I am a master level coder and will inherit the earth and all the women

I am a god tier coder and after robots take over all the other jobs in the economy, I will be one of the privileged few to still have a job, and because women only care about money they will all flock to suck my superior Belgian coder cock and abandon all you inferior poor non-coders.
Perfect flawless coding like this will be what makes me rich and with more bitches than can fit on a cruise boat, while you guys will be poor and consequently be forced to suck eachother 's tiny poor non-beglian bull penises for arousal. This is my perfect procedure on sql mariadb.

create procedure addremovecurrency (in change bigint, in Guild bigint(18) unsigned, in User bigint(18) unsigned)
UPDATE currency
SET currency=currency+change
WHERE guild=Guild AND user=User;

MariaDB [arxidoprixtis]> show tables;
| Tables_in_arxidoprixtis |
| currency |
| guildsettings |
2 rows in set (0.000 sec)

MariaDB [arxidoprixtis]> describe currency;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| guild | bigint(18) unsigned | NO | PRI | NULL | |
| user | bigint(18) unsigned | NO | PRI | NULL | |
| currency | bigint(20) unsigned | YES | | 0 | |
| messagecount | bigint(20) unsigned | YES | | 0 | |
4 rows in set (0.001 sec)

Don't even try finding a mistake, you can;t.It is precisely for thsi reason that I will inherit your women and breed them to carry on my superior Flemish genes.

Attached: heisnekiris.jpg (300x168, 10.24K)

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That's a well and good, but do you own guns?


Carry on.

yes I have digital guns.They are made from superior belgian coding fibers.

I too belong to the only race worht a dman

Much than feeble physical american guns.These shoot digital bullets that attack your online banking app, taking all your money and leaving you poor so that I can buy your wife, mother and sister as my whores to spread my superior flemish genes.

Superior Belgian bulls unite!


read this

>inherit all the women
Thank god. I'm tired of dealing with them.

You too can become a superior Flemish bull!You just have to be at least 50% of low country highland arsacid descent to qualify for the ritual.

I did!Truly flemian bullish!

If you can't eat it,drink it, fuck it or defend yourselves you will be shat out.

Indeed, I prefer men but why pick one catboi when you can instead have 50 women?It all comes down to flemish mathematics, which I excel at.

Quality post, lad. Well approved by all. Do carry on. May your Great Belgian cock remain forever moistened by the pussy juices of only the most gorgeous of code sluts.

>I am a god-tier coder
You're not a 'god-tier' just because you're better than some random Indian.

Let's see your LISP-skills.

Attached: Dunning Kruger Chart.jpg (639x470, 26.98K)

I will eat your sister's pussy, I will drink your daughter's cum, I will fuck your husband and I will defend my beautfiul code and harem of inherited women, so I win.Go back to ''Britian'' you Angloid swine.

Over my destroyed kill bots

Oh look, an undercover ukrainian using a vpn to masquarade as a low country chad. trying to hold down a Flemish bull.Go back to Azerbaijan and continue to pick sweaty ballsacks from trees.Your women and catbois will be inherited by the gentlemen coder chads like me, the superior Flemish bull.

Only sufficiently godlike metaprogrammers will be able to get work in the near future. If you aren't writing code that writes code that writes some other code for you, you are already behind the curve, and it's just a matter of time before your SQL-slinging will be automated away.

They say that a gentlemen coder flemish bull's cock length is defined by by how accurate his coding is, and mine is pinpoint accurate, which is why I wheel my coding around with a trolley

Code those turks of your island. O wait.

Nigga don't know A.I. will be the coders

You know nothing undercover amerindian whore.You have to read between the liens to understand flemish coding, which you can;t because your cock is too small and your brain is like a peanut.My coding has secret sub-coding whihc wreites code that unwrites code that writes other code that can both write and uynwrite code depnding on how I want, so I'm fine.Get your ass prepared because you will have to join my neo-flemish harem to survive as I become the sugar daddy for you and your whole family of ameroids.

I am not from Cyprus, I am simply travelling the world to see where the best future Flemish breeding stock can be found.Leanr to code or eat my chode ameroid.

Ok pajeet. Keep thinking you can cheat your way to a decent paycheck


This guy knows what's up.

Great Brabant will take over Europe in the next 25 years.
Screencap this

>once robots take over and UBI obviously has to be implemented I'll be one of the few lucky people that has to work
Good for you, OP. Wowzer

Memorize this, for this perfect flawless big-dick energy tier coding will be etched unto my superior flemish cock with a needle, and you will have to look at it for the rest of your life.Men and women will fall to my flemish cock, either become a flemish bull or become our whore in the sillicon valley gammorah of the chads.