What are the ramifications of worthless oil prices? Will it affect industries outside of oil and gas? Will war happen? Anarchy? I need big brain answers
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I have no idea.
oil is gay
high energy activity will ramp up generally speaking
Two months or so left of civilization. Get right with God and your loved ones. Make any final preparations for what is to come.
Major economic depression and civil unrest. This is the turning point. Unironically.
Economy cannot function with $0.01 barrels of oil. The industry will shut down. When the energy industry shuts down, so will society.
>big brains
>doesnt understand that prices being this low on US oil only is cause contract over tomorrow
besides that Russia is fucked, lets hope they go full 90s and whites make a chimp out
Trump destroyed the Fed, he already has control of it by merging it with the treasury
next is getting us off the meme petro dollar and crashing the world fiat system in the process while we move to a gold backed dollar
Everyone will invest in oil because it's fucking free. Money is pumped into industry and it'll bounce back to about 40% over the next 2 days, then returning to 60-75% of the baseline within the next week.
It won't get back up to normal until the economy opens up and demand increases again, this will be used by brainlets as a reason to open up instead of staying at home like a pack of degenerate neets.
You have to be 18 and older to post here.
Okay, as a 30 year old boomer, I have discovered that people who are telling other to take your meds, schizo are actually zoomers and not most likely jews and their shills as I had previously imagined.
If zoomers are truthful and have any dignity, they can confess in this thread that they infact use those terms in threads related with occult, symbolism, 5G, and any other topics they don't like.
How I came to this conclusion is because, I am in a d*scord server, it's a server to share memes and other stupid stuffs as any other group. It is mostly filled with zoomers and is a lot active due to lockdown. And today I raised a topic of circumcision and I faced a lot of hostility by fucking retarded zoomers! They are not willing to admit that it can cause loss in sexual desires, satisfaction and it is a genital mutation.
My point here is, zoomers are the most brainwashed generation of humanity has ever seen and they have a very closed mindset.
They have been made/turned this way by jews for their own self interest because they have realized that loosening up on goyim is not an option anymore.
Zoomers are the ultimate jewish servants.
Isn't plastics made from oil? Maybe plastic stuff will become cheaper.
oh noes muh oil :(
It means the dream of a worldwide Energy Authority are crushed. Expect major kvetching from the “science” press.
Plastic is already one of the cheapest materials to work with and produce, I don't know what kind of price point you're expecting.
>this will be used by brainlets as a reason to open up instead of staying at home like a pack of degenerate neets.
What? What are you trying to say?
Finally. 2020 is the year we remove the shitskins with the traitors that imported and supported them from Europe.
I'm saying you're either a brainlet or a degenerate, neither is fundamentally a path towards societal success in this matter.
I'm hoping planting pots become even cheaper.
water wet?
By "open up" do mean people are going to open up their shops and become infected?
I still don't know what you're trying to say.
It will become increasingly cheaper for americucks to move around their BBC. So cheap that your wife will drive to him instead, the cuckold market will crash
Actually now that you mention it why the fuck are they so expensive? I saw a plastic cube with an open top and some little rubber feet on sale for £32 the other day.
Free oil for everyone is based we need to nuke China tho
Even if the storage is full, it shouldn't drop to zero in a few hours.
Such a drastic drop can only mean one thing: full nuke confirmed.
America is gonna go down because its economy is directly tied to petrol.
Fucks up shale and offshore oil companies, temporarily discourages people switching to other sources of energy, until the arabs and jews throw yet another temper tantrum and starts to rise prices again.
its just negative for this month because an overabundance of supply and not enough demand so they cant store it all.
It will be back to normal in a few months
You can be a smug twat all you want but the whole world is gonna be fucked if the oil industry shuts down.
The low effort shilling are trolls, the psychotic and extremely homosexual professional pilpul are jews, satanists, freemasons and other similar closeted homo trash.
Pedro dollar is worthless right now.
FED deals in the Dollars.
Is this hurting the FED long term? Could the FED collapse?
It will affect your local oil industry. Oil producers will go bankrupt. Oil refieries are doing kinda ok, since they only take oil and transform it into useful products.
Local oil producers going bankrupt are going to have a Cascade effect on the economy. In short term, less workers and less buying power for a lot of people. In long terms, USA will get cucked on the oil price, since there will be very little local oil producers, and OPEC will try to maximize its profits on its oil sales.
In simple terms;
They are destroying your local oil producers, so that in the long term they can sell you oil at a very high price.
Germany and Russia will have strained energy relations. Germany will be the next to leave the EU and once again radicalize their economy from within. Russia has and is starting an encroachment period where the iron curtain will rise again as the EU begins to slump. In China as supply lines are ruptured there will be mutiny upon mutiny at every facet of every level. China will be three regions: North China, Central China, and South China. Japan will be granted a pact to increase individual military spending outside of the US’s presence. Iran will go back to being a pre 2012 Iran. Saudi Arabia will take a backseat on world powers and will sell to countries like Indonesia even more. Most countries as it sits will be negatively impacted for a time. This is a Greater Depression. This time with more guns though. Any country without a full youthful bounty of people will have very bad time recovering financially. Young populations are equal to a rebound of economies. Older nations will struggle. A lot. Regionalism is coming back and globalization has failed.
americas economy is tied to the dollar being the reserve currency of the world
What about Canadia
Canada is just a muslim cottage
Does negative oil price mean that they'll pay me to assume ownership of it?
It will hurt a lot of red states that currently only have a market in the production of oil. See Texas and The Dakotas
Actually yes. But storing oil in your house is dangerous.
no, most of them are zoomers. That is what I am trying to say here. I also used to think they were shills and trolls. But now I have seen it first hand that those are shills, but those shills are brainwashed zoomers and they are doing it for free. Quite literally.