People not understanding the ramification of the collapse in the price of oil

>people not understanding the ramification of the collapse in the price of oil
This is bigger than the Coronavirus, and the stock market collapse put together. The entire global order is about to end.

We're living in exciting times. Everything is going to go wild. Forget everything you think you know about how the world works. We're heading straight into the unknown.

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Or, you know, more of the same with a bigger boot on our heads.

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found the pedo spammers
kys trannies

Lol the government will start killing people who revolt and nobody will care if they give us back the right to mow our lawns and get a haircut

Electric vehicles BTFO

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I wish my stimulus check and tax return would come in so I could buy a gun. Hurry up IRS, please. I literally have $45 to my name

Welcome to Yas Forums newfriend.

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pedos were the normalfag filter until this chan turned on itself

The geopolitical implications of oil going this low alone are a bigger happening than the deaths and hospitalizations from the virus. If the price doesn't stabilize soon, alot of oil infrastructure will go under and suddenly prices will spike because the supply will have been cut off. If this persists, we could see Saudi Arabia go back to being just a couple of rocks in the desert.

wait that last part sounds pretty cool?

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if the homosexual USA-dominated world order with zero competitors sounds cool to you, you have a lot of reading to do

This means joe Biden is getting elected 100%. Trump crashed the economy, caused a global pandemic AND crashed the value of oil (petrodollar is worthless) in 2 weeks.

It won't be that bad

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Even if it's negative, you still need to get paid in USD kek. Petrodollar stronk.

>alot of oil infrastructure will go under and suddenly prices will spike because the supply will have been cut off
if prices spike why not just turn the infrastructure back on? does a wizard cast a spell on it so that it can never be used again?

>zero competitors
not sure about that one
sorry you don't like the idea of the middle east losing power, how else will they send refugees to fuck your women for you?

Good. Fuck oil companies and fuck jannies.

lol was anybody here for last night?
>peopl woke up feeling like shit yesterday, saying something is about to happen, many such cases.
>something happens

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Looks like I'm going to lose my job then

china just won. they are now the super power. we're doomed. fucking arabs and russians. fucking boomers afraid of a little cough.

I got a gun (Ruger 10/22), a mace, a dagger and a polearm with my Trumpbux. Will any of those, save the raifu, realistically help in any way when societal ord collapses? I can see my dumbass charging some motherfucker with a polearm only to get riddled with holes.

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loli ≠ pedo

One requires a victim, the other is pure imagination. Besides, real children are nasty, they're bratty and they smell funny. Loli's are cute AND funny

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>Yas Forums
Change your script tranny faggot, same responses in all of your pedo threads is too obvious

Don't forget pic-related, shit's still like a roller-coaster

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Where do you think you are?

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Jews and their puppets are always more vulnerable while they are switching hosts, so it's a big opportunity to let it go wasted.

>being this delusional
you are beyond help, suicide is the only answer for you degenerate sicko

>the (((global order))) begins to collapse on Hitler's birthday

It's all too perfect

i can't find this toothpaste memeflag in the dropdown menu.

Bruh, it's just an oil contract. They have nowhere to store that shit.

bro why

you first fren

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The gun? I wanted a new one. The mace? They're neat, and smashing cinderblocks is decent exercise (I think). The dagger? It was pretty. The polearm? Because why the fuck not?

What makes you believe this is collapse for them? They have contingency plans for that and I doubt their economy is based on oil.

Instacart for like 3 days

One finger cut for every false prediction and Yas Forums is a good place.