>Ofcom rules on Eamonn Holmes and David Icke comments
>Germany relaxes shop closures
>Ofcom rules on Eamonn Holmes and David Icke comments
>Germany relaxes shop closures
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First for are Mozza
Why does Pube go quiet when you rightly mention he's a Jew?
Why does Pube LARP as a woman and like to talk about dicks?
Why does Pube LARP as a man of action and spend 16+ hours a day on brit/pol/?
Why does Pube project him being a virgin and incel on everyone?
Why has Pube never shown up for a fight?
Why when fronted to fight does he give a road with no houses or give a house number?
Why does anyone even bother with him any more?
Why the fuck do you reply to him?
For me the substitute teacher ended up always putting on , independence day, dumb and dumber, or boyz in the hood.
More than half of those arent even uniquely British faggot
Interesting times we are living in, i missed the days a fiver would give you like half a tank lol
did any cunt ever managed to make these breed?
I need to do something about Wessex
Economic collapse soon mate. US first to go down and Russia and China are laughing. We can say goodbye to the US being a superpower.
I predict Trump will sign an executive order restricting where American industry can source it's fuel (protip: it won't be foreign producers)
naaa it must've been a lie
I predict the US will need to liberate oil rich countries and bring about freedom from oppressive regimes..
I dissected one and found nothing in it
Why is no one writing books or essays about Deano and the lads? I'm talking about life in the deanoboxes, the terraces, the ghettos, the post-industrial wastelands. I'm talking about the male suicide epidemic, Amazon fulfillment wageslavery. I want to read about the zero contract shift workers, the obsessive NEET loners stuck in their Mum's spare room. Travelling to work on an over-crowded bus, standing about in the job centre. The clash of working class pleb culture and the privately educated upper class. I'm talking rainy walks with the dog. I need roundabouts, industrial estates, anal sex, cornershops, the exodus to London, Spice addicts, humanities graduates working in bars, the home ownership crisis, identity politics, ethnomasochism, historical revisionism, Primark, retail work, modern feminism, high rents, boomer resentment, ethnic replacement, isolation, social media, hookup culture, brand identity.
Will America go down fighting, or will it be like a break up of the union.
Yea all them shale companies gonna go bust otherwise
Another childhood lie.
come at me
People use to say your meant to put them in the freezer overnight lmao
that'd be like actually being able to build a complete working transform-a-snack
Someone once convinced me the black ones were poisonous and then threw it at me, when i caught it he said if i didnt wash my hands in ten seconds id die
i was a fucking blubbering mess
let me in I don't have virus
The oil price collapse is the actual happening, fuck the virus. It really is happening lads, and the media haven't even noticed. Nothing will ever be the same again.
My genuinely stupid RE teacher made us watch remember the titans at least 10 times. Pure indoctrination.
Too early mate, though we could be looking at states becoming independent as countries al over the world turn inward and become more protective and national
Stuff of nightmares mate.
If you want to read about it so much then why do you need to be spoon fed? You write it.
>Grim photos show the caskets, body bags and sheets that shroud the dead as New York funeral directors cope with truckloads of COVID-19 victims
The media are all over it mate. Do you not visit any news sites?
>Oil prices dip below zero as producers forced to pay to dispose of excess
Mine made us watch bend it like beckham, then we had some stuffy old school bloke who found out what was happening, so we spent the rest of term watching Zulu.
>colour-screen phones
>a couple of random ass tv shows
borderline zoomer shit going on here.
so how do i get somebody to pay me to take their worthless oil away?
Maybe he was right but its just took longer?
I can see my mates on video call, that's amazing lads! :))
half the shit in ops pick is american or common throughout western countries, why would you think it's unique to growing up "british". Jesus the empire falls deeper and deeper every generation doesnt it.
ive never seen it was it, was it about black power?
Dont think i can get my head around seeing America being knocked of its perch, i know it will come and probaly be China that does it.
But it should be the main headline, not muh PPE gownerinos, this is far more important than any local virus issues
So what does this mean for the price of petrol? Is it staying the same or is that AAAAA'ing as well?
Most of the price of petrol is tax and most of the rest is distribution costs, so you might see £1 a gallon but that's all
She was born in Britain so she is British, even though her parents are from Bangladesh and her kids are British too even though they were born in Syria.
I'd like to oil her buns if you catch my drift
When is this lockdown actually going to end, no gov bullshit or optimist and pessimist thinking.
When do we go to Hampton Court and court amazing girls there? lol
*litre, not gallon
>tfw over half of this, including anavar, applies to me
That's exactly the problem.
This is a fucking massive issue, it dwarfs the chink flu.
>number of deaths halved in two days
how? Is it finally over?
Are you our favourite Italian from Bologna?
>probaly be China that does it.
based Jahans
It is me almost always lol
I'm afraid I don't.
It is over and has been for a while, but now we enter WW3 because of the oil price. You will miss the virus.
Wonder if food and other products will come down in price as its cheaper to move around and etc
they're underreporting. still no sign of the 10,000 or so care home deaths on the official figures.
Just said everything wrong or could be seen as wrong with modern british society. I could write an essay on it but cba doing sourcing.
Look at him now, injected test is a helluva drug
India is about 15 years behind china, infrastructure wise
the first wave of the pandemic hasn't even peaked yet. we still have 10+ left to go. each one deadlier than the last.
we're all to stuck in the dopamine loop to bother writing a whole book
Who knows, I think this might be the real happening, not the shit one we have been presented with lately
Maybe BoJo doesn't like old people
Absolutely gutted the Scots didn't get their independence considering their GDP predictions were on the assumption they would A) be able to keep north sea oil, and B) the economy didn't tank.
>Brazil's President Bolsonaro coughs repeatedly during speech at anti-quarantine protest – as he calls for coronavirus measures to be scrapped this week
brazilian bat mutation with 5x the death rate soon.
Most of that image looks American. Just with different brands.
A black and a white american football team are forced to join together because of desegregation. At first they hate eachother but by the end of the film, through trials and adversity they become friends. Proper woke.
Fuck all last time demand was down they just stored the barrelled oil at sea and brought it onshore when demand picked up. Shale and oil refineries will take a hit though some will go bankrupt
The pandemic is now irrelevant, we oil price nao
Hello again lad. Have you been looking on this website?
New government guideline will be that you have to take at least one compulsory 100 mile drive per day and then refill your tank after which the garage will give you £50 for the inconvenience
I don't remember hitting negative prices last time
Yes, I have!
It is amazing, thank you.