You can not have a valid opinion on Communism without having first actually READ Marx's works. I guarantee you would be so intent on defending capitalism
You can not have a valid opinion on Communism without having first actually READ Marx's works...
Other urls found in this thread:
Will do, I'll let you know what I find out when I get back, Comrade.
He just materialized Hegel's incoherent, schizophrenic ramblings. He couldn't solve the being/becoming problem, and he spent his whole life erecting a facade to rationalize his own envy and failure. I probably know more about Marx than Marx did, and his ideas are entirely trash. There is nothing redeeming about any of it. The single thing he got right was his secularism. But even then, he was just as irrational/religious as any christcuck.
based, fuck zionists
I've never met an SWJ who read the part where marx said faggots aren't welcome in marxism.
>I guarantee you would be so intent on defending capitalism
indeed, very intent on defending it because marx was a fucking idiot.
Imagine thinking Marx's critiques of capitalism were "schizophrenic ramblings." Brainlet tier opinion
Meant "wouldn't" and you know libertarian tard
Lots of commie threads out and about right now. I’m in the red square of the political spectrum but honestly it’s fucking annoying. Why can’t you fags fuck off
Just look at this low effort response. This thread is just a low effort retard mill.
0.05 shekels have been deposited into your Shareblue account
>libertarian retard
What's wrong with being libertarian?
OK bro have you read mein kampf and other NSDAP literature addressing the JQ? Because I've read some Marx and it literally only applies to the 19th century because he was a smooth brain kike.
Also nice dog OP, very cool
libertarianism is politics for edgy 16 year olds, racist hillbillies, and literal sociopaths and other mentally ill people. No thank you
>literally only applies to the 19th century
brainlet tier response
He spent his dying days saying "ANY MINUTE NOW! I SWEAR IT'S ALL GONNA COLLAPSE SOON" and his entire basis for everything was dialectics. Absolutely inane metaphysical theory that claims contradictions are the only true reality. He was also a polylogist. He was a retarded villain and so are you, dumb fuck.
Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if you were getting paid for this either. Your shit is so low effort it reeks of money milking.
Libertarians are such a broad coalition of people with different motives and beliefs that the entire libertarian movement is doomed to obscurity. It’s admirable to want so much freedom but the type of freedom most libertarians argue for is the very cause of erosion of freedom in their respective countries. Who is importing all of these foreign workers to destroy the job market and make labour dirt cheap? It isn’t the government, user. It’s a private entity which sought the libertarian ideal of free movement to compete with companies which value their workers.
You're stepping over 100s of millions of corpses, faggot. You have no right to call anyone a sociopath. Hell, you shouldn't have any rights at all. You should be in prison for promoting this shit.
You are correct. I have read Marx works and I am indeed intent on defending capitalism.
Sounds familiar.
Good point, user.
Ironically, your response on why libertarianism is bad was just saying that it is only liked by edgy guys and mentally ill people. That in and of itself is a "brainlet tier response".
Every ideology has a body count. Your heart is in the right place but using that argument as a defense is weak. You can do much better.
this post reeks of a 16 year old's typing. Unless you can prove that Marx's critiques of capitalism are wrong, you don't have an argumeent
>muh low effort
You're obviously not a comrade, fuck off shill
Capitalism has killed much much more, and Stalinism/Maoism isn't communism, deal with it faggot :)
Then you're a brainwashed idiot beyond saving
>doesn’t list his works
>this post reeks of a 16 year old's typing. Unless you can prove that Marx's critiques of capitalism are wrong, you don't have an argumeent
>Capitalism has killed much much more, and Stalinism/Maoism isn't communism, deal with it faggot :)
>Then you're a brainwashed idiot beyond saving
In other words, "I don't have anything to say to back up my own argument besides getting angry and insulting people who don't agree".
the only one here that has to prove anything is you faggot, you're the one making claims. Back them up
You’re right, I’m not a comrade. But in terms of economics, you’d find we agree on a lot more than you think.
>But muh soviets arent real communists!
That's the only reasonable communist state that has gone somewhere with it. It failed. You lost. Get over it.
>only one here that has to prove anything is you faggot, you're the one making claims
First off. What am I claiming? I just asked a question.
Secondly, you said capitalism has killed more people. How do you back that up?
>You cannot have a valid opinion on Cannibalism unless you've eaten a human.
Okay, as a 30 year old boomer, I have discovered that people who are telling other to take your meds, schizo are actually zoomers and not most likely jews and their shills as I had previously imagined.
If zoomers are truthful and have any dignity, they can confess in this thread that they infact use those terms in threads related with occult, symbolism, 5G, and any other topics they don't like.
How I came to this conclusion is because, I am in a d*scord server, it's a server to share memes and other stupid stuffs as any other group. It is mostly filled with zoomers and is a lot active due to lockdown. And today I raised a topic of circumcision and I faced a lot of hostility by fucking retarded zoomers! They are not willing to admit that it can cause loss in sexual desires, satisfaction and it is a genital mutation.
My point here is, zoomers are the most brainwashed generation of humanity has ever seen and they have a very closed mindset.
They have been made/turned this way by jews for their own self interest because they have realized that loosening up on goyim is not an option anymore.
Zoomers are the ultimate jewish servants.
It's true. The proletariat doesn't exist anymore, except maybe China. Service workers are lumpenproles, no revolutionary potential.
All the factories are in communist China retard
>you can not have a valid opinion on shit without having first actually TASTED shit. I guaratee you would love eating shit.
Eat shit.
I hope some commie scum says this to me so I can ask them how much of their bible they've read, because every commie cunt that I've known has (((coincidentally))) been anti-Christian.
>reading the economic fanfiction of a faggot that never worked a single day in his life
phew lad sure just after i read the book about space time and AI research my plumber wrote