What's the problem with it?
Reminder that tenda and his retarded band of micro dicked chinks/hapas have been spamming the board more frequently than usual due to the quarantine.
Tenda and his fellow hapas are salty because they keep getting rejected by white women and have resorted to spamming the board.
sage and report
Look at the noses, the bleach jobs, the wolf lips. Every one of those females is a kike. After taking a thousand gallons of nigger cum they might deign to bear one scrawny Tay-Sachs child for Mister Cohen.
why would he pick just all white girls, this violates the laws of economics
the "problem" is that 99% of men wouldn't be able to keep up. Most men can barely keep one woman satisfied, let alone more. Not to mention all the other non-sexual shit that today's simp ass men wouldn't be able to do with more then one gf
Not gonna provoke us...we know we are the superior race in every way ...I live in Africa the average Nigger about 170 cm ...and has a size 5 or 6 shoe with an IQ of 70 on average ....
Polygamy is the very primal human nature. But most people still prefer to monogamy, also nuclear families. In polygamy it would be more difficult to know who's the real father of each children.
It causes terrorism and political instability
Jesus christ why is it always the hottest white girls?
If you need a safespace fuck off to reddit and stop making us look like triggered little faggots.
nothing, legalizing it would allow for black men to have white harems
Destabilizes society by leaving a mass of young men without pussy.
This causes random violence and social destabilization of the community
Shalom Sodom
Just know you wouldn't ever be able to even touch any of those girls while the black kan you hate oh so much easily fucks them, nice cope though.
Leads to, unknowingly, incest
>Hasidic SWAT team
What the fuck?
polyamoury is for disgusting sociopathic fucktards who shud all not wear protection n all get aids so us normal ppl dont have to have the unfortune of falling in love with one
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>Jesus christ why is it always the hottest white girls?
>stop making us look like triggered little faggots.
Are you a retard?
polluting millenia of genes to burn coal ffs
will be cheated on and probably beaten within the year.
thankfully the freak offspring they produce will only be able to travel in nog circles and within a generation will cease to exist as a differentiable entity.
The main problem with polygamy is it allows Arabs and Sub-Saharan Africans to outbreed and overrun white countries with their ilk, and no politician in western countries would ever allow it, even with the Bangladeshi model where all in the arrangement must agree as an all-or-nothing.
>We must accept refugees. Legalize polygamy? Are you crazy?
>It's not God's ideal
>Betas built civilization
Look, if I can't even reasonably hope to find a life partner, society can go fuck itself. I'll subvert it at every turn.
He fucked the hair spectrum
Funny thing is he comes from a wealthy family, he travels from Hong Kong to the USA, he's good looking compared to a full Chink but he's still top tier bitter and resentful because he's not treated like a top tier 0.01% Aryan master race. Has to be half Jew, there's no other explanation for that level of neuroticism.
That's not bad. It's Chadification. The low quality men get left in the dust. We already have a system like that now of unofficial polygamy where a small number of men horde all the women, it's just not in marriage. With official polygamy you can at least have pro social, orderly, put together white men hording as opposed to the most aggressive and obnoxious trailer trash and welfare bums having 3-4 baby momma's each.
Creates more supreme gentlemen. Once they organize, shit goes bad.
>What's the problem with it?
The ugly person in the relationship always gets jealous in the end. Same as bisexuals where the fst angry dyke can't handle the cute one getting deep dicked.
True but polygamy is based and it's why Mormons will take over North America. Not only does it allow for ultra high birth rates, but it's eugenic and it allows you to "loot" other races women from them gradually over time. In multi-cultural system polygamy is by far the best strategy for your group to follow, especially when combined with third and fourth cousin marriages and keeping your daughters out of university or public schools.
He's not even that ugly, really. His proportions are weird, but other than that he looks mostly normal. What's with hapas like him and Eliot being so angry and autistic?
>concern troll
>pick one
Not only did this retard leaf do both, he did both in the same post
Apparently one of the wives keeps forgetting to lock the gorilla cage
You must love raising other guy's children.
>But my three wives would never cheat on me
On the contrary, polyamory leads to healthier relationships by promoting trust and open communication, which leads to less jealousy and negativity between partners.
That's only when there's polygamy and a welfare state and lax legal system and basically a system with infinite ressources handed to them for free. We can out breed them we just need a harsher system globally. Note before the 19th century Europeans out breed everyone. Things only changed when we handed them civilization and technology for free on a silver platter. Well we can pull ahead again we just need to pull our shit together. Return to religion. Go full polygamous. Stop trusting out groups and even worse glorifying them while they slander us and spit in our faces. We need to toughen up but if we do we can easily resume our role as the high race of this planet.
because they are l i t e r a l l y b u i l t
It is dysgenic. It creates a situation where 100% of women reproduce, passing on all their shitty genes. The bottom 20% are not supposed to reproduce.
why would he want to?
Trailer trash is breeding, Chads arent so denied.
A huge chunk already don't get pussy but having polygamous men is better than having single moms everywhere.
I'd rather me black harems.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Beta uprisings, unironically. Women only want the top 20% of men. Say you lock out the bottom 80% of men from having wives, because the alpha males all take them. You're interrupting the basic biological urge to have & raise children and the human need to have a family. And 80% of beta males will always be able to defeat the 20% of alphas if they rise up together. So it's a system built on a pile of twigs and will snap under its own weight.
They dont get pussy because of their face and ONLY their face.
to each their own brother
>alpha male
*Men with handsome faces
There are all sorts of plain faced confident guys who have no issue getting women
No it keeps shit men from reproducing thus it's still eugenic. It's fine if shit women still reproduce, that keeps your birth rates up. Also an important key to polygamy is that it's purely voluntary. Not class based or arranged by parents because that quickly becomes corrupt. If it's voluntary you get Chadification, that is your men quickly become more chadlike every generation and because only a minority of women will want or accept a polygamous relationship it maintains social order. Fuck we could even import foreign women disproportionately if we wanted to. Also it should be capped somewhere at 3 or 4 wives because it does get rediculous at some point and children start getting neglected. That's not good.
This, just clean yourself up and act like a respectable, honest person and you'll have no problem getting women.
This is how you end up with ISIS coming out of the middle east and shit like Boko Haram and al Shabaab in Africa.
>shit men
Mazumba in Uganda who has fucked over 400 women is a better man than you simply because he spreaded his genes further. Also you larping CHAD the simple fact handsome faces are not the genetic norm for any male race means you CHADs barely spread your DNA period.
Wrong it doesn't create inward pressure, it creates OUTWARD pressure. Your men will look to conquer other groups and take their women and because it's so obvious which characteristics are attractive to women(just look at which men actually get multiple wives) it's easier for men to "Chad-up".
>Boko Haram/ Al Shabaab
Imagine black gangbangers on steroids
Sociopathic middle eastern men who love to cause human suffering not le beta uprising
>No it keeps shit men from reproducing
Shit men don't reproduce either way. You're a retard. Monogamy is the reason whites have the only attractive women. The shitty men don't reproduce in every society, but in subhuman societies all the women reproduced, no matter how shitty they were. In white societies, only good men and good women reproduced. This puts sexual selection pressure on BOTH sexes, instead of just on men. Polygamy is literally "lets try to be like niggers".
So what he has a negresse harem? Cockroaches breed more than me too I don't give a fuck. Most of his genetic line will die off when foreign aid stops flowi g into the country anyways.
The ATF will literally shoot you if you have young or multiple woman and are white.