POL is annihilated

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Democracy is a retarded system to begin with since most people are mindless sheep that can't think for themselves

when did \pol\ ever care about democracy

You literally choose who you work for. You have 100% choice

do you get to vote which stop the bus goes to first?

Plenty of companies do have their staff vote on that. One of the worst jobs I ever had was for a company that let the employees run it and we had profit sharing. It was like working in a union - a complete shit show of useless idiots. I'll take the corporate ladder any day of the week.

I voted for the sun to rise at 5am this morning.

It’s the least corruptible system which is why it survives longer than other systems, buy with technology something better will come along soon.

>voting for a representative is the same as picking the job you want
Okay smoothbrain

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Not at all. If places don't want to hire you, you have no choice to work for them. Same if you can't find housing to live close enough to work for them.

Actually, you CAN vote in some companies. Not all companies are shit-tier Walmarts or Dominoes Pizza.
Publix is an example. There's also co-ops. The options ARE available.
With government, there is no option.

Democracy is gay lol

I agree bring Hitler back.

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Where's the porn?


This lmao.
Democracy is the most overrated system of Government next to socialism

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Congratulations on the stupidest comment of the day. I see you have already partaken in the 4/20 festivities.

Jesus christ how do these people function on a cognitive level, Apples are indeed Oranges

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based and red pilled

Spbp. Democracy is degenerate shit


Who will be our next leader, my body is ready.

You choose who you work for.

But what if I don't like democracy in the first place?

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>what are worker unions hurr

What fucking government does the worker get to pick their hours and still get paid the same lmfao

Who is POL??

Wait til you hear about socialism and communism. They’ll tell YOU what you get.


You're an absolute retard. Yes you do choose who you work for, IF they hire you and you chose to work there, fag.

It works both ways fag. People have a right to choose who they associate with and if they don't want to work with you then fuck you. Business aren't amorphous things that exist out of nature that everyone has to share in your fantasy world.

I really want to argue with this statement but I know I cannot