Entitled womenz want the lockdown to last until 2022

They say “don’t let people out, lock em up forever!”

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>hey guys care about this femoid's opinions: the thread
sorry hans i just ran out of fuck to give

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she should be beaten.

Lockdown advocates get the rope

She's right though, if we end the lockdown now then there was no point to having the recession in the first place, we'd just get the deaths and a ruined economy.

Why come shitlibs don't understand hurd immunity? Literally science, evedence and facts don't matter to shitlibs anymore.

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>if we end the lockdown now then there was no point to having the recession in the first place

If we do X now then Y, which was completely pointless, will likely be pointless.

Anyone claiming that we should stay home even longer has a vested financial or political interest in people staying home

Imagine being such a weak bitch that you WANT to go to work.

Shut up, enjoy the NEET life and be thankful.

Saving millions from dying isn't pointless.

You can't tell me that thing is human

she's still cuter than our chief public health officer.

Aristocratic surname.


Countries that didn’t go into a lockdown (Vietnam, Taiwan, Korea, Hong Kong etc.) dealt best with the outbreak.

Also, despite all the doomsayers, Africa has pretty much no cases either.


2032 is more reasonable. we need to make sure we flatten the curve. hopefully bill can come up with something and save us.

Give me the deaths. We can't kill society so some unhealthy ancients should get a year more to live.

Have you read any of her articles? You don't even need to know what she looks like to know that bitch is evil.

Are you fucking kidding me

This virus just turned into left and right bullshit and now we won’t move the needle for 2 years because it’s a political process now

Lots of non-seniors will die too, which will impact the economy about as much as the lockdown already has.

>0.12 CFR

i thought girls wanted out so they can hoe out have "hot girl summer" and post bikini pics at the beach.

A few perhaps, but it won't affect us anything close to what closing down the entire society is currently doing.

I live in a city with almost 200k people. Corona came in early March. So far: 1 Dead (in elder home). 6 currently hospitalized.

Sweden was right all along. There is no reason healthy strong people should be forced to isolate.

Yeah, landwhales and bugchasers will also did. Sounds pretty good to me.

It’s because women want to stay at home, as they should

>a few non-seniors will die too


I hate journos with the white hot passion of 1000 suns!
They type their shit rags from home while adults with real concerns are left wondering how they'll keep food on the table and a roof over their heads.

dead people can only enhance the economy. Most of the dead are boomers anyway.

less strain on resources since less demand.

Fuck off, leaf cuck faggot

the lockdown was done to ensure that this scam to destroy the rights of the people and install a communist system can run its course
it is every day knowledge that viruses spread rapidly when you just stay at home, and that going out in the sun and getting exercise protects you, yet you get arrested if you go outside
it is everyday knowledge that masks help protect people, yet we were lied to and told to not bother
they have done this to give a reason as to why they need to track you and everybody you meet 24/7. they needed a reason to force another vaccine on you, created by somebody who wishes for 10 percent of the population to disappear. they needed a reason to break up all the increasing anti-left sentiment that has been brewing throughout europe, australia and america. they have done it.

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More dead people unironically will provide more benefit, not just in regards to 'muh geedeepee'.

Dead Boomers = Profit

define "lots", and compare that to the deaths of despair destroying our economy will cause

Boasties Rown the Fuck Out!
