Pol BTFO'D by Comandante

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>Success of capitalism in Asia
This quote really didn't age well


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>Africa has failed under every system invented by man.
>Asia countries that adapted capitalism are doing great and out performing other Asian countries.
How exactly is this being btfo? Do you retards even read your own shit and think about for it for more than a second before mindlessly agreeing with your bias?

Is this bait?
Or did you not even read it before posting

>>Asia countries that adapted capitalism are doing great and out performing other Asian countries.

are you retard? The US has imposed an economic blockade on North Korea

Do you think that Chinese working class controls means of production?
If not, it's capitalist like uncle Karl says.

China is communist in name only. It’s only real link to communism is it’s authoritarian rule. It’s command and control capitalism.

absolute state of Yas Forums. Read some books about the structure of China

Your argumentation skills are astounding.
Commies never let down.

Never said North Korea, but sure can use them as an example of failures. Do sanctions mean dictators have to kill people for speaking out? Lots of countries deal with just as heavy sanctions and manage to survive and prosper. Again your bullshit argument falls flat on it's face because you're incapable of putting actual critical thought into. You take the outcome you want, and try to twist reality to make it fit, instead of just looking at, observing and understanding reality. Which is, Socialism is shit and communism is even fucking worse. Capitalism has flaws and eventually we need to come up with a better system. But the answer sure as shit isn't going to socialism or communism.

>Do sanctions mean dictators have to kill people for speaking out?

Have you ever been to North Korea? You only know what you saw on TV. And of course, socialist countries are always shown as " cruel and bad"

>But the answer sure as shit isn't going to socialism or communism.

Communism is the highest stage of development of society. And that is the only goal we should strive for

>Japan isn’t successful
Just more retarded bait.

Japan and South Korea.
China only started it's massive rise after adopting capitalist policies (albeit still with an authoritarian government).

Japan is sponsored by USA

Countries in those region are shitholes with no
development specifically because they are corrupt socialist countries
and not market friendly capitalist countries.

where is the success of communism?

>Countries in those region are shitholes with no
>development specifically because they are corrupt socialist countries
>and not market friendly capitalist countries.

>they don't want to become USA slaves


It is on you if your population is full of brainlets and they cant figure out how to prosper on their own
and let chinks and burgers take over.

Are you hohols lousy at EVERYTHING?

>Yas Forums BTFOed

China is capitalist though. Only you braindead mutts confound the capitalist economic model with the communist political model.
So sad. Gas yourself to increase Muttland's average IQ.


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Yas Forums are pro-capitalism board

Asia almost everywhere.

Gas yourself Slavkike. And don't forget to fucking jump before I send the Rusbros to fuck you in the ass for being a sodomite kike larping as Nazi.

in China there is no private ownership of land and mineral resources

In China, state-owned enterprises make 40% of GDP and 50% of tax revenue

>"Africa has failed under every system invented by man"
stfu racist faggot, African countries are not doing well because you rape products colonized and exploited their resources, and also destroyed their culture

South Africa was a growing economy thanks to the free market for a while.
Nigeria is the biggest economy in the continent thanks to opening up to capitalist trade.
Japan, South Korea, China, Singapore, etc
>Latin America
Chile was the only non complete shit hole Latin country thanks to capitalism, it started going to complete shit because spoiled middle class Starbucks-type communist's.

Hey folks look at this filthy subhuman trying to carry a conversation with me.
Fuck off subhuman hohol piece of shit, I'm not talking to inferior kikes.
HAHAHAHA! Fuck off kike! HAHAHAHA! Die in a fire kike! HAHAHAHAHA! And don't forget to jump ya filthy kike! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA!

>Yas Forums are pro-capitalism
Boy-howdy, you are one retarded knock-off Russian.

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Success compared to what dude? No clean running water, electricity, plumping, insulation, ect ect, i mean you are from a county that historically doesn't have those things and didn't invent them, you want them for your people, you need people who do have them to invest and see the benefit of investing and that comes through capitalism, anything a non-white person has from white people was sold or stolen and even if you want to claim communism for your gov or person your whole way of life was provided by capitalism and on the global system exists because of capitalism or no one would give you or sell you fucking anything, yes people are greedy and selfish, that includes these virtue signing lying opportunist power hungry comtards.


The success of capitalism in Asia: Singapore, South Korea, Japan and China.
The success of capitalism in Africa: Botswana and Mauritius.
The success of capitalism in Latin America: Chile and Uruguay.

And those are only a few examples.

To think that countries that don't allow any kind of free foreign investement and control most of their economy are capitalist only shows your lack of education. Maybe you should try checking the Index of Economic Freedom?

Cuba is a shithole and will always REMAIN A SHITHOLE.

Also, I love how a LITERAL UKRANIAN is defending communism, indoctrination and bootlicking at their finest.

Ohh, daddy Stalin, please genocide my race, please.

Etc, Chang Borislav Ahmed the III.

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>In Latin America
Literally all historically anti leftists countries (Chile, Argentina, Perú, Uruguay, arguably Paraguay) are doing better than the pro commies ones (Nicaragua, Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela, Ecuador arguably, Bolivia arguably).

You never see hundreds of thousands of migrants from Chile or Uruguay. You can see millions of Bolivians living outside of Bolivia. The same with Cubans and Venezuelans.

>Also, I love how a LITERAL UKRANIAN is defending communism, indoctrination and bootlicking at their finest.
1. There's no such thing as Ukrainian.
2. He's a kike
3. Same scum that was jumping at Maidan
Let's just enjoy them starving to death until they resort to cannibalism... AGAIN.

>Also, I love how a LITERAL UKRANIAN is defending communism, indoctrination and bootlicking at their finest.

Each nation suffered from genocide, Ukrainians suffered in the 20th century. After Stalin, Ukrainians ruled the USSR for 30 years.

That doesn't make it a free economy either.

murican education
these are the same people who protest virus shutdown in big crowds

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He proves me right and race realism is true.

It's not a free economy either, it's more like a bad mixture of systems with severe state intervention on the economy, but then again, that's what most "capitalist" countries are nowadays, only in China it's much more aggravating.