"The Art of an Oil Deal"
"The Art of an Oil Deal"
He shouldn't have fucked with the oil game, the stakes are too high and now they're crashing it to teach him a lesson.
the art of a fart
4D chess
prepare for the Emperor to make his move, if you move against the king, you better not fucking miss
Bro if you actually take this shitime espoused on Yas Forums srsly you have real issues. 95% of posters on here have jew friends irl. Bro I just hung out with a jew whose a manual laborer blue collar salt of the earth guy. They aren't all in finance or trying to scheme bro. Real nazis are stormfags. I've got a few black friends one was extra based veitnam vet. Ive got two friends that are gay as they come and theyre the funniest guys i know bro. I know some cool Mexicans (fuck central americans though for real) and I love the nips. Don't like chinks though except HKers. Russians are awesome, euros can be cool irl once they get passed the fear of small talk and talking to irl total strangers bro ... etc etc
Bro If your the kind of person I can sit down and have a beer with you're alright with me. If your in my country illegally or if your here but not even making an effort to speak my language you need to bounce bro.
You gotta realize shit on here is banter bro and if you've been here since the beginning you should know that. I've seen posters here say "I'm married to a kike so I can usually tell them apart or I'm engaged to a gook that's why I speak the language"
Separate the two everything here is taken to the extreme it's not real life for most of us.
4D chess. We sent him in to wreck everything :) enjoy your shitty rock.
No, I am saying he just can't beat the Jews and Saudis at 4D chess, they're much better than him. He is still trying to play 2D chess.
Cheap oil is good for almost everyone, except the oil producers and the oil industry.
like everyone else, you will be proved wrong in time
can you faggots gtfo of syria now?
You realize this is the price of a futures contract that expires tomorrow.
>trump will make America great again, this time you'll see!!
OPEC and negotiations mean nothing if the consumer market disappears.
This is why Keynesians are full of shit. They try and treat the economy as a beast that is not just a bunch of independent actors in the system, and they think they can control and manipulate prices and the consumer just pays. Well, they don't, if people aren't traveling and driving, they're not buying. People don't buy, oil doesn't move, oil doesn't move, people pay to get rid of it.
Who says this isnt the deal he wanted
The next set of contracts will probably end up the same way. Space is still an issue and will only get worse until things normalize.
we are in syria because it borders israel, not because it has oil(it doesnt)
>Liberals who wrecked everything for the last 35 years will fix this mess.
Oh wow this is easy.
Yes! I can't wait until the next coronavirus update presser today where Trump is told he's singularly responsible for the fall in oil prices and asked if he feels guilty about it!
Please let gas prices stay this low thru July. We spent like 300$ on gas pulling people around the lake last labor day.
Low oil prices are amazing. I don't know why everyone has their titties in a wad over this.
Because the entire world economy is dependent on it and if oil companies don’t make a profit they will stop drilling
You niggers ready!!!
Not for long. Well everyone else's economy maybe but were going to be golden.
Trying to blame Trump for a Wall Street Journal article? WSJ is a left-wing rag and Trump's enemy.
based checked and turtlepilled
Jew detected.
If oil companies are having a hard time maybe they should've managed their money better.
free oil sounds pretty great to me
I remember videos of oil muslims with a long line of lamborghinis being put in a shredder for no reason other than they could. I've seen TX oil barrons shoot full auto weapons that cost tens of thousands until they melted. They should learn to manage their money better. Maybe if they laid off the lamborghini smoothies theyd be alright.