"lrn 2 code" is the only career advice that exists anymore

>"lrn 2 code" is the only career advice that exists anymore
Are there REALLY that many jobs that aren't just getting handed to Pajeet for a nickel an hour? Fells like everyone and their grandma codes no, it it really that good of a job?

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It's hard enough that most people can't do it

Fuck no,its a meme ya muppet,also made for BBC.

nah job markets shit
>t. senior who fell for cs meme
Also that entire scene is on pornhub just look up kimmy granger

by the time you learn enough to get a non existent job, ai codebots will be tailoring apps by voice command for any fucktard that can speak into its gps locator and digital id device.

Pajeet's write terrible code. And it takes actual high IQ, communication skills and drive to be a good coder. There's always room for more coders and the startup cost to become one is quite low.


I'm going to a school for it in June. I think its a good move considering all that's going on

she got blacked


Lol good joke thinking glorified matrix pattern finders will be writing code any time soon. I'll be long retired by the time AI can code without human intervention. If we're lucky grunt work coding might be handled by some AI in a decade.

Pajeets code for 10 bucks an hour. My job is 90% cleaning up after poos

if you aren’t ugly and you have a somewhat outgoing personality you can make good money in sales without have to go to school or work that hard - obviously not at the moment though

every pornstar has nowadays.
They get paid a shit ton of money by the companies that push that shit. White girls will get paid more to fuck niggers

IT or software pays pretty well but if you don't enjoy doing it on your on time now I wouldn't recommend. You'll still end up hating it because of all the stupid cargo cult bullshit that infests the industry and the associated evangelists / useless people. Do it for 10 years and save your money then run away.

Its an insult because its said to failures that people know wont be able to learn how to code. I can code and can tell 95% of the world is far too stupid to learn the basics.

If I tell someone to go learn to code, I'm saying it in the hopes they try and are then forced to recognize their own stupidity.

I went from NEET living with mommy to owning my own house because I literally learned to code.

Now I'm pulling six figures working from home while the world is dying. Bought preps, food, medicine, gunz n' ammo. Life is super comfy now user, you should try it.

When you code you can make your own app or solve a problem and have a big company buy it. Or just release free shovelware with ads. I make $70k after taxes from a bubble app for smart phones over 5 years.

Not great any given year but it wasn't my only job and it covered most of my college expenses. Stop being a fucking faggot and learn to code. Tech makes money and opportunities are everywhere.

It's honestly not even
>Be able to technically survive
Like I learned C#, ruby, python, java in school for a year or two. I do nothing to do with any of those now, and pretty much just live on SQL and bash scripting. And that's me exceeding at my job and making my job easier. Normies hate command line, and just being able to read a well written program and understand what the fuck you're looking at goes pretty far.

>mfw walking through unix basics with a 40 year old boomer who has like 3 kids and makes less than me

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i can code circles around anything
i get calls for shit jobs $30, then $40
last larger projects I made $52/h
but thats always time relevant huge projects in big corps having no time to lose to pajeet nuubs
yes, if you are willing to do much boring stuff like banking, insurance, airtravel etc. it still possible to make 250k+ a year
most people stay at min wage jobs have a shittly lifestyle and can't pass drug tests

i knew a simple dude, but he was an ace in languages
he knew three from home, and then learned chinese just for kicks
he should have made $30+/h easy as a linguist
instead went into the trades and ruined his back
learn to code is cipher for DO SOMETHING USEFUL

literally built for my cock, niggers cant handle fresh young pussy as prime as this. they can only larp

What this guy said. A non trivial amount of a software engineering gig is being able to read other people's code

>start learning coding
>Yas Forums: "LMAO enjoy not getting a job due H1B1s"
>change major to Computer Science at community college
>Yas Forums: "LMAO enjoy not getting a job due H1B1s"
>graduate from university with BS
>Yas Forums: "LMAO enjoy not getting a job due pajeets"
>get job starting at 90k
>Yas Forums: "LMAO enjoy getting replaced by Pajeet
>making 120k
>Yas Forums: "What's the point of getting into CS if Pajeets will do it for nickels per hour"?

>6 years

Nice one bro, follow your dreams, Yas Forums these days is mostly bots who are programmed to post "based and redpilled" 50% of the time anyway.

oh btw, based and redpilled.

Attached: ace.gif (320x240, 1.99M)

code monkey are nice, if you need 100 forms and the tech is clear. just throw 10 on it, they will manage
if you want your drone to auto react to a couple of sensors, you end up with asians, russian or the occasional burger

1958: Lisp is here, no need for those overpaid assembly programmers anymore

1970: Eiffel is here, noneed for those overpaid Lisp programmers anymore

1980: C++ is here, no need for those overpaid Eiffel programmers anymore

1990s: Java is here, no need for those overpaid C++ guys anymore

2000s: LabVIEW is here, no need for those overpaid programmers anymore.

2010s: AI is here (again)...

It's a desk job that requires at least midwit IQ.
How good it is depends on your area of expertise, your clients and your location. Like most things.
Webdev is among the easiest and lowest paid so there's a ton of jobs there and a ton of quota:d jackoffs to deal with where the work consists of gluing libraries together.
Googlers, Silicon Valley Pajeets, "Enterprise" that doesn't pay enterprise, "Startups" that try to sell you on rockstardom/"making a difference". All warning signs.
If you're working with whites on tech you actually build for decent contractors like the military or for other big tech firms like telecoms doing embedded work then you've got it well.

Most places outside the US doesn't pay anywhere near US wages for tech though.
So if you plan to leave one day you might want to look to other work or specialize to hell and back.

read slashdot, the whole "poos take our Megabits" goes back to the late 90s even.

It is true, in a way. Coding has not seen any increases in real salary in decades. Nonetheless it is not nearly as bad as other professions.

90% of all coders suck.
If you are just decent, not even good or very good, you will find a job. It might not pay as good as it should or as it once did, but generally you will not go hungry.
This is because actual, real software engineering is hard. You need to take apart a real world system, understand it, understand what it should do (might involve mind reading if the customer himself has no idea what he really wants the software to do) understand what algorithms and data structures might be required (their advantages and disadvantages too) and based on that create a software system.

In my experience the part about dissecting a problem into its sub problems is something people really do not like. They might like ranting about a problem, but reflecting on it to such a level of detail as to be able to "teach" a computer how to solve it is really hard work.

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It doesn't necessarily need to be true for the underlining effects to take hold on the psyche of others. Maybe other White guys are just not cut out for programming and the Indian is better. Though we really do have laws that discriminate against White men and we also know that there are hundreds of thousands of H1B1 visas that are being handed out to foreigners every year. The White House even has the balls to call these jobs American, even though the workers are not American.

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Yep. I blew my manager away last week by troubleshooting a service we were unfamiliar with. Took the time to walk through the source code, understand how it worked, find the part that was failing and issue a quick fix, all in a couple hours.

For some reason, most people just can't do that. If you can, you'll always have a job, no matter what language or tech is currently in style.

Meanwhile lisp still starts at +/- $145k a year

not really. In fact you might get lisp programmers for below market rate because having the chance to use such a great language day to day makes some demand less money.

What is true is that at the levels where a programmer is free to chose lisp, the pay is very high. Thus your statement might be right.

Link to scene?