King Cuck Trudeau has confirmed that he wants gun control after yesterday's mass shooting.
Say goodbye to your guns.
Buy any guns that you need immediately.
King Cuck Trudeau has confirmed that he wants gun control after yesterday's mass shooting.
Say goodbye to your guns.
Buy any guns that you need immediately.
people still live in canada?? holy shit kek
Sorry, what are the Canadian laws about guns currently?
Every "mass shooting" is a setup to gun grab. They are all false flags.
I remember how they said he was in custody but now suddenly he's dead. Smells like a kike false flag to me.
They have the legislation written up already I'm sure
feels so surreal to have a happening in my local area. i dont think it is a false flag, judging by the rumors i have been hearing.
also the first people he shot were his ex wife and her new husband
No concealed carry and you can't use them to defend your house. We can have rifles, semi-autos, shotguns. Not sure about large capacity magazines.
Well what gun was used? they aren't saying
Only subversive kikes say shit like this because it shifts the argument from whether gun control measures are justified to whether a highly publicized event happened at all
It implicitly concedes to their premise that gun violence justifies gun bans
if you think a tragedy is all it takes for you to give up your rights then you never had any to begin with, because crime and death are certainties in this world
>You can have the guns
>You legally can't use them or carry them to defend yourself
Sounds like a recipe for disaster.
I haven't watched or read anything about this particular incident, just seen the headlines but, yeah, they're all false flags.
M2 Browning is what I'm hearing
where else can you escape US niggers?
He was driving around in a police car, wearing a police uniform.
The chutzpah in this false flag is amazing.
they need justifications for the grab which is hwy they stage these events.
Never in favor of gun control, agree with most of what you said. I just don't think these are organic happenings, maybe 1-2% of them are.
Wait you guys could own guns?
so now that it has happened to you, you know realize its not fake?
The state of this board makes me want to kill myself you're all so fucking retarded. No wanted we get laughed at
Canada is genuinely in better shape overall than America is. 75% of America is in really rough shape. Even our worst cities like Winnipeg and Toronto are way safer than even average cities in America.
>you can't use them to defend your house
what's the fucking point then?
yeah pretty much
Something like 10% of our population owns guns. We have it much better than euros and aussies.
Holy Jewish pilpul Batman
Mass shootings are 99% of the time fake. It’s a real coincidence that it’s never rich people who die. Always plebs. Every single time. The media response is planned. Every single time. The government response is planned. Every single time.
This shit is all fake. Fuck you.
That's only because you guys are whiter on average. That has little to do with laws.
you can still use them if you don't get caught.
they won't do shit suck my dick. Might as well ban the resale of RCMP cars too.
Hopefully west will have the balls to threaten separation over this shit.
Criminals have more rights than victims.
Because most of the time the criminal is a squaw or a nigger.
time for the Western Provinces to leave Canada and join America
Maybe make it illegal to be black mutt
Well, you leafs are subjects of the Crown, and bongs cant even have a steak knife. So what'd you expect?
they should have been at home, wtf canadia?
This mass shooting was allowed to happen precisely because people didn’t have the guns to protect their homes. Not even to mention that this was a rare premeditated shooting as well, to the point where dude was literally LARPing as the Police. Someone needs to use the last shreds of Canadian gun rights to eliminate Trudeau in minecraft
And this will be held high as a reason that canadians don't actually need guns...
The irony is, this government is exactly why canadians need guns.
You'd be surprised how uncommon white skin is becoming here. The further north you go the less this is true, but still.
What guns? Leafs dont have guns
Did he have it mounted to a toyota truck?
Yeah, there's a lot of the usual Yas Forums paranoia, but this wasn't a false flag.
Dude was a fucking nutjob, though.
>m2 browning
Uh i think you missheard that one buddy
As a CA user, it gets to the point where you have to decide if following laws are even worth it in the first place.
Just Googled it
Yep he may have been mistaken.
I thought gun control and not having a 2nd amendment stopped mass killings Canada? Wtf.
>leave Canada
>join America
Why the fuck would we leave one oversized eastern ruled federation just to join another when we could be fully independent and have more liberty than the current US?
Dont worry about it fuck, as long as Mohammed's or Abdullah's weren't killed nothing will happen with gun control.
Good, if you feel the need to own anything larger than a handgun, seek mental help you 40 IQ, cousin fucking hick
The government here can try you for murder a hundred times if they want.
It's not about the outcome it's about bankrupting you.
If I was in an overpopulated state run by Jews with hordes of hostile Cholos I would have a gun on me regardless of laws.
Literally the same shit they've been saying for years lol. Shooter was a non-PAL with a fudd weapon that was allowed to rampage for half a day with no police response or emergency announcement. They have no grounds to stand on for a gun grab.
Sorry M.17 Browning my mistake
Because the perpetrators are as stupid as you are. Anyone smart enough to pull off a successful shooting on high profile targets is living comfortably enough to not bother. You only get Ted Kaczynskis once every decade or so.
The media and public fawn over it because it's real drama for their worthless lives.
Crime happens everywhere, every day. There have always been lunatics and morons like this, and there always will be. I just fucking told you - if you think a dozen people dying actually does justify a gun grab, you're part of the problem. This mindset is itself cancer because if you wait long enough you'll get your justification for tyranny without any false flags.
Big shocker. The Liberal Party has always had the idea that making it harder for law abiding citizens to own weapons will somehow end violent crime.
>have no grounds to stand on for a gun grab.
They never do.
That never stops them.