Wtf??? I thought Yas Forums said white's are superior and good...

Wtf??? I thought Yas Forums said white's are superior and good, but white's seem to be exactly what the leftists describe them to be.

>Doesn't reap the efficency his precious civilization produces because of Banks, deflation, and improper distribution of wealth. Even in the war of Independence money was deflated and a person could barely buy shoes because of artificial scarcity.
>If the efficiency was distributed properly a person wouldn't need to work nearly 40 hours. (white's don't care)
>Fights wars for the Jews 24/7. WW1, WW2, Vietnam... and now (((America))) loves war so much that we're in the Middle East forever and everyone is fine with it.
>Pays taxes for meaningless wars, complains, does nothing.
>Almost never rebels.
>Current society is slavery, still doesn't rebel.
>Doesn't give a shit about their neighbor. If he has money and a good job, fuck everyone else.
>Worships alcohol.
>Homelessness everywhere.
>Buy Made in China.
>Allow foreigners to buy our land.
>Elects politicians that rape them.
>Worships Jews who enslave them.
>Takes 3 circumcised cocks at once.
>Lets their foreskin get chopped off.
>Genocides other races like Native Americans.
>Can't stop fighting wars.
>Miserable 60+ hours a week hard labor before the early 1900's. "Muh gift of cibulization! But look at the architecture!"
I can go on and on.

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>I can go on and on.

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post onlyfans

Mr. Biden, please control yourself or we'll be forced to ask you to leave.

White men are pure evil

this please

This is all true

Look at those feet, lads

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No one believes that whites are “supreme.” That is clearly not the case. You’re attacking another straw man, lefty.

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>Teleports behind you
>whips out white dick
Heh Nothing personal kid
>She moans in pleasure

Post sauce

>Neck tattoo
Extra motherfucking dropped.

any tattoo

>No one believes that whites are “supreme.”
Yas Forums does.

Constituted in a manner welcoming for a powerful Polish phallus to enter.


Yeah, but neck tattoos are the worst of the bunch. Pure nigger tier garbage.

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>t. Assmad roastie who got a tattoo, and now knows how shit they are, but can't undo it.

putting your naked arse on the interwebs < normal
tattoo < whore

Hah you never suspected a thing.

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Someone past who she is or any video of her doing something

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What the fuck? Whites are supreme, you stupid mutt cuck faggot. And deal with it. Trump will send you back behind the Wall

do girls like foot fetishes?

It's all bad. The tattoo is the capstone on the pyramid of bad.

and yet i can get dicked down by anyone i want and your still an anime watching video game playing incel loser


Post source

anal doesnt count lard ass

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Having meatflaps that double as a parachute in the event of a plane crash is nothing to be proud of. Bragging on Yas Forums about what a whore you are ups the embarrassing quotient by a factor of two. Tell me about your sweet herpes sore next.

I’ve been with a lot of girls and talked to a lot and most of them are okay with it if you tell them when you are already close.

I’ve never met a girl who just likes it right off the bat but I’ve been in relationships with girls who come to REALLY like it after a while.

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That's revolting desu

lmao roastie actually admits being a roastie i knew it

yeahh you're really a tough one... you go...
>reads script
you go girl... there is nothing
>flips page
that you can't accomplish
>turns script sideways
when you set your mind to it
>lol is this really what people say to these assholes?

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>doing something
Do a tin eye search and go to the link with /madison_lain_morning_play/

I don't think you can post porn links.

ah the classic case of inceldom, being bitter because women have casual sex with guys other than you, it's not the 60's anymore time to grow up and stop shaming women for casual sex, incel.
im not fat incel