He Died For Us

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Happy birthday!

What a little bitch. Good riddance.

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>What a little bitch. Good riddance.

Ok macaco.

A true messiah, he gave his life for us

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Happy birthday mein fuhrer

He killed himself like a coward, and so should you.

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He lived for us

He was a Great man surrounded by Great men
If only the American military had men of such honor during that time

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He killed himself.

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I fucking hate this nigger for not just shooting kikes on sight

Autistic German who like most autists didn't know when to stop. Should have retired after the Anschluss.

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Zum Geburtstag viel Glück. mein Führer..

Stfu macaco.

Kys commie.

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And we will live for him

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We give free helicopter rides to commies 'round these parts.

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How do we reset the simulation?

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Your ideology will never be taken seriously in the contemporary world while communism will be implemented all over the west.