/NSG/ + /SIG/ - Hitler's Birthday Edition Continued

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What are you waiting for? Take the pledge!
> For the good of my people:
> I must IMPROVE my will, body, and mind
> I must BUILD our culture and communities
> I must STRUGGLE for the future of my race
> We will endure forever!

>But what really is National Socialism?
pastebin.com/C0se2M6W (embed)
National Socialism is NOT about killing blacks, blowing up buildings, or hating other races as Siege-fags would have you believe but rather is about bettering your own folk.

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- NEW WEBSITE IS UP: projectwhite.org
- NEW MANIFESTO IS WRITTEN: projectwhite.org/our-struggle

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Gents, I had a few questions, I'd like to know people's thoughts.
What did Hitler think of ANGLOS?
I have brown hair and brown eyes but my family has lived in the UK for half a millenium. My father has blue eyes. I think I am 70% Celtic and 30% Germanic, Am I white?
If a theoretical NatSoc revolution happend, are ANGLOS safe? Will we be purged like slavs for extra room for the Germans?

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Happy birthday uncle Adolf

Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag, mein Führer!

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Friendly reminder that racism...
is bad.

>That will cause a civil war
Giving them a state will cause a civil war?
>You know it's invalid
Because it's from 2003? Kek
>I know your issue better than yourself
You're really ticking my antisemitism

For starters, Hitler loved the Anglos, and second, (((generalplanost))) has as much evidence for itself as the holohoax and so you should lurk moar newfag

Here, pic related

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Well I tried that shit as per imgur link.

Wtf, how do I correct this or is this purely for computers

Happy birthday mein Führer. Would have followed you to the end.

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Nothing wrong with fighting for your own people. You should know that better than anyone jude.

Kicking them out of their current one will. Or you somehow think that literally no one will immigrate ever again.
>Because it's from 2003? Kek
...yeah. Shit needs to be retested. Gravity was questioned up until 3 years ago
>>I know your issue better than yourself
You're not dealing with an african warlord you melodramatic faggot.

Except when it comes to Palestinians right? Let me guess, not such thing as Palestinians?

Fuck you actually got me. And a fucking leaf too.

You are gone but not forgotten, the ideological torch you have left behind continues to burn bright in our hearts, illuminating a path to an ever brighter tomorrow.
Happy Birthday and Sieg Heil!

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Forgot picture

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Wait, no you didn't. There's a difference between people who say they want to kill and rape me and a bunch of lads that just kind of exist

Happy Birthday Hitler.

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Weimar republic soon

He has you fucked, don't deny it. You cunts weasel out of enough shit

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And even if it did? A couple niggers vs. the US military. A lot will be happy to no be oppressed by crakkas.
>Shit needs to be retested
Cool. Too bad that it hasn't beem corrected yet meaning that despite testing either they agree or don't have enough evidence. So, for now, I'm right. Hell, you can notice it yourself. People with dumb parents are always dumb.
>You're not dealing with an african warlord
Sorry didn't you call Iranians stone age tribes?
Are you kidding? Do we have to bring up crime statistics?

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They keep saying Gretchen Whitmer is literally Hitler. I wish that were so.

Frohliche Geburtstag

He's jewish mong, he's doint it FOR NPCs.
Pic related

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Happy birthday mein führer!

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>Hitler's Bday
>America tanked

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>And even if it did? A couple niggers vs. the US military. A lot will be happy to no be oppressed by crakkas.
Boy. You're really enjoying this huh? No, everyone will protest that, even the rightists will be shocked.
>People with dumb parents are always dumb.
I know from experience that isn't (always) true.
>Didn't you
Iran, not the darkies.
We JUST talked about this.

You were babbling something about my friend in the other thread Moshe?

Based and redpilled Fenian

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Can i be your friend?

>the better solution is to genocide all muslims in Europe
And other white countries, yes.
>Whilst also ruining our lives only for ZOG to invite more in
The status quo, pro-white terrorism or not, is that more will be invited in and our live will be ruined for ZOG. If anything, setting the precedence that it's unsafe for muslims to be in white countries will make the humanitarians turn them away.

Herzlichen Glückwunsch

>What did Hitler think of ANGLOS?
Litterally thought you the closest people to the Germans on Earth.
He litterally let the brits escape at Dunkirk and put off sealion because he hated the idea of killing those he saw as the germans closest kin on earth.
He wanted to Unite with you and defeat soviets but Churchill and his ((((masters)))) had other plans.
>I have brown hair and brown eyes but my family has lived in the UK for half a millenium. My father has blue eyes. I think I am 70% Celtic and 30% Germanic, Am I white?
>If a theoretical NatSoc revolution happend, are ANGLOS safe?
>Will we be purged like slavs for extra room for the Germans?
Litterally almost all Pure hollywood Jew Propaganda.
Yes Hitler had specific issues with the poles and the Russians but that was because of a long history of conflict with the German people.
He didnt view slavs as "non-white" and he wasnt planning on rounding them up and exterminating them in some fucking hollywood death camps.
Hitler even allied with certian slavic nations such as Croatia and Finland.
When he talked about "mongoloida admixtrue" he was specifically talking about "russians" who lived east of urals or out in the styx and were basically full hunic blood.
No Ethnic Europeans were considered racial enemeis of the reich
(pic related to learn more)

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Happy birthday Hitler


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Weimar 2
>Even the rightist will be shocked
It's almost as if people were brainwashed by the (((media))) and (((academia))) to reject a natural instinct.
>It's not always true
Sure, but it's less than 5% of the time
You're not dealing with stone age Iranians you melodramatic faggot
Doesn't change they do. You said "people which just want to exist". Call it socioeconomics, call it genetic, it won't change statistics and won't resurrect all their victims or bring back the money they stole.
That's simply unrealistic. It's better to coup the government directly and then act.

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Do you perform trad. circumcisions? If so the answer is no. Something about being emotional or some bruises or some shit. Good job, I didn't even understand you.

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So why did nazis bomb London? Was it secretly Israel's bombers?

They were showing off their tech.

It was a Jewish war. Unfortunately war is war and mistakes have to be made.

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Natural instinct? What the fuck?
Does the thought of people not hating blacks completely elude you?
>Sure, but it's less than 5% of the time
Nope. more like 20-40%.
> it won't change statistics
I told you how to.
It was banter, He was being a faggot. How did he react?