Lauren Southern ages 10 years in 1 with just one bad hair dye

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did she have a child out of wedlock? what a surprise

>Is her ass still perfect?
That was her best "asset"

She looks great in this photo, are you retarded?


prob the only white wellbeing fem out there.

so what did she fuck up so badly that caused her to run out of the spot light? Woman do not just give up popularity

She had a shot gun wedding. She's a honest woman, look at the ring.

Why do Burnette roasties dye their hair blond Yas Forums?It's so unappealing and fake be proud of your natural beauty women.

Jews are the enemy

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She looks hotter

>Woman do not just give up popularity

She is a rare angel. Infact she is the only journalist that has put her life in real danger by coming here to document the White Farm Murders.

No big butch white guy would even dare do that, but that angel did..

And for that, she is an Angel we don't deserve.

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She got pregnant.

She is so pretty. does she still have a patreon?

Was passing information to hope not hate, shilled for migrants in her borderless docu, and probably fucked a bunch of Arabs.

i know that babies brown

>she is an Angel we don't deserve.
das rite
die white man

She's trad now guys. Leave her the fuck alone


She was helping or at least complicit with people in her group giving information to leftist groups. I don’t know all of the lore, but Mark collet spoke extensively about it in many streams. She definitely did something to where she ducked out quietly and quickly. She also fucked Faith Goldy over in going to South Africa before her after Faith had the original idea to make a documentary on SA. That’s why they are no longer friends. She was a grifting whore. That’s the long and short of it. Anybody that fucks PJW is obviously deranged.

At least the kid looks white.

How long before she divorce rapes the cuck dude?

You mean she stole it from Faith Goldy in order to make a quick buck and gain exposure,took faiths security, contacts, transport.


I'll simp for her all day every day you useless fat fuck. she has bigger balls than you will ever have muhammed.

Shes a typical limited handout kike

This isolation has really focused your cucked sexual fantasies hasnt it?

She looks really good, color works well on her.

Anyone who is still trying to shit on Southern is honestly the biggest fucking loser imaginable at this point.

Yah yah yah. Shes history.
Pics of Sister please. Shes the trophy now.

did I already call you a sheeny heeb of a kike?

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>You mean she stole it from Faith Goldy

yeah never heard of any bitch called Goldy, nor can i see any of her documentaries where she puts her life in real danger.

She is a good role model for other women.

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>Why do Burnette roasties dye their hair blond Yas Forums?

because incels love to fawn over blondes and give them $$

What an unpleasant person you are OP

lauren has always had a thing for mulatto men

>did I already call you a sheeny heeb of a kike?

meanwhile, a mutt. probarbly a fat ass without a job. have done nothing for white well being. no wonder you lot are killing yourselves in big numbers.

I don't know who this thot is, judging by the child on her arms though all I know is I'm glad the jewish population has increased by 1 more.

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Why do you care about this coal burning whore.

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Oh look, she had sex and you virgins still haven't.

>with just one bad hair dye
You really think the blonde wasn't the dye this whole time?

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Because simonsen-Nigger can you fucking read?

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nobody important

This one video explains everything you need to know about the guys for and against Lauren Southern.

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Yet she is the only white advocate that has actually put her life in real danger to document real white genocide.

I don't see your boy fuentes the mexican or whatever e-celeb even leave their fucking house to do anything of the sorts.

Hi Laurens sister

That's her natural color

the dark hair is much more attractive

she is just trying to look like Loomer

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If she had balls she hadn't quit

>Because simonsen-Nigger can you fucking read?

i hope your child (if anyone is willing to fuck a gross pig like you) gets gang raped by a 100 pakis

Yas Forumss poster girl circa 2016

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thats all any of them are worth

>Lauren Southern posts right wing content on youtube
>Lauren Southern gets married and has a kid

Well at least my country still has a chance.

Lauren (((Simonsen)))

Sl*void cope

that's a strange what of saying "shit the CIA was spamming circa 2016"

>If she had balls she hadn't quit

Come on hans, the big strong german man that can do it all. come do a documentary here? ill pay for it.

put your fucking money with your mouth is.

Sounds reasonable skandi to me. The Jews copy real euro names after all

>OP fell for the TRAD THOT routine
he probably donated money too

>Well at least my country still has a chance.

a chance at being bent over by pakis you weak fucks.

thank god she is now just like countless other women raising a child instead of making movies and touring around the country moving people in the rightwards direction

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>ill pay for it.
Ok send it to the AFD HQ

jesus fuck, did finnknight or swedecuck take a trip to SA?

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not even those white weak faggots have the balls to do a documentary in south africa exposing white genocide.

A fucking woman had to do it... that says alot doesn't it

hes right her movie on south Africa was good, what are you trying to say that it wasn't?

>jesus fuck, did finnknight or swedecuck take a trip to SA?

learn to speak english you literal fucking retard.

>them digits
>on uncle Adolf’s birthday

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I see exactly the same roastie

>Lauren Southern ages 10 years
jealous cucks post evidence of being inferior and not being able to get the women they want.

Thanks for the affirmation, ladyboys.

it's true tho
also any artificial look altering is degenerate

Get necklaced, cocksleeve

Who is the husband/father?

honestly i think she looks great why the hate

>A fucking woman had to do it... that says alot doesn't it

Just like the fact that she uncovered nothing new and it was all just old information. Not my problem you simps only listen to shit when there's a funt presenting it. Now give me my money I need at least 500k

because she has a vagina and this is nu/pol/

No one knows including her

>Just like the fact that she uncovered nothing new and it was all just old information.

Ahh yes, downplay that shes the only white advocate to put her life on the line. That's very white of you desu.

>no wonder you lot are killing yourselves in big numbers.

From 1976 to 2019, 94 percent of black victims were killed by other blacks.

>no wonder niggers still live in grass huts and cant figure out how to live past 25.

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>south Africa was good
yeah, just like her last journey to get railed by "migrants" in the mediterranean was a well made thought provoking piece of journalism
if you want to see jewish gash, you can see it plenty of places and more explicitly, check my first post in this thread for an example, I cut out a gif for simps just like you

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None of it is new. Faggots like you only start paying attention when it's presented by a cunt. You are a literal simp