Mutant general

>When a person has a ginger beard that doesn’t match the colour of their hair, it’s because they have a mutated version of the MC1R gene.
>Just two per cent of the human population possess the ginger gene; the majority of whom reside in northern Europe

good evening once again my fellow minority mutants

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But what if I have a beard that is black with a bit of super light brown, with super light brown hair?

you can be an honorary mutant

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does it mean we're aliens

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I have a red beard. Does that mean I'm a special boy? Are there any Good Boy Points to be collected over this?

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Thanks, we mutant frens now.

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>tfw red beard with silver hair
im an abomination

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huh, didn't know this was special. Apparently my grandpa had it too so that makes sense.

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I started to grow out my beard during quarantine.
A week in I could see that it was a darker ginger.
Completely clashes with my dark blonde hair.
Guess I'm going to be a clean shaven mutant from now on in.

My friend has dark brown hair and facial hair except half of his mustache which is platinum blonde.

Literally every white person is by definition a mutant. Lactose Tolerance is a genetic mutation which accrued some where north of Africa when humans first migrated north. Hence why whites can drink milk and lactose intolerance is very strong among black populations.

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am I gonna be ok?

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It me

I have dark brown hair but my beard has blonde and red all in it. Looks nice.

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No dumb shit it arose both on the central asian steppes and east africa independently. Tens of thousands of years ago not when human migrated out of africa.

Based mutant brit-bro. Together we shall usher in a new post corona utopia of people who look like somone clicked 'randomize' on their charachter creation screen

>brown hair, red beard, blond moustache, black pubes

Am I mutant? Will this be enough to save my soul?

we are certainly the master race

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red beard, blonde hair
grandma is a redhead

>when human migrated out of africa.
Never happened.
All the early human skeletons are found in Europe and Asia.
Humanity evolved in this region then migrated into Africa to rape the other hominid species there, which is why 20-30% of African DNA comes from an unknown hominid.
It's also why they're so far behind everyone else.

my hair was originally brown but it started turning gray/white at the ripe old age of 20

Hello my fellow mutants. Is it common among us Gingerbeardians to have a random growth of blonde hair? The odd time usually in the fall and early winter I don’t shave but weirdly enough I often grow a blonde moustache replacing the gingerly one I just shaved off. It’s weird, what the fuck is going on? My hair has darkened on my head over the years but in my youth it was extremely blonde. Why are we like this besides hundreds of thousands of years of cooming?

>Brown hair, ginger facial hair
>Turns out I'm a mutant
>Crappy moustache and thin/patchy hair on my cheeks
>Can't grow out my mutant beard without looking like I've gone to prison and converted to Islam
Feels bad man.

It sounds glorious.
It doesn't clash.

Inshallah brother.
I'm guessing you keep it cut short then.

Honestly it does, and it's also a bit scraggly.
When I'm a few years older I might grow it out again to see what it looks like.

I have dark blonde hair and side burns but blonde beard and moustache with a bit of red in it.

>I'm guessing you keep it cut short then
Not with this virus btfoing all the barber shops

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Do you know what it causes you?
It makes you more sensible to pain...


Self administered buzzcuts are pretty easy desu. Really just need a spotter for finishing your neckline.

>tfw blond hair reddish beard mutant

fair enough
very based.
yes you are a mutant.

same here, but no one in my family afaik was ever a redhead/ginger.


I have red blonde brown white

Got red in my beard, I also am schizo

extremely based and blessed.

Numerals confirmed
Peace be with you.

ginger is also anagram for nigger, which is why both smell like a rusty toilet shed.

My beard looks exactly like the one in the article but hair is blonde.
Mutant chads rise up.

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What about pubes? Brown hair, red pubes