What now? What happens after this? As a young user the only thing like this that came in my life was in 2008 and even then i don't remember much, So what do you think happens after this? Does oil recover? I mean it probably will, but i am unsure.
Everything is fucked lmao
basically be thankful you have a gun, some banana mags, 2k rounds, and no fucks left to give
you'll survive
Tomorrow probably bounces back when Contracts expire. Still take a picture user because you will never see negative oil 35 negative bucks again
buy 5 years worth of tuna and spam and find a good hole to hide in
Its a problem that only impacts richfags so I dont care
Thia is the end.
And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the OIL and the wine.”
Things are bout to get real primitive. Luxuries like electricity and running water will be only for the few. We'll have to learn to farm and/or hunt again. 3-4 months before total collapse and all the lights go out. Print out some tutorials on how to grow vegetables and survive off the land now.
it's a good thing, fuck arabs and fuck russia
I'll close my window.
I have none of these things, just a hope and a dream and a can-do attitude!
Welp it was fun when it lasted ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Economists have usually considered the factor energy plays in the development of an economy, something strangely absent in the keynes on economic stock that makes modern economics. This particular economic priesthood has made every commodity into a 'corporate stock' value mentality, well highlighted by the statement 'Oil is Fucked'
Its not its super cheap and the cartel collapsed, well what remained of it. Sure shale stops getting investment and the reserves go untapped, but now you can make 6-7 skip the dishes deliveries for the price of what used to be 2-3, farm inputs get cheaper, litterally everything becomes cheaper. Basically a predictable economic boom, but this current priest hood calls any coorelated price decrease 'deflation', are their ideology bans the idea that things should get cheaper.
Their religious zeal towards a constant positive inflation rate (3%) isn't baseless, but a requirement of the fractional reserve lending money system that requires new loans be made to pay for interest payments, not a consideration when most the economic canon was constructed, whose participants enjoyed hard money, a gold standard.
So young user, oil consuming places will see the constant price increases probably stall for longer than oil producing places
>USA hits harder debt
>Cuts down on foreign aid
>No more money for Israel, africa, russia or third world shit holes
USA is starting to crumble like the british and roman empire
>We'll have to learn to farm and/or hunt again
>survive off the land now.
There is nowhere near enough wild game or unoccupied arable land to do this.
>dont remember much
wtf u r litrly 10 years???? old???
Well I hope so.
No bro I am a high school Freshman born in late 2004 so by the time it hit I was just 4 years old, so of course i won't remember much.
A-are you m-me...?
>No more money for Israel
America's last check will be to Israel along with its military and Nuclear stockpile.
Futures contracts for one month aren't representative of the entire commodity. Especially with the pump that's coming.
what about food you stupid mong or do you eat your guns and your "freedom"
SEELE is making their move to kick off Instrumentality.
tfw the final evangelion doesn’t come out because of the end of actual civilization
perfect end to nge
So where can I get a barrel of oil and they give me money? I order online and they send barrel plus 25 dollar for me buying it? Have any anons a link online for this?
>What happens after this?
Fucked in the head intensifies.
Until Yas Forums fixes it if still cares.
because hunting isn't a thing
urban fags seething right now
Well fuck me
>bottom of the barrel
good, let the beast exhaust itself
global rule 2, you fucking retarded faggot nigger
You could get to live to see the worst case of "peak oil." There is a theory that once half of the oil is gone that oil market will become unstable not because of technology or physical constraints but because the market does not understand how to value the remaining oil. In its essence the banker bois will overvalue the future price of oil causing a bubble and overproduction which in turn causes an economic bust which cause underproduction of oil. The cycle repeats itself over again once oil rockets back up to a high value because of the shortage.
go find a cave to hide in while you have time akmed bring your best goats and you'll be fine
>only thing like this that came in my life was in 2008
Okay cunt
If you're smart you'll buy in right now. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to exploit a situation.
Or you can be an idiot and just wail on Yas Forums that this is the end and in 5 years when everything rebounds and hits highs bitch and moan that you missed out.
you'll be str8 bro
like you
you're gonna have to kill for it one way or the other, what don't you catch about the natural order?
if I have to feed my starving family and all the animals are shot gone, and people are breaking into my home with bad intent amidst anarchy, I'll simply shoot and eat them
I tried but I don't got a bank account and my family won't let me use theirs, yeah i know that sounds fucking pathetic, but i am still young bro.