Which side are you on Yas Forums?
Which side are you on Yas Forums?
I’m the one on the balcony
Im on the side of EVROPA
fuck chinks fuck mutts
If you can't dodge it ram it.
I hope he gets run over.
What's up girl you hurtin for a squirtin?
I don't even get wtf is happening.
Shouldn't these doctors and nurses be working?
Why are "Trump supporters" wasting their time, gas, energy doing whatever this is.
It seems fishy to me. But in reality I don't even give a fuck anyways.
they should've ran him the fuck over for being in the middle of traffic.
What's going on in that picture is she trying to order a cheeseburger?
I hope you get run over.
Don't these protesters have jobs? Lazy bastards living off the Gubmet. Hope they are enjoying their socialism check while complaining about it.
didn't grin in the slightest
I'm on the side of the American who can go anywhere they please. Fuck these stupid gay faggot doctors and fuck their fake nothingburger zog virus, and fuck their lousy tik tok dance rituals.
Fucking dancing like a daft twat and stood out in the street when there's supposedly a global pandemic on/ Fucking stupid cunts. Fuck medfags.
I'm a Bong btw.
You can tell that nurse is asian, too. They're always easy liberal faggots.
The one protesting peacefully.
The left loves blocking traffic
>be memefag
>opinion that matters
Pick one
Yeah. fuck them book smart Asians with their math, reading and desire to better themselves and human civilization.
Darnell is that you? Why haven’t you seen your daughter in 3 years?
There you go faggot now you know how that feels
Run them over
>implying there are sides
Asian men are cucks. No math or iq can fix that.
>it is my right as a free american to encroach on the freedoms of other americans
the "nurses" don't even have their masks on properly
Yep. Every fucking time you see a young chinese doctor, you can guarantee it's some 2nd gen metropolitan chink immigrant with a trust fund and a liberal stick up their arse. Same in the UK too, but with libtard diversity hire niggers.
Lmao. Implying they're not robots or insects. They even speak in a chink computer flip flop language.
Japs are honorary whites though.
>implying I give a fuck what that cuck does or doesn't do in the privacy of his own cucking home.
All I care about is that Asian male nurses takes care of muricans while they are sick. Me fucking his hot asian wife cause I have a bigger dick than him is not part of this equation
>studies have shown 50% of infected people are asymptomatic
>actual number of cases is at least 50 times more than what's being reported
I'm on that woman's side. It's also funny how those "nurses" (I wouldn't be surprised if they were crisis actors) have so much time to stand in the middle of the road when Colorado has 10,000 cases, many of which I'm sure are in Denver. Not much different than them doing stupid, choreographed dances.
Could this shit be any more fake and staged establishment shit?
>doctor/ nurse blocking traffic
>doctors/ nurses don't block traffic
>that's not their job and the city definitely didn't ask them to do it
>they're not real doctors or nurses
>staged establishment fake shit
>establishment faggots grabbed some establishment porno pet to play the nurse actor
>put shades on him and have him imitating establishment no1 porno pets cops
>literally posing for high quality establishment photographers
>complete with "conservative protester" actress
It's fake.
>Japs are honorary whites though
Yeah no, kill yourself. No one needs to feed a mouth breathing cartoon loving bootlicker.
I want to take her side because fuck that faggot nurse for making a stand against people wanting to work and pay bills. But also she seems like a cunt.
We need someone to hunt down that woman's identity. Likely an actor. The video this was taken felt forced, too. She just conveniently gets out of the car at the time of filming.
The world needs a plague. Liberalism has only shown that humans are a plague on themselves, the land and each other when given absolute free reign over their life choices. Endless plenitude in the west has only degraded the lives and culture of its inhabitants.
So the screaming retard I guess, but only because she's going to end up killing herself and others who share her retarded genetics so hopefully something better can rise from the ashes of the West.
The correct nomenclature is, uh Asian American dude.
Besides with those glasses and mask on, that dude might be Japanese, who are we to say? Also related was Bane of English, German, Slav or something else? We know he wasn't italian because he was a Big Guy and most Italians are rather short.
cameras are physical things which are visible
Yeah out of all the things I've ever seen this has to be the most fake.
I mean why would nurses and/or doctors block traffic? For what purpose or reason? Second why are the people driving in full TRUMP uniform... Everything about this photo doesn't make sense.
I don't watch any actual news so I have no idea why this is happen or what it even means.
It started as a propaganda move to give the illusion that people want to go back to work, then it actually attracted the idiots who fall for propaganda. But you can't deny that $1,200 was not enough for some Americans who spend waaaay past monthly budget.
So either give them more money, ignore them, or open business back up. Regardless it's going to be fun to watch.
Oh and my VR is in the mail, trump bux came just in time!
Obviously the protestors. What kind of cuck do you have to be to cheer on the curtailment of your rights? Medical professionals have gotten a real god complex out of this, and it's embarrassing.
Who else counter-protests conservatives wearing masks and blocking traffic? ANTIFA
It turns out she's a whore just like all women.
Go figure.
Uncle Adolf made that decision, not me. How about you show your flag and then you won't look so much like some D&C faggot?
Kill yourself, shill.
There are no sides.
Most redpilled ITT
So uh... I can't get an order of fries or even steamed veggies? Were are living in a SOCIETY.....