American education thread

>states spend tens of thousands of dollars per student every year for public schooling
>charter schools average 7 thousand per pupil every year
>homeschooling averages 600 per student per year
despite these spending disparities, homeschool is still producing better test takers than both charters and public schools. public school funding and specifically spending per student has steadily increased over the years but test scores have never seen an improvement. literacy rates are actually decreasing and have been since the 1950s. every democrat presidential candidates solution was more money and more black teachers and more sex education about transgenders; as if any of this would solve the stagnant test scores. just how much are we increasing spending? a cato institute study detailed that we are spending upwards of 225% more on students since 1972.
the question at the end of all of this is, do we try to rebuild public schools and make them work or do we just dismantle it so alternatives can arise?

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What we should do is deport all minorities

that wont solve anything

it will solve a lot

That would in fact solve the entire issue, because this is all just a proxy for "nigs are dumb and don't learn regardless of how much money we throw at them"

>implying public schooling is about educating people

blacks in homeschool programs score higher on state testing than white public schoolers.
Another important finding of Strengths of Their Own was that the race of the student does not make any difference. There was no significant difference between minority and white homeschooled students. For example, in grades K-12, both white and minority students scored, on the average, in the 87th percentile. In math, whites scored in the 82nd percentile while minorities scored in the 77th percentile. In the public schools, however, there is a sharp contrast. White public school eighth grade students, nationally scored the 58th percentile in math and the 57th percentile in reading. Black eighth grade students, on the other hand, scored on the average at the 24th percentile in math and the 28th percentile in reading. Hispanics scored at the 29th percentile in math and the 28th percentile in reading."

yes, that is the literal function of a public school.

Fake news

Feel free to disprove the data

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Oh sweaty, I remember being this naive.

If restructured and properly remade, public schools in america could become a precious gem of the world. We just have a lot of work and a lot of elections to do before we get there

>actually believing this

holy shit user how new are you

They are obsolete in the internet age

imagine being a white family with 5 kids getting $100k a year and just hiring various tutors a couple of days a week while the mother makes sure they actually do their work.

Instead that $100k is spent teaching them to hate themselves and that niggers are superior and are owed an apology.

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Its still the primary education method for the majority of americans. It would be easier to reform than to abandon

No school spends 100,000 dollars a year per student

home school vouchers = white man's wet dream

i'm pretty pissed betsy and donald haven't made this a thing yet

notice how he said 5 kids for $100k?

notice how the public school spending tops out at $20k/student?

now tell me what is 5 * 20 user. fucking burger education jesus christ

>5 kids
> It would be easier to reform than to abandon
Does not seem that hard

Minority share of the population has been going up over last 50 years, student performance has been going down over last 50 years.

Mandate a shit curriculum, get a shit education

This, plus execute all the marxists in our educational system

Oh, i didnt realize that, my bad.

Kill yourself. This meme is the worst.

Once again, blacks score better homeschooled than white public schoolers

>just dismantle it so alternatives can arise?


In absence of government restrictions, private individuals will produce their own solutions that best fit the needs of themselves and their customers, eg the general public.

If by 'restructured and properly remade' you mean burned to the ground with no survivors and rebuilt from scratch, I completely agree.

The increase of spending is just to buy votes by giving more money to the "Poor" teachers

What alternatives do you think will aride