>28 year old autistic unironic kissless handheldless virgin
>unemployed, collecting neetbux, living with parents
>ugly, disabled and physically deformed
>addicted to video games, porn, legal weed, beer and junk food
>overweight and covered with acne
>only leave the house a few times a year
>cry often when recalling traumatic events like being bullied
>hopelessly depressed and looking forward to suicide
Bottom Of The Barrel Thread
There is no bottom of the barrel since oil is trading in the negatives now. It can get worse user
I've been there and tried suicide.
My advice is to just keep going, you'll die at some point anyway so why do all the things you listed matter anyway? Fuck it, just live and enjoy whatever you're doing.
Serious question; why don't you just end it?
30 year old
Had sex only with prostitutes
My looks are pretty average had some chances in School but was to autistic.
I am addicted to cigarettes and sugary drinks
Was Always very thin but gained some weight in the last three years.
I do not cry when recalling traumatic Events but scream around like a absolute Maniac but only when i am alone.
I am unemployed since 2008 and live off my parents.
Think off suicide very often too.
Workout faggot
>scream around like a absolute Maniac but only when i am alone
Do it in public.
It'll be funny.
20 years old now
got fucked in the ass by neighbour age 9-14
now completely incapable of any kind of intimacy
watch friends all get serious relationships
Will happen sooner or later. :D
what games do you play?
don't hurt yourself at any point in the next few years
things are about to become very interesting in the world OP and you don't want to miss out
we got disclosure coming soon as well as returning to gold backed currencies and go back to a time where the media and world isn't being run by corrupt individuals anymore with the common man at each other's throats
hang in there it's all gonna be great soon buddy :)
Are you a cute gurl??
Suicide is the answer
>B-but his family and loved ones
He Likely have few relatives and no social life or friends even if he did why would that matter?It's not "selfish" infact living on the behalf and convenienceof others is
>Inb4 just enjoy it bro
He isn't and one day his parents will lose their jobs they aren't bourgeois he should kill himself at this point being tormented by past bullying everyday and hearing your mother cry at her absolute failure is not something anyone should live through
He's a molested guy you absolute homo god i hate faggots
try meth
I think he should not kill himself. He should try to take it easy and not to give too much of a shit.
Get fit faggot, I’ve been getting shredded by going to my local woods and working out at noon every day for the last couple weeks now. Granted, I’ve been getting zero pussy, but so has everyone else that’s single. Man tf up and get after it.
Sorry, i have wasted too many years on this godforsaken site.
Let’s see... hmm...
Yep, just as I expected: not an argument.
i wish
just an average looking dude
speaking of barrells
>video games, porn, legal weed, beer and junk food
you have too much spare money
you could say our economy is at the bottom of the barrell
You lack discipline
I mean once you're late 20s have no job to secure yourself financially and not leech from your parents while all your classmates graduated with a doctorate yep its over i wouldn't even want to breath oxygen like a worthless "human"
50 yr old. disabled, neetbux, dirt poor. live in house in country with 30 yr old wealthy thin swedish gf of 7 years.
only had sex with 10 others before her.
lifes is rough
>kissless virgin
>live with parents
>make 35k per year
>20k in the bank
Is there hope for me or should I end it?
How do you know that the classmates of OP all have doctorates and great lifes?? Hell there are people with them ALLMIGHTY doctorates that commit suicide. Judging people by their economic usefulleness is something only a kike would do.
You have a purpose. You know what you need to do. Pic related.
money = opportunity
fuck low tier bitches climb your way up get a personality
Who gives a shit get your 2000 a month. Youre equal to everyone else now. Hard work isnt pious anymore. Its meaningless in the age of abundance.
Go away Zoomer.
It's fucked user. I believe the world is going through immense change though. And I believe Good is winning even though it might be unseen at the moment. I think you will be able to find love and live a happy life soon. I really do, don't blame yourself for any of this the world is so harsh.
Isn't that some kind of ritual of passage for every kid in Netherland?
What do you do with your money if you don’t go outside? Why not save up for some cosmetic surgery?
Only white people are allowed in this thread.
You forgot white supremacist.
1. go to the gym and make a routine of working out, this is the first step. Once you have gone there a couple of times the depression won't be so bad. And after a long time, you will start to lose some weight. Also, start taking long walks, during the night if you feel too embarrassed.
2. Stop or reduce your porn, vidya, and junk food consumption.
3. Once you become less depressed and anxious apply for some wage slave job. Seriously, just getting a routine job can do wonders for you.
4. get a productive hobby
5. Try improving your looks. Yeah, you might not have won the genetic lottery but at least you can get rid of your acne.
6. Try joining a right-wing group.
7. Try starting your own business
8. Maybe now you can get a gf.
Just don't KYS user. I know your life has been shit, but always remember "only if you have been in the deepest valley, can you ever know how magnificent it is to be on the highest mountain." -
How to make a faggot . Haha
I'm sincerely sorry bro that sounds really bad. Take control over what you can and try not to drive yourself insane over the rest. I hope things get better for you.