Restart your civilization on the principles of Islam. Civilize yourselves heathens. Allowing a man's penis to enter your butthole is not a human right. It's downright disgusting.

Letting your mother and sisters roam around naked, immodest, rude, and whoring around is not women's rights. It's Satan's rights.

Islam will
>eliminate thot culture
>eliminate "women's rights"
>eliminate effeminate men
>eliminate homo culture
>eliminate Jewish schemes
>eliminate all kinds of other degeneracy

What is there not to like? I don't understand white people's hesitance at all. It's like you want to chop off your own foot with your own axe.

As the quote goes, all it takes for evil to take root is for good men to sit back and do nothing. This is your chance guys. Take action. Choose Islam. Christianity clearly failed you.

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Other urls found in this thread:

pakis are some of the most degenerate people in the uk

if they aren't dressing, speaking and acting like blacks, caring about material bullshit like clothes or nice cars and listening to shit black music THEN THEY ARE LARPING AS "PURE SINLESS" MUSLIMS WHILST PROPAGATING CONQUEST, WAR AND THE RAPE OF WHITE CHILDREN

kys you dirty fucking muslim cunt

Fuck off.


This. If you go anywhere in the mid east or where there's lots of Muslims you will always find degenerates. They spawn out of every society.

>restart civilization based on islam
>entire world becomes shithole where everyone fucks goats and their cousins
>IQ plummets
No thanks.

yes but a society with Islam at its core is a stronger society, that the Jew fears

>eliminate all kinds of other degeneracy

Yet you have whole muslim countries who are into boyfucking, goatfucking and cousinfucking.

KYS sandnigger

How about we leave white principles alone and concentrate on eradicating ZOG around the world.

The explain why historically, Jews have thrived in Islamic societies? The history of cooperation between Jews and Muslims is well documented, especially is Spain and the Balkans.

Wow. I go away for like 5 minutes and people are already seething.

That's because UK doesn't have Sharia law. Also, more "Christians" participate in degeneracy than muslims.

You know it's the truth.

And they are punished for it.

It's not compulsory to marry your cousin. You can skip that. Didn't European royalty marry their cousins?

>muh goats & cousins
don't you have something intelligent to say than strawman arguments?

What white principles?

My penis will enter your butthole Achmed.

Typical white culture fantasies


I do fantasize about sodomizing all subhuman shitskin men to humiliate them and their pedophile god. I’ll use some pork fat as lube just for you ;)

Ahmed suck my dick and MuHAMmad piss be upon him.

Attached: Pig-Mo-Roast.gif (636x505, 468.84K)

>That's because UK doesn't have Sharia law
cope. the older generation pakis cant even keep their damn fucking children from acting like niggers and those who do end up being fucking crazy radicalised nutjobs.

>Also, more "Christians" participate in degeneracy than muslims.
why are you talking about christians? stop larping about Muslims VS Christians, its irrelevant to Yas Forums because race comes first for us.

Ex Muslim here, I've made countless threads on here about Islam shills, they can all go fuck themselves like pig fucker Muhammad. Islam breeds nothing but backwardness and inbred retards.

what are you,kurd?

If race comes first to you then you should be especially interested in Islam as muslims are having 4-5 kids per family and whites have like 0-1 kids per family.

Increase your numbers through Islam.

You're a VPN shill. Go away. You probably don't know anything about Islam.

>whites need islam to boost their birthrates

No. Whites need to have more children to boost their birthrates, it's that simple. nothing to do with needing Islam.

ahmed,i know that you want women in the house so you can have more time with mahmoud.just get out of the closet and don`t brake our balls

>Muh vpn user
Nigger I have never left this shithole of a country and I'm pretty sure I know more than you about Islam meme flag retard. You're just another muzzie NPC trying to sell Islam, even though you yourself are using everything that was invented by none Muslim and live in according to none Muslim laws. Just fuck off this site, trying to sell people a barbaric religion that of one billion people who contribute shit to society.

There are some barriers between the current state of whites and birthrates. Namely:
Solved through Islam as it makes you nationalistic. Look at Turkey.
>Feminism & thot culture
Solved through Islam as women are commanded to be modest.
>Anti-natal propaganda
Banned. Muslims love children

I'm a convert and I converted because I dislike degeneracy. I could feel the connection to Allah while reading Surah Al-fatihah. I'm a Qur'an only / Quranist /Quranite muslim. All the bad things about Islam come from the hadiths like
>no dogs
>no music
>no perfume
>kill non-mulims
>rob non-muslims
>suckle guests to make them mahram
etc. The Qur'an says

Qur'an 68:4
And you (Muhammad SAW) are truly a man of outstanding character.

How can a man of high moral character do the things the hadiths mention?

Come back to true Islam bro.

>It's not compulsory to marry your cousin.
It's encouraged however and commonly practiced.
>Didn't European royalty marry their cousins?
And suffered the consequences of that inbreeding.

You REALLY want us to adopt your precious islam and westernise it? Cause you should know exactly what we're going to do with it (and it's going to be beautiful!)

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Would you still allow ethnic culture? Like still be Muslim but praise idk polish culture ?

Nigger islamokike pedophile muhammed follower.
Sausage made of pork, death, and exile to all islamokikes

As a western muslim, I am here to tell you that Allah is a gay god and all those other muslims aren't reading their scriptures right. Allah could not be such an intolerant bigoted asshole afterall, he's Allah!

>That's what you're going to get, I hope you enjoy it

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Pick one.
Polish or Muslim
Pick one white or muslim.
Pick one Eurooean or Muslim.

Islamokikery is a nigger pedokike religion that endorses nigger victimhood.

How do you perform salat if you only go by the Quran? I'm genuinely interested.


You should know this, by the fucking way.

Stupid mudslimes want everyone to be exactly the same (carbon copies of each other). Do you realize how boring that would be?

There are a few videos on youtube but they are like 30-40 mins long. I don't have the patience to watch them yet. Inshallah one day I'll learn and be a better muslim

>eliminate Jewish schemes
your joking.....right? Islam IS jewish, just like christianity.
themes of human sacrafice, check
worship of blood ritual, check
worships black cube, check
promotes denial of human nature, check

Attached: Kaaba_Masjid_Haraam_Makkah.jpg (1500x1500, 948.72K)

Jews want to be persecuted. Its part of their religion to live in ghettoes as outcasts

What would you say Yas Forums, if I told you that your ancestors had more in common with muslims than they do with most current white people?
What would you say if I told you that your ancestors would probably be more likely to join in with the muslims in conquest of your peak degeneracy, onions infested homelands?
Your people have spat on everything your ancestors have stood for, built and achieved.
Would losing white people really be such a great loss?
Food for thought faggots.

because islam and all semetic religion is created by jews and goes hand in hand with their beliefs.

So you don't perform salat? You call yourself a Muslim and try to lecture people on Yas Forums about Islam but you don't have the patience to watch a 40 minute video on one of the most vital parts of your faith? You're an absolute joke mate.