a part of that land of Cush, and Moses' wife Zipporah could be called a Cushite, or Ethiopian (of the east), as well as a Midianite, which was the name of her tribe. She was certainly not a negress.

Now the problem here is that it is an error in translation. There is no KUSH east of Palestine. What there is is a KISH.
When you understand that, it makes sense. Hebrew Cush becomes Kish in Sumerian.

It makes perfect sense when you understand that Abraham came from SUMER and so did his wife Sarah.

It is very clear, throughout the entire Biblical narrative from Genesis through the books of Judges, Kings and Chronicles, that the land of Midian was to the east of Palestine, and not very far from it, because the children of Israel had recorded their interactions with Midianites in those very regions all throughout those Scriptures.

Andersson IS a kike FFS

You got BTFO and exposed as a Jew shill, just leave the thread.

I believe races probably came from Babel. But if you want to say that then means no race-mixing, then you can't ever learn a foreign language either.

>Moses was a historical person

Not even the Jews believe that anymore.

So I guess we are all transsexual since there are no men or women

Learn basic fucking sentence structure.

i like his enthusiasm


It is actually true that he is a Jew. Look up his documentary on Jews and his DNA test showed he was


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funny isnt it? the guy is probable an angry incel who will never reproduce

>Cope the Post
Right keep believing that Jesus came for everyone and that Moses married a nigger...

Pastor Anderson makes Jews and their boomer supporters seethe

Kikes don't believe in Jesus retard.
>b-but hi-his DNA test!
It was past #50 for him, it was his grandma that was askenazi jewish. And either race doesn't matter you kike, religion does. The first converts to Christianity, especially Paul, were jews

Since they and their sons have married some of their women, as a result of which the holy race has been contaminated by the people of the country. The officials and leaders have been the worst offenders in this act of infidelity.'
(Ezra 9:2 NJB)

>grandma that was askenazi jewish
If your grandmother is a Jew, then your Mother is a Jew and YOU are a Jew. Not a hard concept

>And either race doesn't matter you kike, religion does. The first converts to Christianity, especially Paul, were jews

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You're the one in the thread posting Old Testament laws and dismissing verses where the New Testament abolishes them. The only Jew in this thread is you.

Skyrim was a fun game but aren’t you taking it a bit too seriously?

You seriously need to understand the Bible better. Jesus did not do away with the Old Covenant. he fufilled one part of it. He came ONLY for Isreal.

If grape-pickers were to come to you, would they not leave a few gleanings? If robbers came during the night, would they not steal only as much as they wanted? But I for my part have stripped Esau, have laid his hiding places bare: he can hide no longer. His race is destroyed, so are his brothers and neighbours; he is no more!
(Jeremiah 49:9-10 NJB)(Esau is the father of the Edomites AKA Jews)

His grandma is ashkenazi for race you dingus. She was a Christian.

literally nothing wrong with your pic

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A Jew Can't be a Christian.

Esau is Edom.
(Genesis 36:8)

"I have loved you," says Yahweh, but you say, "How have you loved us?""Is Esau not Jacob's brother?" declares Yahweh. "I have loved Jacob, but Esau I have HATED. I have made his mountain ranges a desolation, and given his inheritance to the jackals of the desert." If Edom says, "We are shattered, but we will return and rebuild the ruins," Yahweh of hosts says this: "They may build, but I will tear down; and they will be called a territory of wickedness, and the people with whom Yahweh is angry forever."
(Malachi 1:2-4 Septaigent)

!!!!! FOREVER !!!!

“Soon I will make you the smallest of nations. You will be greatly hated by everyone.
(Obadiah 1:2)

Victorious, they will climb Mount Zion to rule over Mount Esau, and sovereignty will be Yahweh's!
(Obadiah 1:21)

Or as scripture says elsewhere: I loved Jacob but hated Esau. What should we say, then? That God is unjust? Out of the question!
(Romans 9:13-14)
EDOM IS MODERN JEWRY." — (The Jewish Ency. 1925 Ed., Vol. 5, Pg. 41)
Edom/Edomites - descendants of Esau mixed Canaanites, Kennites, Hittites and Amorites - The seed-line of New Testament Jews of which the Pharasiees were part.

>doesnt believe in divorce
nice i didnt know prots were like that