How do we stop this shit?

how do we stop this shit?

literally every 20-30 year old male is addicted and now women are getting addicted too

why doesnt anyone speak out?

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don't use it, simple

Bro if you actually take this shitime espoused on Yas Forums srsly you have real issues. 95% of posters on here have jew friends irl. Bro I just hung out with a jew whose a manual laborer blue collar salt of the earth guy. They aren't all in finance or trying to scheme bro. Real nazis are stormfags. I've got a few black friends one was extra based veitnam vet. Ive got two friends that are gay as they come and theyre the funniest guys i know bro. I know some cool Mexicans (fuck central americans though for real) and I love the nips. Don't like chinks though except HKers. Russians are awesome, euros can be cool irl once they get passed the fear of small talk and talking to irl total strangers bro ... etc etc

Bro If your the kind of person I can sit down and have a beer with you're alright with me. If your in my country illegally or if your here but not even making an effort to speak my language you need to bounce bro.

You gotta realize shit on here is banter bro and if you've been here since the beginning you should know that. I've seen posters here say "I'm married to a kike so I can usually tell them apart or I'm engaged to a gook that's why I speak the language"

Separate the two everything here is taken to the extreme it's not real life for most of us.

>and now women are getting addicted too


i was thinking the same thing. I have no idea.

I was addicted to it few years ago. i saw no purpose in stopping. It really is a newage addiction never before seen in humanity.

I litterally cant seem to fucking stop, it seems like everyday I get to a point where I say fuck it and just wank myself to sleep. At one point I got to 70 days but since then I’ve been stuck in a fap loop

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The only good thing George Lucas ever made:

THX 1138

Support SWERFs and their crusade. Liberals can't do shit about them because they're feminists.

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When VR gets to a certain level it's going to trump all other drugs/forms of entertainment besides what you need to stay pain free lying in your bed.

Serious question who owns pornhub?

Interstate sale of pornography is already illegal in America, as is sale of porn to minors. Websites like this should never exist, but the combination of old retards in office that don't understand how technology works (and how existing law should apply to it) and the sheer volume of evil, powerful people in the world that *want* degeneracy to circulate, means getting rid of it with our current leadership is impossible.

So we replace them.

>tfw no porn addict gf

>be asexual
>never bothers to watch porn
>never feels the need to

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I see no issue in sexual pleasure. Maybe you cannot enjoy it because you're circumsized?

I am thankful for the whole thing.

Do you know how hard it was to access porn back in the day?

Representatives try, but it's always shut down as a violation of free speech. If you take away the choice because the choice is dangerous, you can no longer claim to uphold what you claim is freedom. That's why republicans are painted as prudes who want to take away peoples rights.

The pacifist movement intentionally destroys masculine virtue because it includes martial virtue. But "no more brothers wars" right ?

I for one hope the United States or at least my part of it gets itself together enough in order to colonise Mexico France Haiti Canada and the Philippines . "What did he just say ???"

Addiction is fake and bullshit.

I cum twice a day AT LEAST

It's still not enough, need to do it more

There was a time when I was really excited for the VR porn of the future. Now I know that the better porn gets, the more damage it will do. Sex dolls and porn must be stopped.

The Torah is where traditional morality comes from, dumb dumb

My wife is addicted to vore porn and gets off to watching dudes swallow goldfish or baby mice.

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Is this how schizos post when they take their meds?

I did VR jerking off already, it wasn't super realistic but i did have a woah moment.

But you're right. A new generation of incels is going to rise.

fpbp, OP must be a 15th century puritan if he cares about "muh degeneracy" in modern society, it's like pissing in the ocean.

>Mexicans, Haitians, and Filipinos

Remember times when seeing porn was rare?

Perhaps point out that PH's Community trades illegal pictures in the Photos & GIFs section. Snoop around under Teens. I'm sure you'll find it. Perhaps it's a honeypot for they never seem to take it down when I flag it.

You lack discipline

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Propose fixing society, ah you can’t

>literally every 20-30 year old male is addicted and now women are getting addicted too

That fucking true

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how do you even become "addicted to porn" lmao do you really need to tug off like 5 times a fucking day? What's the matter with you

Becuz I need to COOOOOOOOM

>tfw no fart fetish porn addict gf

Because they're addicted.

VR and porn cannot replace real world experiences. I own an oculus, I watch porn. Niether are nearly as fun as riding my motorcycle, shooting my guns, or fucking my GF.

Deflecting from the main point. Go back to r3ddit degenerate

Germans are disgusting

dont respond to pasta

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nobody said jews until you, idiot

>Deflecting from the main point.

Without addiction, there is no main point.

>how do we stop this shit?
we don't, you obviously can take advantage of this while everybody turns their brains into cheese
I mean, can you?

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Nothing beats fucking your gf.

Although she's easily accessible, porn is always a mouse click away and you can lose yourself in all the filth, degeneracy and nastiness.

No shit. The entire point of this is that porn and other quick dopamine injectors dull people's desire to go out and get those real experiences. It's not as good, but it's so much easier to get our brain's don't care.

Also a lot of people don't have easily accessible girlfriends.

Because every now and again I want to watch fat girls get smashed.

Why are you waring our flag then?

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You can become addicted to almost anything that causes massive dopamine release.

