No meme answers, why do you support him, I am trying to to understand but I really cannot...

No meme answers, why do you support him, I am trying to to understand but I really cannot. Extend an olive branch for a second and informe why he deserves unwavering support.

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because people like you don't support him and it's fucking hilarious


He likely killed texas today

intellectual laziness they just want cheap ass entertainment reality was too hard to deal with so they live in a semi unconscious state where everything around them is one big jewlywood movie where they're the star and nothing else matter

russians support him to undermine the country

dumbasses support him because they're dumbasses

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He and his tribe invested millions in psyops, astroturfing, propaganda, controlled opposition and yellow journalism, so you must do it, goy.

In store prices?

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>why do you support him
I wanted to give the left a brutally hard civics lesson that had the potential to destroy their naive and unwavering faith in the competence of government. And show them why and how the authority of the Executive branch is dangerous if provided with too much authority.

I hate politicians, and he's not a politician.

He's not using emotional manipulation tactics and fear peddling in the same way the dems are.

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Cause Joe raised a kid with the morals that made him think it was ok to leave his wife and start raw dogn his dead brothers wife.

I think BEAT was a long time coming, don't you?

The two party system is such a fucking joke and im tired of it

> I wanted a shitty leader to prove to people that annoy me that leadership is shitty
Could have just gotten better leaders instead.
> There are no better leaders!
Because you keep electing the shit ones to prove a point.
You cucks can stop living in clown world by taking shit seriously instead of justifying everything with "but I wanted to trigger people!"

>because people like you don't support him and it's fucking hilarious

Trumptards, folks.

>unironically still pushing the russia narrative

No i dont believe I will easier to load you on a train at this point

enjoy your future mutt

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JQ alt righters support a Jewish loving president lmao imagine my shock.

>Because you keep electing the shit ones to prove a point.
>You cucks can stop living in clown world by taking shit seriously instead of justifying everything with "but I wanted to trigger people!"
Perhaps the kike controlled media could do their jobs and actually report on tbe corruption of the bad candidates. If media exposed all the bad politicians we could elect good ones. Instead media is owned and covers up the worst politicians and shills for their re-election.

he's systematically ending globalism around the world while keeping america afloat through it's destruction
he's doing an amazing job

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My goal is the destruction of the US government and that is achieved via the destruction of the two party system. Republicans are cancer and so are Democrats. The difference is that Democrats are willing to fight for the bullshit they believe in and Republicans curl up and die under the slightest pressure. Trump is done a perfect job highlighting how cancer the US government is and why the Republican party deserves to be destroyed

I want Trump to do as much damage as possible and luckily the Democrats/media are doing their party attacking Trump and Republicans

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It is actually insane how quickly Yas Forums changed the moment they shut down the Russian troll farms because they aren't allowed to work from home.

plus he did what jfk tried and abe tried to do
he succeeded though

took over the fed
very huge for what's to come

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black unemployment at its lowest

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Because having him as president is hilarious. None of the people in power will save our cancer addled shithole, so I'll just vote for and appreciate someone who makes me laugh with his antics.

Because Don Exotic makes liberal heads explode. Must be doing something right. Comey gets indicted Friday. Mark your calendars.

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if you still believe the US political system is anything more than an inconsequential rat race for your entertainment you're part of the problem

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The "Russian troll" narrative has also been extremely useful to divide and conquer. When niggers like you blame disagreement on policy on "Russian trolls" it makes it easier to drive a wedge

Goddamn you are stupid

I'm very satisfied. MAGA 2020 and perhaps 2024?

Everyone I completely despise rage hates him.
Also, he's doing a pretty decent job and he's entertaining.