Hey, I have an idea...

Hey, I have an idea, why don't you shut the fuck up and work that dealmaking magic you promised us to fix the situation instead of whining like a bitch?

What's that? You can't? You really are a bitch so all you can do is whine? Awesome.

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seethe more

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Once you understand that the Republicans utilize a strategy of outrage farming instead of actually solving problems, their behavior and statements make a lot more sense.

Gladly. Our leader is a pathetic, whining mess.

Trump's absolutely right about this. It's the Dems that are "whining," and he's calling them out on it - because the globohome Jew
Commie lamestream media won't do their job. If you don't like Trump's tweets, then make media accountable.

This is a Deep State virus, to effect a controlled demolition of the global economy, and install a digital money system. The virus was not Trump's doing. The absolute filth you are shilling for are responsible. See "Event 201." Try watching "Amazing Polly" and learn something about the people whose anuses you are licking.

You are genuinely fucking mad lol. Strap in its gonna get way worse for you

Imagine how faggoty and pathetic your whining will sound the day after Trump wins again in November. It’s making me laugh already.

Trump is peak globohomo jew.

What's that? OP's a faggot? Awesome

>Imagine how faggoty and pathetic your whining will sound the day after Trump wins again in November. It’s making me laugh already.

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So all you care about is me being pissed? You don't give a shit about your own country, you just want to see me be unhappy? What a stand-up guy you must be.

Trump always deflecting or blaming others, what's new?

Here's an idea for [you], kill yourself because fags are not human.


What happens if Trump loses?

This IS part of the dealmaking makig

>obstruct him from doing what he was elected to do
>complain that he can't do what he was elected to do
This is why non-white women and leftists shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Keep seething, faggot OP.

Small brain: the post

>instead of whining like a bitch?
>What's that? You can't? You really are a bitch so all you can do is whine? Awesome.

The irony here is... so palpable. Do delicious.

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He called out globalism yesterday

That's all liberals know how to do is bitch and whine. If they were capable of addressing the problem they wouldn't be yelling at Trump about them, they'd just do the work to solve the problem. Not needing Trump is how you beat Trump. Which is why he can't lose. Lmao

the country is fine. you're just a fucking pussy

Ooooo.. he said something! Have a little pat on the head.

>how dare he blame us for deflecting and blaming him
you're narrative is retarded

the country is a nigger shithole

cope harder faggot

it will be glorious


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Did the Krassensteins get banned from Twitter? Is this where you shitpost now?

Lol faggot OP is triggered

Yeah, it's real fine out there. Out of touch or just plain delusional. That's the only way to be a Trump fuck boi

He's right though.
Teh demonrats whined like test animals getting skinned in a Wuhan wet market when Trump shut flight off to China, calling him a racist.
Then they screeched like boiled bats saying Trump didn't act soon enough.
The left is acting so un american and near childish it hurts.