Do you think the gays will be allowed to have their parades this year?
Do you think the gays will be allowed to have their parades this year?
Of course pride parades are a human right goy.
I’ve never been to a pride parade before but is it really as degenerate (or worse) than pic related?
for the first time in human history, that might not be a bad idea, it's a good way to spread rona, besides all of the STDs that they cycle around
Wow. One day, someone will just snap and give them a good hook. Someone posted a web here on /pol. A gay/drag person at a bar pretending to be pregnant. Cuts open the belly and drinks the blood like a drink. Pretty disturbing, and surprising we let this happen. It was at some random bar man.
Of course they will, they're used to spreading disease
I inadvertently went to the one in Vancouver a few years ago. It’s pretty fucking gross but I didn’t see guys like in the pic. It’s basically one big Grindr meetup.
I hope so. Aids + corona is a very good combination.
I hope not. I am homosexual myself but the kind of vermin that go to these parades absolutely disgust me. There was a pride parade in my city last year, I saw videos of disgusting demonic looking drag abominations throwing condoms to kids like how halloween floats throw candy.
Pride parades should be banned desu, or conducted from the top of a very tall building with a steep slippery roof
the coronavirus menace will have subsided just in time for them to celebrate. What luck!!
Same with ramadan, looks like coronavirus has gone away just in time!
too bad for Easter, though
My city has one in June and I kinda wanna go to see how gross it is.
>inb4 “hurr ur gay”
they've already been cancelled but I hope a lot still show up because chinkflu would destroy that community with all the preexisting std's they have
God says homosexuality is an abomination
im not a degenerate I just a want a a biff buff ss german daddy to pin me down on a king sized bed and bootyclap my pink boipussy and breeding my butt with his superior germanic cum
I hope so, that way they all get the coof and die.
They’ll be able to control themselves.
Ironically it’s the MAGA fucks who can’t control their urges
HIV/AIDS spreading faggots
Absolutely. If marijuana shops and abortion clinics are open while churches are closed, I can assure you that faggot parades will be essential to the emotional well being of trans folks
They can get the coof and die too.
Let them all die. Survival of the fittest.
Corona-chan is based and homophobic
Never been a better time.
You fucking bet they will. Media will push how open state protests are awful and getting everyone sick while going to write "Why Pride is needed among these lock downs" and "brave fagots risk getting sick in name of freedom". Days later they will not put any headlines about how corona cases spiked.
>they'll be able to control themselves
You mean like with AIDs? They did a great job controlling their urges there.
KYS and your family
Let's hope so.
They will have to molest kids in the privacy of their homes this year. Sad!
back to r eddit you go.
I hope so. Those fucks are already walking biohazards so it's about time they all got infected with something that can actually kill them quickly.
why though? is it because of the degeneracy that it normally seems to bring?