Fight the JIDF

If you guys couldn't tell already, Yas Forums has a jew plague within it.

The infinite amount of race-mixing, divisive threads about religion and other subjects that only ensure chaos within our board are enough proof of this.

There are 4 Noble Truths to Yas Forums which you should never forget:

1- Race-Mixing is Bad
2- Jews are the enemy
3- The 14 Words
4- You can be a pagan, atheist, Christian, or whatever. But if you put that before saving the white race. You're a piece of shit.

Stop being fat you retards and get to work, our survival depends on ALL OF US.

Whenever you see a thread creating division within our ranks and promoting race-mixing, anti whiteness or anything that threatens our cause, REPLY TO THE THREAD WITH PIC RELATED

Autobots, roll out

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Other urls found in this thread:

bump. wish i could bump more.

Moshe is going to delete this thread and post nigger dicks for the next 6 hours just because you made this thread. The jannies are already receiving their orders to assist.

then copy it and help me get the message across

Post threads like this one:

Just add in a bunch of your own custom board bait that the nannies and jannies and kikes have to “refute.”

>Fight the JIDF
Reminder: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist anti-white jew agenda.
>ACT.IL shill recruitment video
>jew shill operation center
>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content
>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and Yas Forums to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign
>"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"
>"The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations"
>"JIDF Editing on Wikipedia"
>Israeli American Council shill recruitment video
>How Israel lobbies and shills manipulate the USA
>"Defamation" – Documentary about how acusations of anti-semitism are used as a JIDF tool to silence goyim who criticize anything related to jews.

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This app is used by JIDF to send shills to targeted threads/post here, on plebbit, kikebook, twatter, chink tok etc.

Attached: JIDF app.jpg (900x570, 78K)


>This app is used by JIDF to send shills to targeted threads/post here, on plebbit, kikebook, twatter, chink tok etc.
fixed link

I like bbc

What’s relevant rn is that jews are behind Qanon

Keep in your pants jamal.. go fuck one of your own ugly as fuck orgresses. We dont need no BBC for this poster

Pasta time.

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Yes, this is also true.
Q is basically the false prophet of the 2nd beast of revelations.
The Cabal is what has been controlling us until now, Trump represents the other side of the sane Jewish coin: The Alliance.
They're in a secret conflict, and we're their pawns.
Sieg Heil, fuck jews and fuck the free masons


Op is obviously a Jew trying to make anglos look bad...

Only Jews are against race mixing

callete, sudaca. tienes piel de merdia no eres blanco

Oh i agree the american jews are brainwashed..essentially ignorant.. Its the leftist capitalist jews which some do sponsor both sides. Its a chessgame of sorts between the two right now.

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Found you, schlomo

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Let's keep this one bumped.

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We need a gif image of a jew star with a moving eyeball on it with the words shill watch.

i could do it later, thanks for the idea fren

>Ignore memeflags
>Ignore anyone calling someone else a schizo
>Ignore any and all "is coffee good for you?" threads
>Ignore all demoralization threads
There, what do I win?

Sweet fren! Look forward to it lets find these jew bastards so we can throw them through kyke court. I need to find a judge pepe and then we can teach the newfags how to play /KTK/ it'll boil them.

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And they say religion isn't political

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Is that the best you've got?
Will you fight? Or will you perish like a dog?

Pic very related

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Its too blurry user.

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1) "Race" - mixing with asians is eugenic and will raise our average IQs to their level
2) Chinks are the enemy right now. We must make them pay for unleashing this deadly virus on the world.
3) Agree
4) The Church has done a much better job of keeping Europa safe than (((atheism))) did. We must work to restore the Church.

Attached: apply directly to the shillhead.png (1057x7275, 1.55M)

m8, unless you're in your 80s, you should have no problem reading that image

The wicked ways of society can be cured if we remove the jewish chokehold from our institutions.


Stop Jewish racism. Demand open borders for Israel.,,,,

Race mixing with asians is race mixing.
You're deracinating yourself, doesn't matter if you're doing "eugenics"

The church part is right tho, but still, we can't be divided now. We must ensure our survival.

>1- Race-Mixing is Bad
>2- Jews are the enemy
>3- The 14 Words
>4- You can be a pagan, atheist, Christian, or whatever. But if you put that before saving the white race. You're a piece of shit
This is exactly what hitler was trying to do.

I have a tiny moniter on this pad computer its only 8 inches. Ill save and check it later on the bigger monitor in the basement.

Also, chinks are Jewish puppets.
Target the root mate.
And show flag.


Some odd shit going on in Israel right now. Satanyahu is holding on for dear life, the Neo-Bolsheviks, are pushing to oust him. Very odd times, I can't get a handle on all the shifting, we're on the precipice on something big.

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The product of racemixing is Italy, aka the most accomplished and based nation in Europa. Where's your ethnic pride, Luca?

Jews are the enemy and Yas Forums has a 24/7 spam thread known as /ptg/ which worships Jews. That is called a conflict

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