>I own an oculus, I watch porn. Niether are nearly as fun as riding my motorcycle, shooting my guns, or fucking my GF.

That's quite correct, but if the quality of the VR experience were to rise, and the quality of your gf were to fall, you might keep your guns and your motorcycle and swap out your gf for porn.

And keep in mind: some people have gfs of much lower quality than yours. Or no gf at all.

>not perusing the chad nhentai
i shiggydiggy

You can't. It's the only outlet during these lockdown times. Deal.

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Quitting addictions requires more than discipline

I love EU

Having sex with your wife is better.
You shouldn't have sex with your gf. Get married first.

The problem is that everything has led up to this moment. Liberalism, secularism, the sexual revolution, they have all led to this in a logical string of ideological development. So to stop porn addiction requires a complete inversion of our civilizations values, beliefs, and our current trend. We would have to undo all the ideological "advancements" made in a long string of developments. You can only really fix the problem through extreme measures no one is willing to take.

Nah fuck off with that faggy shit, Kikes are evil and condone evil practices. There are not "good" kikes, just kikes that are hiding their true colors.

do anything else with your time, stop being bored and you'll solve your problem. free time will make you crave for more porn, a goal and discipline to attain it is everything you need.

Fu now my dick will be limb for days

My point exactly. Having a girlfriend you can actually talk to and fuck nicely is super sweet. It's almost as if i would wife her.

Now when i think, how many wives did i lose because of porn?

>and now women are getting addicted too

true watch the first few seconds of this vid

Addiction requires a team to overcome, if you do not have people supporting you, you will never succeed

Discipline only gets you so far

true im addictied to wmaf porn

>You can become addicted to almost anything that causes massive dopamine release

This is what reveals that addiction is fake and bullshit.

When the concept of addiction was first foisted onto people, it was in the context of hard drugs. And at that time, most people had never DONE hard drugs, and were very frightened of them. So there was a certain plausibility to it when the claim was made that doing certain drugs "addicted" you to them and made it impossible for you to resist them.

But it was always bullshit. And that bullshit became clear when researchers started "discovering" that virtually ANY mildly pleasant activity was "addicting". Gambling, shopping, sex, using the internet.

>"Oh noes I can't stop I iz addicted!"

Whatever. If porn is as impossible to resist as FUCKING SHOPPING FOR CLOTHES, then it's not that scary at all.

Yeah man, i know now.

I learned that the hard route, i lost so many nice women because of my blindess.

I just hope i can wife a young woman asap. The evil is spoiling people as we type.

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I used to watch porn until it all went gay with creepy cumshots, incest crap, and tatted up skanks. Would rather wack off to 90s playboy mag.

Some real defeatist logic right there.

>stepsister stepsister stepsister stepmom stepsister stepmom stepsister stepdad stepsister stepmom mom stepsister
Where is all the demand for all these fucking stepsister/mom videos coming from

My disappointment is immense and my day is ruined.

Yeah buddy boy we're gonna have to work up the balls to raid their offices and slaughter their workers and blow up their servers before anything gets done about them. And we're gonna have to do have the manpower necessary to do it repeatedly, again and again.

Are women even using this shit except for promoting their own vagina online for some beta gibs or by being pimped by their bf for some beta gibs?

lurk moar faggot


I mean I have the excuse that I’m a 21 year old incel I mean I’m not getting pussy either way so. Women just keep friendzoneing me or reject me.

This, there are literally no good jews. It makes sense since their religion (which goes beyond spirituality) dictates that they treat all gentiles like shit

Current VR porn sucks, it's barely immersive and the content is terrible. But wait until they have volumetric VR porn where you can move around in the scene and it's still in 100% real detail. There is going to be a point where VR and reality become nearly indistinguishable and riding a motorcycle in VR will feel like riding one in real life. It's not a question of if, but when.

>how do we stop
It's too late.

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>why doesnt anyone speak out?

It's antisemetic.

My wife and I like to lay on the bed together and masturbate to porn.


Shit has to have SOME meaning. From a christianity pov, they're trying to break the "normal" family up. Marriage is only a signature anyway. Adoption is an equal thing to having biological parents. Abortion is an equal to contraception. Porn is equal to exercising.

Name the ways in which the existence of porn harms society.

As far as I am aware, anti-porn activists claim that porn might - *might*, since they can never really prove it given the limits of our bullshit so-called soft sciences - undermine the family and create unrealistic expectations in male-female relationships.

But here's the thing: if I wanted to go on a speaking tour right now to openly, directly and intentionally advocate against the family and in favor of unrealistic expectations in male-female relationships, the state wouldn't be able to do fucking shit about it. And if the state does not possess the legitimate power to prevent me from *directly* advocating for a viewpoint, how can it possess the legitimate power to prevent someone from *indirectly*, *maybe* advancing that viewpoint?

Can you imagine what it must be like to be a jewish porn company owner right now? Nobody needs to give you a damn cent, yet you still try to corrupt them. And then simps race to their screens to watch some 4/10 with a cup breasts bitch on Twitch and give those thots handfuls of cash larger than those girls' brains and chest sizes.
"That should be our money! It's another shoah!"
And most of those slags don't even need to take their clothes off. They make more sometimes with the idea of relationships, interaction and the fantasy of what they look like rather than the hideousness of what a bug eyed freak like britany venti can show.

unironically, its leafs.